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namespace Pelago;
* This class provides functions for converting CSS styles into inline style attributes in your HTML code.
* For more information, please see the README.md file.
* @author Cameron Brooks
* @author Jaime Prado
* @author Oliver Klee <github@oliverklee.de>
* @author Roman Ožana <ozana@omdesign.cz>
* @author Sander Kruger <s.kruger@invessel.com>
* @author Zoli Szabó <zoli.szabo+github@gmail.com>
class Emogrifier
* @var int
const CACHE_KEY_CSS = 0;
* @var int
* @var int
const CACHE_KEY_XPATH = 2;
* @var int
* @var int
* for calculating nth-of-type and nth-child selectors
* @var int
const INDEX = 0;
* for calculating nth-of-type and nth-child selectors
* @var int
const MULTIPLIER = 1;
* @var string
const ID_ATTRIBUTE_MATCHER = '/(\\w+)?\\#([\\w\\-]+)/';
* @var string
const CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_MATCHER = '/(\\w+|[\\*\\]])?((\\.[\\w\\-]+)+)/';
* Regular expression component matching a static pseudo class in a selector, without the preceding ":",
* for which the applicable elements can be determined (by converting the selector to an XPath expression).
* (Contains alternation without a group and is intended to be placed within a capturing, non-capturing or lookahead
* group, as appropriate for the usage context.)
* @var string
const PSEUDO_CLASS_MATCHER = '\\S+\\-(?:child|type\\()|not\\([[:ascii:]]*\\)';
* @var string
const CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
* @var string
* @var string Regular expression part to match tag names that PHP's DOMDocument implementation is not aware are
* self-closing. These are mostly HTML5 elements, but for completeness <command> (obsolete) and <keygen>
* (deprecated) are also included.
* @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=73175
const PHP_UNRECOGNIZED_VOID_TAGNAME_MATCHER = '(?:command|embed|keygen|source|track|wbr)';
* @var \DOMDocument
protected $domDocument = null;
* @var string
private $css = '';
* @var bool[]
private $excludedSelectors = [];
* @var string[]
private $unprocessableHtmlTags = ['wbr'];
* @var bool[]
private $allowedMediaTypes = ['all' => true, 'screen' => true, 'print' => true];
* @var mixed[]
private $caches = [
self::CACHE_KEY_CSS => [],
self::CACHE_KEY_XPATH => [],
* the visited nodes with the XPath paths as array keys
* @var \DOMElement[]
private $visitedNodes = [];
* the styles to apply to the nodes with the XPath paths as array keys for the outer array
* and the attribute names/values as key/value pairs for the inner array
* @var string[][]
private $styleAttributesForNodes = [];
* Determines whether the "style" attributes of tags in the the HTML passed to this class should be preserved.
* If set to false, the value of the style attributes will be discarded.
* @var bool
private $isInlineStyleAttributesParsingEnabled = true;
* Determines whether the <style> blocks in the HTML passed to this class should be parsed.
* If set to true, the <style> blocks will be removed from the HTML and their contents will be applied to the HTML
* via inline styles.
* If set to false, the <style> blocks will be left as they are in the HTML.
* @var bool
private $isStyleBlocksParsingEnabled = true;
* Determines whether elements with the `display: none` property are
* removed from the DOM.
* @var bool
private $shouldRemoveInvisibleNodes = true;
* For calculating selector precedence order.
* Keys are a regular expression part to match before a CSS name.
* Values are a multiplier factor per match to weight specificity.
* @var int[]
private $selectorPrecedenceMatchers = [
// IDs: worth 10000
'\\#' => 10000,
// classes, attributes, pseudo-classes (not pseudo-elements) except `:not`: worth 100
'(?:\\.|\\[|(?<!:):(?!not\\())' => 100,
// elements (not attribute values or `:not`), pseudo-elements: worth 1
'(?:(?<![="\':\\w\\-])|::)' => 1,
* @var string[]
private $xPathRules = [
// attribute presence
'/^\\[(\\w+|\\w+\\=[\'"]?\\w+[\'"]?)\\]/' => '*[@\\1]',
// type and attribute exact value
'/(\\w)\\[(\\w+)\\=[\'"]?([\\w\\s]+)[\'"]?\\]/' => '\\1[@\\2="\\3"]',
// type and attribute value with ~ (one word within a whitespace-separated list of words)
=> '\\1[contains(concat(" ", @\\2, " "), concat(" ", "\\3", " "))]',
// type and attribute value with | (either exact value match or prefix followed by a hyphen)
=> '\\1[@\\2="\\3" or starts-with(@\\2, concat("\\3", "-"))]',
// type and attribute value with ^ (prefix match)
'/([\\w\\*]+)\\[(\\w+)[\\s]*\\^\\=[\\s]*[\'"]?([\\w\\-_\\/]+)[\'"]?\\]/' => '\\1[starts-with(@\\2, "\\3")]',
// type and attribute value with * (substring match)
'/([\\w\\*]+)\\[(\\w+)[\\s]*\\*\\=[\\s]*[\'"]?([\\w\\-_\\s\\/:;]+)[\'"]?\\]/' => '\\1[contains(@\\2, "\\3")]',
// adjacent sibling
'/\\s*\\+\\s*/' => '/following-sibling::*[1]/self::',
// child
'/\\s*>\\s*/' => '/',
// descendant (don't match spaces within already translated XPath predicates)
'/\\s+(?![^\\[\\]]*+\\])/' => '//',
// type and :first-child
'/([^\\/]+):first-child/i' => '*[1]/self::\\1',
// type and :last-child
'/([^\\/]+):last-child/i' => '*[last()]/self::\\1',
// The following matcher will break things if it is placed before the adjacent matcher.
// So one of the matchers matches either too much or not enough.
// type and attribute value with $ (suffix match)
=> '\\1[substring(@\\2, string-length(@\\2) - string-length("\\3") + 1) = "\\3"]',
* Determines whether CSS styles that have an equivalent HTML attribute
* should be mapped and attached to those elements.
