
443 lines
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/* global wc_cart_params */
jQuery( function( $ ) {
// wc_cart_params is required to continue, ensure the object exists
if ( typeof wc_cart_params === 'undefined' ) {
return false;
// Utility functions for the file.
* Gets a url for a given AJAX endpoint.
* @param {String} endpoint The AJAX Endpoint
* @return {String} The URL to use for the request
var get_url = function( endpoint ) {
return wc_cart_params.wc_ajax_url.toString().replace(
* Check if a node is blocked for processing.
* @param {JQuery Object} $node
* @return {bool} True if the DOM Element is UI Blocked, false if not.
var is_blocked = function( $node ) {
return $node.is( '.processing' );
* Block a node visually for processing.
* @param {JQuery Object} $node
var block = function( $node ) {
$node.addClass( 'processing' ).block( {
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
background: '#fff',
opacity: 0.6
} );
* Unblock a node after processing is complete.
* @param {JQuery Object} $node
var unblock = function( $node ) {
$node.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock();
* Update the .woocommerce div with a string of html.
* @param {String} html_str The HTML string with which to replace the div.
var update_wc_div = function( html_str ) {
var $html = $.parseHTML( html_str );
var $new_form = $( 'table.shop_table.cart', $html ).closest( 'form' );
// Error message collection
var $error = $( '.woocommerce-error', $html );
var $message = $( '.woocommerce-message', $html );
// Remove errors
$( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove();
if ( $new_form.length === 0 ) {
// No items to display now! Replace all cart content.
var $cart_html = $( '.cart-empty', $html ).closest( '.woocommerce' );
$( 'table.shop_table.cart' ).closest( '.woocommerce' ).replaceWith( $cart_html );
if ( $error.length > 0 ) {
show_notice( $error, $( '.cart-empty' ).closest( '.woocommerce' ) );
} else if ( $message.length > 0 ) {
show_notice( $message, $( '.cart-empty' ).closest( '.woocommerce' ) );
} else {
$( 'table.shop_table.cart' ).closest( 'form' ).replaceWith( $new_form );
$( 'table.shop_table.cart' ).closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[name="update_cart"]' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
if ( $error.length > 0 ) {
show_notice( $error );
} else if ( $message.length > 0 ) {
show_notice( $message );
* Clear previous notices and shows new one above form.
* @param {Object} The Notice HTML Element in string or object form.
var show_notice = function( html_element, $target ) {
if ( ! $target ) {
$target = $( 'table.shop_table.cart' ).closest( 'form' );
$( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message' ).remove();
$target.before( html_element );
* Object to handle AJAX calls for cart shipping changes.
var cart_shipping = {
* Initialize event handlers and UI state.
init: function( cart ) {
this.cart = cart;
this.toggle_shipping = this.toggle_shipping.bind( this );
this.shipping_method_selected = this.shipping_method_selected.bind( this );
this.shipping_calculator_submit = this.shipping_calculator_submit.bind( this );
$( document ).on(
$( document ).on(
'select.shipping_method, input[name^=shipping_method]',
$( document ).on(
$( '.shipping-calculator-form' ).hide();
* Toggle Shipping Calculator panel
toggle_shipping: function() {
$( '.shipping-calculator-form' ).slideToggle( 'slow' );
return false;
* Handles when a shipping method is selected.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event.
shipping_method_selected: function( evt ) {
var target = evt.target;
var shipping_methods = [];
$( 'select.shipping_method, input[name^=shipping_method][type=radio]:checked, input[name^=shipping_method][type=hidden]' ).each( function() {
shipping_methods[ $( target ).data( 'index' ) ] = $( target ).val();
} );
block( $( 'div.cart_totals' ) );
var data = {
security: wc_cart_params.update_shipping_method_nonce,
shipping_method: shipping_methods
$.post( get_url( 'update_shipping_method' ), data, function( response ) {
$( 'div.cart_totals' ).replaceWith( response );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_shipping_method' );
} );
* Handles a shipping calculator form submit.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event.
shipping_calculator_submit: function( evt ) {
var cart = this.cart;
var $form = $( evt.target );
block( $form );
// Provide the submit button value because wc-form-handler expects it.
$( '<input />' ).attr( 'type', 'hidden' )
.attr( 'name', 'calc_shipping' )
.attr( 'value', 'x' )
.appendTo( $form );
// Make call to actual form post URL.
$.ajax( {
type: $form.attr( 'method' ),
url: $form.attr( 'action' ),
data: $form.serialize(),
dataType: 'html',
success: function( response ) {
update_wc_div(