* @var bool
private $shouldMapCssToHtml = false;
* This multi-level array contains simple mappings of CSS properties to
* HTML attributes. If a mapping only applies to certain HTML nodes or
* only for certain values, the mapping is an object with a whitelist
* of nodes and values.
* @var mixed[][]
private $cssToHtmlMap = [
'background-color' => [
'attribute' => 'bgcolor',
'text-align' => [
'attribute' => 'align',
'nodes' => ['p', 'div', 'td'],
'values' => ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'],
'float' => [
'attribute' => 'align',
'nodes' => ['table', 'img'],
'values' => ['left', 'right'],
'border-spacing' => [
'attribute' => 'cellspacing',
'nodes' => ['table'],
* Emogrifier will throw Exceptions when it encounters an error instead of silently ignoring them.
* @var bool
private $debug = false;
* @param string $unprocessedHtml the HTML to process, must be UTF-8-encoded
* @param string $css the CSS to merge, must be UTF-8-encoded
public function __construct($unprocessedHtml = '', $css = '')
if ($unprocessedHtml !== '') {
* Sets the HTML to process.
* @param string $html the HTML to process, must be UTF-encoded, must not be empty
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $unprocessedHtml is anything other than a non-empty string
public function setHtml($html)
if (!\is_string($html)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The provided HTML must be a string.', 1540403913);
if ($html === '') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The provided HTML must not be empty.', 1540403910);
* Provides access to the internal DOMDocument representation of the HTML in its current state.
* @return \DOMDocument
public function getDomDocument()
return $this->domDocument;
* Sets the CSS to merge with the HTML.
* @param string $css the CSS to merge, must be UTF-8-encoded
* @return void
public function setCss($css)
$this->css = $css;
* Renders the normalized and processed HTML.
* @return string
protected function render()
$htmlWithPossibleErroneousClosingTags = $this->domDocument->saveHTML();
return $this->removeSelfClosingTagsClosingTags($htmlWithPossibleErroneousClosingTags);
* Renders the content of the BODY element of the normalized and processed HTML.
* @return string
protected function renderBodyContent()
$htmlWithPossibleErroneousClosingTags = $this->domDocument->saveHTML($this->getBodyElement());
$bodyNodeHtml = $this->removeSelfClosingTagsClosingTags($htmlWithPossibleErroneousClosingTags);
return \str_replace(['<body>', '</body>'], '', $bodyNodeHtml);
* Eliminates any invalid closing tags for void elements from the given HTML.
* @param string $html
* @return string
private function removeSelfClosingTagsClosingTags($html)
return \preg_replace('%</' . static::PHP_UNRECOGNIZED_VOID_TAGNAME_MATCHER . '>%', '', $html);
* Returns the BODY element.
* This method assumes that there always is a BODY element.
* @return \DOMElement
private function getBodyElement()
return $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
* Returns the HEAD element.
* This method assumes that there always is a HEAD element.
* @return \DOMElement
private function getHeadElement()
return $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0);
* Applies $this->css to the given HTML and returns the HTML with the CSS
* applied.
* This method places the CSS inline.
* @return string
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function emogrify()
return $this->render();
* Applies $this->css to the given HTML and returns only the HTML content
* within the <body> tag.
* This method places the CSS inline.
* @return string
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function emogrifyBodyContent()
return $this->renderBodyContent();
* Checks that some HTML has been set, and throws an exception otherwise.
* @return void
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
private function assertExistenceOfHtml()
if ($this->domDocument === null) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Please set some HTML first.', 1390393096);
* Creates a DOM document from the given HTML and stores it in $this->domDocument.
* The DOM document will always have a BODY element.
* @param string $html
* @return void
private function createUnifiedDomDocument($html)
* Creates a DOMDocument instance from the given HTML and stores it in $this->domDocument.
* @param string $html
* @return void
private function createRawDomDocument($html)
$domDocument = new \DOMDocument();
$domDocument->strictErrorChecking = false;
$domDocument->formatOutput = true;
$libXmlState = \libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
$this->domDocument = $domDocument;
* Returns the HTML with added document type, Content-Type meta tag, and self-closing slashes, if needed,
* ensuring that the HTML will be good for creating a DOM document from it.
* @param string $html
* @return string the unified HTML
private function prepareHtmlForDomConversion($html)
$htmlWithSelfClosingSlashes = $this->ensurePhpUnrecognizedSelfClosingTagsAreXml($html);
$htmlWithDocumentType = $this->ensureDocumentType($htmlWithSelfClosingSlashes);
return $this->addContentTypeMetaTag($htmlWithDocumentType);
* Applies $this->css to $this->domDocument.
* This method places the CSS inline.
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
protected function process()
$xPath = new \DOMXPath($this->domDocument);
\set_error_handler([$this, 'handleXpathQueryWarnings'], E_WARNING);
// grab any existing style blocks from the html and append them to the existing CSS
// (these blocks should be appended so as to have precedence over conflicting styles in the existing CSS)
$allCss = $this->css;
if ($this->isStyleBlocksParsingEnabled) {
$allCss .= $this->getCssFromAllStyleNodes($xPath);
$excludedNodes = $this->getNodesToExclude($xPath);
$cssRules = $this->parseCssRules($allCss);
foreach ($cssRules['inlineable'] as $cssRule) {
// There's no real way to test "PHP Warning" output generated by the following XPath query unless PHPUnit
// converts it to an exception. Unfortunately, this would only apply to tests and not work for production
// executions, which can still flood logs/output unnecessarily. Instead, Emogrifier's error handler should
// always throw an exception and it must be caught here and only rethrown if in debug mode.
try {
// \DOMXPath::query will always return a DOMNodeList or throw an exception when errors are caught.
$nodesMatchingCssSelectors = $xPath->query($this->translateCssToXpath($cssRule['selector']));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if ($this->debug) {
throw $e;
/** @var \DOMElement $node */
foreach ($nodesMatchingCssSelectors as $node) {
if (\in_array($node, $excludedNodes, true)) {
$this->copyInlineableCssToStyleAttribute($node, $cssRule);
if ($this->isInlineStyleAttributesParsingEnabled) {
$this->copyUninlineableCssToStyleNode($xPath, $cssRules['uninlineable']);
* Applies some optional post-processing to the HTML in the DOM document.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return void
private function postProcess(\DOMXPath $xPath)
if ($this->shouldMapCssToHtml) {
if ($this->shouldRemoveInvisibleNodes) {
* Searches for all nodes with a style attribute, transforms the CSS found
* to HTML attributes and adds those attributes to each node.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return void
private function mapAllInlineStylesToHtmlAttributes(\DOMXPath $xPath)
/** @var \DOMElement $node */
foreach ($this->getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute($xPath) as $node) {
$inlineStyleDeclarations = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($node->getAttribute('style'));
$this->mapCssToHtmlAttributes($inlineStyleDeclarations, $node);
* Searches for all nodes with a style attribute and removes the "!important" annotations out of
* the inline style declarations, eventually by rearranging declarations.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return void
private function removeImportantAnnotationFromAllInlineStyles(\DOMXPath $xPath)
foreach ($this->getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute($xPath) as $node) {
* Removes the "!important" annotations out of the inline style declarations,
* eventually by rearranging declarations.
* Rearranging needed when !important shorthand properties are followed by some of their
* not !important expanded-version properties.
* For example "font: 12px serif !important; font-size: 13px;" must be reordered
* to "font-size: 13px; font: 12px serif;" in order to remain correct.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @return void
private function removeImportantAnnotationFromNodeInlineStyle(\DOMElement $node)
$inlineStyleDeclarations = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($node->getAttribute('style'));
$regularStyleDeclarations = [];
$importantStyleDeclarations = [];
foreach ($inlineStyleDeclarations as $property => $value) {
if ($this->attributeValueIsImportant($value)) {
$importantStyleDeclarations[$property] = \trim(\str_replace('!important', '', $value));
} else {
$regularStyleDeclarations[$property] = $value;
$inlineStyleDeclarationsInNewOrder = \array_merge(
* Returns a list with all DOM nodes that have a style attribute.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return \DOMNodeList
private function getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute(\DOMXPath $xPath)
return $xPath->query('//*[@style]');
* Applies $styles to $node.
* This method maps CSS styles to HTML attributes and adds those to the
* node.
* @param string[] $styles the new CSS styles taken from the global styles to be applied to this node
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @return void
private function mapCssToHtmlAttributes(array $styles, \DOMElement $node)
foreach ($styles as $property => $value) {
// Strip !important indicator
$value = \trim(\str_replace('!important', '', $value));
$this->mapCssToHtmlAttribute($property, $value, $node);
* Tries to apply the CSS style to $node as an attribute.
* This method maps a CSS rule to HTML attributes and adds those to the node.
* @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @return void
private function mapCssToHtmlAttribute($property, $value, \DOMElement $node)
if (!$this->mapSimpleCssProperty($property, $value, $node)) {
$this->mapComplexCssProperty($property, $value, $node);
* Looks up the CSS property in the mapping table and maps it if it matches the conditions.
* @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @return bool true if the property can be mapped using the simple mapping table
private function mapSimpleCssProperty($property, $value, \DOMElement $node)
if (!isset($this->cssToHtmlMap[$property])) {
return false;
$mapping = $this->cssToHtmlMap[$property];
$nodesMatch = !isset($mapping['nodes']) || \in_array($node->nodeName, $mapping['nodes'], true);
$valuesMatch = !isset($mapping['values']) || \in_array($value, $mapping['values'], true);
if (!$nodesMatch || !$valuesMatch) {
return false;
$node->setAttribute($mapping['attribute'], $value);
return true;
* Maps CSS properties that need special transformation to an HTML attribute.
* @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @return void
private function mapComplexCssProperty($property, $value, \DOMElement $node)
switch ($property) {
case 'background':
$this->mapBackgroundProperty($node, $value);
case 'width':
// intentional fall-through
case 'height':
$this->mapWidthOrHeightProperty($node, $value, $property);
case 'margin':
$this->mapMarginProperty($node, $value);
case 'border':
$this->mapBorderProperty($node, $value);
* Maps the "background" CSS property to visual HTML attributes.
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @return void
private function mapBackgroundProperty(\DOMElement $node, $value)
// parse out the color, if any
$styles = \explode(' ', $value);
$first = $styles[0];
if (!\is_numeric($first[0]) && \strpos($first, 'url') !== 0) {
// as this is not a position or image, assume it's a color
$node->setAttribute('bgcolor', $first);
* Maps the "width" or "height" CSS properties to visual HTML attributes.
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map
* @return void
private function mapWidthOrHeightProperty(\DOMElement $node, $value, $property)
// only parse values in px and %, but not values like "auto"
if (\preg_match('/^\\d+(px|%)$/', $value)) {
// Remove 'px'. This regex only conserves numbers and %.
$number = \preg_replace('/[^0-9.%]/', '', $value);
$node->setAttribute($property, $number);
* Maps the "margin" CSS property to visual HTML attributes.
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @return void
private function mapMarginProperty(\DOMElement $node, $value)
if (!$this->isTableOrImageNode($node)) {
$margins = $this->parseCssShorthandValue($value);
if ($margins['left'] === 'auto' && $margins['right'] === 'auto') {
$node->setAttribute('align', 'center');
* Maps the "border" CSS property to visual HTML attributes.
* @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to
* @param string $value the value of the style rule to map
* @return void
private function mapBorderProperty(\DOMElement $node, $value)
if (!$this->isTableOrImageNode($node)) {
if ($value === 'none' || $value === '0') {
$node->setAttribute('border', '0');
* Checks whether $node is a table or img element.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @return bool
private function isTableOrImageNode(\DOMElement $node)
return $node->nodeName === 'table' || $node->nodeName === 'img';
* Parses a shorthand CSS value and splits it into individual values
* @param string $value a string of CSS value with 1, 2, 3 or 4 sizes
* For example: padding: 0 auto;
* '0 auto' is split into top: 0, left: auto, bottom: 0,
* right: auto.
* @return string[] an array of values for top, right, bottom and left (using these as associative array keys)
private function parseCssShorthandValue($value)
$values = \preg_split('/\\s+/', $value);
$css = [];
$css['top'] = $values[0];
$css['right'] = (\count($values) > 1) ? $values[1] : $css['top'];
$css['bottom'] = (\count($values) > 2) ? $values[2] : $css['top'];
$css['left'] = (\count($values) > 3) ? $values[3] : $css['right'];
return $css;
* Extracts and parses the individual rules from a CSS string.
* @param string $css a string of raw CSS code
* @return string[][][] A 2-entry array with the key "inlineable" containing rules which can be inlined as `style`
* attributes and the key "uninlineable" containing rules which cannot. Each value is an array of string
* sub-arrays with the keys
* "media" (the media query string, e.g. "@media screen and (max-width: 480px)",
* or an empty string if not from a `@media` rule),
* "selector" (the CSS selector, e.g., "*" or "header h1"),
* "hasUnmatchablePseudo" (true if that selector contains psuedo-elements or dynamic pseudo-classes
* such that the declarations cannot be applied inline),
* "declarationsBlock" (the semicolon-separated CSS declarations for that selector,
* e.g., "color: red; height: 4px;"),
* and "line" (the line number e.g. 42)
private function parseCssRules($css)
$cssKey = \md5($css);
if (!isset($this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS][$cssKey])) {
$matches = $this->getCssRuleMatches($css);
$cssRules = [
'inlineable' => [],
'uninlineable' => [],
/** @var string[][] $matches */
/** @var string[] $cssRule */
foreach ($matches as $key => $cssRule) {
$cssDeclaration = \trim($cssRule['declarations']);
if ($cssDeclaration === '') {
$selectors = \explode(',', $cssRule['selectors']);
foreach ($selectors as $selector) {
// don't process pseudo-elements and behavioral (dynamic) pseudo-classes;
// only allow structural pseudo-classes
$hasPseudoElement = \strpos($selector, '::') !== false;
$hasUnsupportedPseudoClass = (bool)\preg_match(
'/:(?!' . static::PSEUDO_CLASS_MATCHER . ')[\\w\\-]/i',
$hasUnmatchablePseudo = $hasPseudoElement || $hasUnsupportedPseudoClass;
$parsedCssRule = [
'media' => $cssRule['media'],
'selector' => \trim($selector),
'hasUnmatchablePseudo' => $hasUnmatchablePseudo,
'declarationsBlock' => $cssDeclaration,
// keep track of where it appears in the file, since order is important
'line' => $key,
$ruleType = ($cssRule['media'] === '' && !$hasUnmatchablePseudo) ? 'inlineable' : 'uninlineable';
$cssRules[$ruleType][] = $parsedCssRule;
\usort($cssRules['inlineable'], [$this, 'sortBySelectorPrecedence']);
$this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS][$cssKey] = $cssRules;
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS][$cssKey];
* Parses a string of CSS into the media query, selectors and declarations for each ruleset in order.
* @param string $css
* @return string[][] Array of string sub-arrays with the keys
* "media" (the media query string, e.g. "@media screen and (max-width: 480px)",
* or an empty string if not from an `@media` rule),
* "selectors" (the CSS selector(s), e.g., "*" or "h1, h2"),
* "declarations" (the semicolon-separated CSS declarations for that/those selector(s),
* e.g., "color: red; height: 4px;"),
private function getCssRuleMatches($css)
$ruleMatches = [];
$splitCss = $this->splitCssAndMediaQuery($css);
foreach ($splitCss as $cssPart) {
// process each part for selectors and definitions
\preg_match_all('/(?:^|[\\s^{}]*)([^{]+){([^}]*)}/mi', $cssPart['css'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
/** @var string[][] $matches */
foreach ($matches as $cssRule) {
$ruleMatches[] = [
'media' => $cssPart['media'],
'selectors' => $cssRule[1],
'declarations' => $cssRule[2],
return $ruleMatches;
* Disables the parsing of inline styles.
* @return void
public function disableInlineStyleAttributesParsing()
$this->isInlineStyleAttributesParsingEnabled = false;
* Disables the parsing of <style> blocks.
* @return void
public function disableStyleBlocksParsing()
$this->isStyleBlocksParsingEnabled = false;
* Disables the removal of elements with `display: none` properties.
* @deprecated will be removed in Emogrifier 3.0
* @return void
public function disableInvisibleNodeRemoval()
$this->shouldRemoveInvisibleNodes = false;
* Enables the attachment/override of HTML attributes for which a
* corresponding CSS property has been set.
* @deprecated will be removed in Emogrifier 3.0, use the CssToAttributeConverter instead
* @return void
public function enableCssToHtmlMapping()
$this->shouldMapCssToHtml = true;
* Clears all caches.
* @return void
private function clearAllCaches()
$this->caches = [
static::CACHE_KEY_CSS => [],
static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR => [],
static::CACHE_KEY_XPATH => [],
* Purges the visited nodes.
* @return void
private function purgeVisitedNodes()
$this->visitedNodes = [];
$this->styleAttributesForNodes = [];
* Marks a tag for removal.
* There are some HTML tags that DOMDocument cannot process, and it will throw an error if it encounters them.
* In particular, DOMDocument will complain if you try to use HTML5 tags in an XHTML document.
* Note: The tags will not be removed if they have any content.
* @param string $tagName the tag name, e.g., "p"
* @return void
public function addUnprocessableHtmlTag($tagName)
$this->unprocessableHtmlTags[] = $tagName;
* Drops a tag from the removal list.
* @param string $tagName the tag name, e.g., "p"
* @return void
public function removeUnprocessableHtmlTag($tagName)
$key = \array_search($tagName, $this->unprocessableHtmlTags, true);
if ($key !== false) {
* Marks a media query type to keep.
* @param string $mediaName the media type name, e.g., "braille"
* @return void
public function addAllowedMediaType($mediaName)
$this->allowedMediaTypes[$mediaName] = true;
* Drops a media query type from the allowed list.
* @param string $mediaName the tag name, e.g., "braille"
* @return void
public function removeAllowedMediaType($mediaName)
if (isset($this->allowedMediaTypes[$mediaName])) {
* Adds a selector to exclude nodes from emogrification.
* Any nodes that match the selector will not have their style altered.
* @param string $selector the selector to exclude, e.g., ".editor"
* @return void
public function addExcludedSelector($selector)
$this->excludedSelectors[$selector] = true;
* No longer excludes the nodes matching this selector from emogrification.
* @param string $selector the selector to no longer exclude, e.g., ".editor"
* @return void
public function removeExcludedSelector($selector)
if (isset($this->excludedSelectors[$selector])) {
* This removes styles from your email that contain display:none.
* We need to look for display:none, but we need to do a case-insensitive search. Since DOMDocument only
* supports XPath 1.0, lower-case() isn't available to us. We've thus far only set attributes to lowercase,
* not attribute values. Consequently, we need to translate() the letters that would be in 'NONE' ("NOE")
* to lowercase.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return void
private function removeInvisibleNodes(\DOMXPath $xPath)
$nodesWithStyleDisplayNone = $xPath->query(
'//*[contains(translate(translate(@style," ",""),"NOE","noe"),"display:none")]'
if ($nodesWithStyleDisplayNone->length === 0) {
// The checks on parentNode and is_callable below ensure that if we've deleted the parent node,
// we don't try to call removeChild on a nonexistent child node
/** @var \DOMNode $node */
foreach ($nodesWithStyleDisplayNone as $node) {
if ($node->parentNode && \is_callable([$node->parentNode, 'removeChild'])) {
* Parses the document and normalizes all existing CSS attributes.
* This changes 'DISPLAY: none' to 'display: none'.
* We wouldn't have to do this if DOMXPath supported XPath 2.0.
* Also stores a reference of nodes with existing inline styles so we don't overwrite them.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return void
private function normalizeStyleAttributesOfAllNodes(\DOMXPath $xPath)
/** @var \DOMElement $node */
foreach ($this->getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute($xPath) as $node) {
if ($this->isInlineStyleAttributesParsingEnabled) {
// Remove style attribute in every case, so we can add them back (if inline style attributes
// parsing is enabled) to the end of the style list, thus keeping the right priority of CSS rules;
// else original inline style rules may remain at the beginning of the final inline style definition
// of a node, which may give not the desired results
* Normalizes the value of the "style" attribute and saves it.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @return void
private function normalizeStyleAttributes(\DOMElement $node)
$normalizedOriginalStyle = \preg_replace_callback(
function (array $m) {
return \strtolower($m[0]);
// in order to not overwrite existing style attributes in the HTML, we
// have to save the original HTML styles
$nodePath = $node->getNodePath();
if (!isset($this->styleAttributesForNodes[$nodePath])) {
$this->styleAttributesForNodes[$nodePath] = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($normalizedOriginalStyle);
$this->visitedNodes[$nodePath] = $node;
$node->setAttribute('style', $normalizedOriginalStyle);
* Merges styles from styles attributes and style nodes and applies them to the attribute nodes
* @return void
private function fillStyleAttributesWithMergedStyles()
foreach ($this->styleAttributesForNodes as $nodePath => $styleAttributesForNode) {
$node = $this->visitedNodes[$nodePath];
$currentStyleAttributes = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($node->getAttribute('style'));
* This method merges old or existing name/value array with new name/value array
* and then generates a string of the combined style suitable for placing inline.
* This becomes the single point for CSS string generation allowing for consistent
* CSS output no matter where the CSS originally came from.
* @param string[] $oldStyles
* @param string[] $newStyles
* @return string
private function generateStyleStringFromDeclarationsArrays(array $oldStyles, array $newStyles)
$cacheKey = \serialize([$oldStyles, $newStyles]);
if (isset($this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_COMBINED_STYLES][$cacheKey])) {
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_COMBINED_STYLES][$cacheKey];
// Unset the overridden styles to preserve order, important if shorthand and individual properties are mixed
foreach ($oldStyles as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
if (!isset($newStyles[$attributeName])) {
$newAttributeValue = $newStyles[$attributeName];
if ($this->attributeValueIsImportant($attributeValue)
&& !$this->attributeValueIsImportant($newAttributeValue)
) {
} else {
$combinedStyles = \array_merge($oldStyles, $newStyles);
$style = '';
foreach ($combinedStyles as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
$style .= \strtolower(\trim($attributeName)) . ': ' . \trim($attributeValue) . '; ';
$trimmedStyle = \rtrim($style);
$this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_COMBINED_STYLES][$cacheKey] = $trimmedStyle;
return $trimmedStyle;
* Generates a CSS style string suitable to be used inline from the $styleDeclarations property => value array.
* @param string[] $styleDeclarations
* @return string
private function generateStyleStringFromSingleDeclarationsArray(array $styleDeclarations)
return $this->generateStyleStringFromDeclarationsArrays([], $styleDeclarations);
* Checks whether $attributeValue is marked as !important.
* @param string $attributeValue
* @return bool
private function attributeValueIsImportant($attributeValue)
return \strtolower(\substr(\trim($attributeValue), -10)) === '!important';
* Copies $cssRule into the style attribute of $node.
* Note: This method does not check whether $cssRule matches $node.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @param string[][] $cssRule
* @return void
private function copyInlineableCssToStyleAttribute(\DOMElement $node, array $cssRule)
// if it has a style attribute, get it, process it, and append (overwrite) new stuff
if ($node->hasAttribute('style')) {
// break it up into an associative array
$oldStyleDeclarations = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($node->getAttribute('style'));
} else {
$oldStyleDeclarations = [];
$newStyleDeclarations = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($cssRule['declarationsBlock']);
$this->generateStyleStringFromDeclarationsArrays($oldStyleDeclarations, $newStyleDeclarations)
* Applies $cssRules to $this->domDocument, limited to the rules that actually apply to the document.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @param string[][] $cssRules The "uninlineable" array of CSS rules returned by `parseCssRules`
* @return void
private function copyUninlineableCssToStyleNode(\DOMXPath $xPath, array $cssRules)
$cssRulesRelevantForDocument = \array_filter(
function (array $cssRule) use ($xPath) {
$selector = $cssRule['selector'];
if ($cssRule['hasUnmatchablePseudo']) {
$selector = $this->removeUnmatchablePseudoComponents($selector);
return $this->existsMatchForCssSelector($xPath, $selector);
if ($cssRulesRelevantForDocument === []) {
// avoid adding empty style element (or including unneeded class dependency)
// support use without autoload
if (!\class_exists('Pelago\\Emogrifier\\CssConcatenator')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/Emogrifier/CssConcatenator.php';
$cssConcatenator = new Emogrifier\CssConcatenator();
foreach ($cssRulesRelevantForDocument as $cssRule) {
$cssConcatenator->append([$cssRule['selector']], $cssRule['declarationsBlock'], $cssRule['media']);
* Removes pseudo-elements and dynamic pseudo-classes from a CSS selector, replacing them with "*" if necessary.
* @param string $selector
* @return string Selector which will match the relevant DOM elements if the pseudo-classes are assumed to apply,
* or in the case of pseudo-elements will match their originating element.
private function removeUnmatchablePseudoComponents($selector)
$pseudoComponentMatcher = ':(?!' . static::PSEUDO_CLASS_MATCHER . '):?+[\\w\\-]++(?:\\([^\\)]*+\\))?+';
return \preg_replace(
['/(\\s|^)' . $pseudoComponentMatcher . '/i', '/' . $pseudoComponentMatcher . '/i'],
['$1*', ''],
* Checks whether there is at least one matching element for $cssSelector.
* When not in debug mode, it returns true also for invalid selectors (because they may be valid,
* just not implemented/recognized yet by Emogrifier).
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @param string $cssSelector
* @return bool
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
private function existsMatchForCssSelector(\DOMXPath $xPath, $cssSelector)
try {
$nodesMatchingSelector = $xPath->query($this->translateCssToXpath($cssSelector));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if ($this->debug) {
throw $e;
return true;
return $nodesMatchingSelector !== false && $nodesMatchingSelector->length !== 0;
* Returns CSS content.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return string
private function getCssFromAllStyleNodes(\DOMXPath $xPath)
$styleNodes = $xPath->query('//style');
if ($styleNodes === false) {
return '';
$css = '';
/** @var \DOMNode $styleNode */
foreach ($styleNodes as $styleNode) {
$css .= "\n\n" . $styleNode->nodeValue;
return $css;
* Adds a style element with $css to $this->domDocument.
* This method is protected to allow overriding.
* @see https://github.com/MyIntervals/emogrifier/issues/103
* @param string $css
* @return void
protected function addStyleElementToDocument($css)
$styleElement = $this->domDocument->createElement('style', $css);
$styleAttribute = $this->domDocument->createAttribute('type');
$styleAttribute->value = 'text/css';
$headElement = $this->getHeadElement();
* Checks that $this->domDocument has a BODY element and adds it if it is missing.
* @return void
private function ensureExistenceOfBodyElement()
if ($this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0) !== null) {
$htmlElement = $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName('html')->item(0);
* Splits input CSS code into an array of parts for different media querues, in order.
* Each part is an array where:
* - key "css" will contain clean CSS code (for @media rules this will be the group rule body within "{...}")
* - key "media" will contain "@media " followed by the media query list, for all allowed media queries,
* or an empty string for CSS not within a media query
* Example:
* The CSS code
* "@import "file.css"; h1 { color:red; } @media { h1 {}} @media tv { h1 {}}"
* will be parsed into the following array:
* 0 => [
* "css" => "h1 { color:red; }",
* "media" => ""
* ],
* 1 => [
* "css" => " h1 {}",
* "media" => "@media "
* ]
* @param string $css
* @return string[][]
private function splitCssAndMediaQuery($css)
$cssWithoutComments = \preg_replace('/\\/\\*.*\\*\\//sU', '', $css);
$mediaTypesExpression = '';
if (!empty($this->allowedMediaTypes)) {
$mediaTypesExpression = '|' . \implode('|', \array_keys($this->allowedMediaTypes));
$mediaRuleBodyMatcher = '[^{]*+{(?:[^{}]*+{.*})?\\s*+}\\s*+';
$cssSplitForAllowedMediaTypes = \preg_split(
'#(@media\\s++(?:only\\s++)?+(?:(?=[{\\(])' . $mediaTypesExpression . ')' . $mediaRuleBodyMatcher
. ')#misU',
// filter the CSS outside/between allowed @media rules
$cssCleaningMatchers = [
'import/charset directives' => '/\\s*+@(?:import|charset)\\s[^;]++;/i',
'remaining media enclosures' => '/\\s*+@media\\s' . $mediaRuleBodyMatcher . '/isU',
$splitCss = [];
foreach ($cssSplitForAllowedMediaTypes as $index => $cssPart) {
$isMediaRule = $index % 2 !== 0;
if ($isMediaRule) {
\preg_match('/^([^{]*+){(.*)}[^}]*+$/s', $cssPart, $matches);
$splitCss[] = [
'css' => $matches[2],
'media' => $matches[1],
} else {
$cleanedCss = \trim(\preg_replace($cssCleaningMatchers, '', $cssPart));
if ($cleanedCss !== '') {
$splitCss[] = [
'css' => $cleanedCss,
'media' => '',
return $splitCss;
* Removes empty unprocessable tags from the DOM document.
* @return void
private function removeUnprocessableTags()
foreach ($this->unprocessableHtmlTags as $tagName) {
// Deleting nodes from a 'live' NodeList invalidates iteration on it, so a copy must be made to iterate.
$nodes = [];
foreach ($this->domDocument->getElementsByTagName($tagName) as $node) {
$nodes[] = $node;
/** @var \DOMNode $node */
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$hasContent = $node->hasChildNodes() || $node->hasChildNodes();
if (!$hasContent) {
* Makes sure that the passed HTML has a document type.
* @param string $html
* @return string HTML with document type
private function ensureDocumentType($html)
$hasDocumentType = \stripos($html, '<!DOCTYPE') !== false;
if ($hasDocumentType) {
return $html;
return static::DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TYPE . $html;
* Adds a Content-Type meta tag for the charset.
* This method also ensures that there is a HEAD element.
* @param string $html
* @return string the HTML with the meta tag added
private function addContentTypeMetaTag($html)
$hasContentTypeMetaTag = \stripos($html, 'Content-Type') !== false;
if ($hasContentTypeMetaTag) {
return $html;
// We are trying to insert the meta tag to the right spot in the DOM.
// If we just prepended it to the HTML, we would lose attributes set to the HTML tag.
$hasHeadTag = \stripos($html, '<head') !== false;
$hasHtmlTag = \stripos($html, '<html') !== false;
if ($hasHeadTag) {
$reworkedHtml = \preg_replace('/<head(.*?)>/i', '<head$1>' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG, $html);
} elseif ($hasHtmlTag) {
$reworkedHtml = \preg_replace(
'<html$1><head>' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG . '</head>',
} else {
$reworkedHtml = static::CONTENT_TYPE_META_TAG . $html;
return $reworkedHtml;
* Makes sure that any self-closing tags not recognized as such by PHP's DOMDocument implementation have a
* self-closing slash.
* @param string $html
* @return string HTML with problematic tags converted.
private function ensurePhpUnrecognizedSelfClosingTagsAreXml($html)
return \preg_replace(
'%<' . static::PHP_UNRECOGNIZED_VOID_TAGNAME_MATCHER . '\\b[^>]*+(?<!/)(?=>)%',
* @param string[] $a
* @param string[] $b
* @return int
private function sortBySelectorPrecedence(array $a, array $b)
$precedenceA = $this->getCssSelectorPrecedence($a['selector']);
$precedenceB = $this->getCssSelectorPrecedence($b['selector']);
// We want these sorted in ascending order so selectors with lesser precedence get processed first and
// selectors with greater precedence get sorted last.
$precedenceForEquals = ($a['line'] < $b['line'] ? -1 : 1);
$precedenceForNotEquals = ($precedenceA < $precedenceB ? -1 : 1);
return ($precedenceA === $precedenceB) ? $precedenceForEquals : $precedenceForNotEquals;
* @param string $selector
* @return int
private function getCssSelectorPrecedence($selector)
$selectorKey = \md5($selector);
if (!isset($this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$selectorKey])) {
$precedence = 0;
foreach ($this->selectorPrecedenceMatchers as $matcher => $value) {
if (\trim($selector) === '') {
$number = 0;
$selector = \preg_replace('/' . $matcher . '\\w+/', '', $selector, -1, $number);
$precedence += ($value * $number);
$this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$selectorKey] = $precedence;
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$selectorKey];
* Maps a CSS selector to an XPath query string.
* @see http://plasmasturm.org/log/444/
* @param string $cssSelector a CSS selector
* @return string the corresponding XPath selector
private function translateCssToXpath($cssSelector)
$paddedSelector = ' ' . $cssSelector . ' ';
$lowercasePaddedSelector = \preg_replace_callback(
function (array $matches) {
return \strtolower($matches[0]);
$trimmedLowercaseSelector = \trim($lowercasePaddedSelector);
$xPathKey = \md5($trimmedLowercaseSelector);
if (isset($this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_XPATH][$xPathKey])) {
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$xPathKey];
$hasNotSelector = (bool)\preg_match(
if (!$hasNotSelector) {
$xPath = '//' . $this->translateCssToXpathPass($trimmedLowercaseSelector);
} else {
/** @var string[] $matches */
list(, $partBeforeNot, $notContents) = $matches;
$xPath = '//' . $this->translateCssToXpathPass($partBeforeNot) .
'[not(' . $this->translateCssToXpathPassInline($notContents) . ')]';
$this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$xPathKey] = $xPath;
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_SELECTOR][$xPathKey];
* Flexibly translates the CSS selector $trimmedLowercaseSelector to an xPath selector.
* @param string $trimmedLowercaseSelector
* @return string
private function translateCssToXpathPass($trimmedLowercaseSelector)
return $this->translateCssToXpathPassWithMatchClassAttributesCallback(
[$this, 'matchClassAttributes']
* Flexibly translates the CSS selector $trimmedLowercaseSelector to an xPath selector for inline usage.
* @param string $trimmedLowercaseSelector
* @return string
private function translateCssToXpathPassInline($trimmedLowercaseSelector)
return $this->translateCssToXpathPassWithMatchClassAttributesCallback(
[$this, 'matchClassAttributesInline']
* Flexibly translates the CSS selector $trimmedLowercaseSelector to an xPath selector while using
* $matchClassAttributesCallback as to match the class attributes.
* @param string $trimmedLowercaseSelector
* @param callable $matchClassAttributesCallback
* @return string
private function translateCssToXpathPassWithMatchClassAttributesCallback(
callable $matchClassAttributesCallback
) {
$roughXpath = \preg_replace(\array_keys($this->xPathRules), $this->xPathRules, $trimmedLowercaseSelector);
$xPathWithIdAttributeMatchers = \preg_replace_callback(
[$this, 'matchIdAttributes'],
$xPathWithIdAttributeAndClassMatchers = \preg_replace_callback(
// Advanced selectors are going to require a bit more advanced emogrification.
$xPathWithIdAttributeAndClassMatchers = \preg_replace_callback(
[$this, 'translateNthChild'],
$finalXpath = \preg_replace_callback(
[$this, 'translateNthOfType'],
return $finalXpath;
* @param string[] $match
* @return string
private function matchIdAttributes(array $match)
return ($match[1] !== '' ? $match[1] : '*') . '[@id="' . $match[2] . '"]';
* @param string[] $match
* @return string xPath class attribute query wrapped in element selector
private function matchClassAttributes(array $match)
return ($match[1] !== '' ? $match[1] : '*') . '[' . $this->matchClassAttributesInline($match) . ']';
* @param string[] $match
* @return string xPath class attribute query
private function matchClassAttributesInline(array $match)
return 'contains(concat(" ",@class," "),concat(" ","' .
'"," "))][contains(concat(" ",@class," "),concat(" ","',
\explode('.', \substr($match[2], 1))
) . '"," "))';
* @param string[] $match
* @return string
private function translateNthChild(array $match)
$parseResult = $this->parseNth($match);
if (isset($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER])) {
if ($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER] < 0) {
$parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER] = \abs($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER]);
$xPathExpression = \sprintf(
'*[(last() - position()) mod %1%u = %2$u]/self::%3$s',
} else {
$xPathExpression = \sprintf(
'*[position() mod %1$u = %2$u]/self::%3$s',
} else {
$xPathExpression = \sprintf('*[%1$u]/self::%2$s', $parseResult[static::INDEX], $match[1]);
return $xPathExpression;
* @param string[] $match
* @return string
private function translateNthOfType(array $match)
$parseResult = $this->parseNth($match);
if (isset($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER])) {
if ($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER] < 0) {
$parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER] = \abs($parseResult[static::MULTIPLIER]);
$xPathExpression = \sprintf(
'%1$s[(last() - position()) mod %2$u = %3$u]',
} else {
$xPathExpression = \sprintf(
'%1$s[position() mod %2$u = %3$u]',
} else {
$xPathExpression = \sprintf('%1$s[%2$u]', $match[1], $parseResult[static::INDEX]);
return $xPathExpression;
* @param string[] $match
* @return int[]
private function parseNth(array $match)
if (\in_array(\strtolower($match[2]), ['even', 'odd'], true)) {
// we have "even" or "odd"
$index = \strtolower($match[2]) === 'even' ? 0 : 1;
return [static::MULTIPLIER => 2, static::INDEX => $index];
if (\stripos($match[2], 'n') === false) {
// if there is a multiplier
$index = (int)\str_replace(' ', '', $match[2]);
return [static::INDEX => $index];
if (isset($match[3])) {
$multipleTerm = \str_replace($match[3], '', $match[2]);
$index = (int)\str_replace(' ', '', $match[3]);
} else {
$multipleTerm = $match[2];
$index = 0;
$multiplier = \str_ireplace('n', '', $multipleTerm);
if ($multiplier === '') {
$multiplier = 1;
} elseif ($multiplier === '0') {
return [static::INDEX => $index];
} else {
$multiplier = (int)$multiplier;
while ($index < 0) {
$index += \abs($multiplier);
return [static::MULTIPLIER => $multiplier, static::INDEX => $index];
* Parses a CSS declaration block into property name/value pairs.
* Example:
* The declaration block
* "color: #000; font-weight: bold;"
* will be parsed into the following array:
* "color" => "#000"
* "font-weight" => "bold"
* @param string $cssDeclarationsBlock the CSS declarations block without the curly braces, may be empty
* @return string[]
* the CSS declarations with the property names as array keys and the property values as array values
private function parseCssDeclarationsBlock($cssDeclarationsBlock)
if (isset($this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS_DECLARATIONS_BLOCK][$cssDeclarationsBlock])) {
return $this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS_DECLARATIONS_BLOCK][$cssDeclarationsBlock];
$properties = [];
$declarations = \preg_split('/;(?!base64|charset)/', $cssDeclarationsBlock);
foreach ($declarations as $declaration) {
$matches = [];
if (!\preg_match('/^([A-Za-z\\-]+)\\s*:\\s*(.+)$/s', \trim($declaration), $matches)) {
$propertyName = \strtolower($matches[1]);
$propertyValue = $matches[2];
$properties[$propertyName] = $propertyValue;
$this->caches[static::CACHE_KEY_CSS_DECLARATIONS_BLOCK][$cssDeclarationsBlock] = $properties;
return $properties;
* Find the nodes that are not to be emogrified.
* @param \DOMXPath $xPath
* @return \DOMElement[]
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
private function getNodesToExclude(\DOMXPath $xPath)
$excludedNodes = [];
foreach (\array_keys($this->excludedSelectors) as $selectorToExclude) {
try {
$matchingNodes = $xPath->query($this->translateCssToXpath($selectorToExclude));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if ($this->debug) {
throw $e;
foreach ($matchingNodes as $node) {
$excludedNodes[] = $node;
return $excludedNodes;
* Handles invalid xPath expression warnings, generated during the process() method,
* during querying \DOMDocument and trigger an \InvalidArgumentException with an invalid selector
* or \RuntimeException, depending on the source of the warning.
* @param int $type
* @param string $message
* @param string $file
* @param int $line
* @param array $context
* @return bool always false
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \RuntimeException
public function handleXpathQueryWarnings(// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter
array $context
) {
$selector = '';
if (isset($context['cssRule']['selector'])) {
// warnings generated by invalid/unrecognized selectors in method process()
$selector = $context['cssRule']['selector'];
} elseif (isset($context['selectorToExclude'])) {
// warnings generated by invalid/unrecognized selectors in method getNodesToExclude()
$selector = $context['selectorToExclude'];
} elseif (isset($context['cssSelector'])) {
// warnings generated by invalid/unrecognized selectors in method existsMatchForCssSelector()
$selector = $context['cssSelector'];
if ($selector !== '') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
\sprintf('%1$s in selector >> %2$s << in %3$s on line %4$u', $message, $selector, $file, $line),
// Catches eventual warnings generated by method getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute()
if (isset($context['xPath'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
\sprintf('%1$s in %2$s on line %3$u', $message, $file, $line),
// the normal error handling continues when handler return false
return false;
* Sets the debug mode.
* @param bool $debug set to true to enable debug mode
* @return void
public function setDebug($debug)
$this->debug = $debug;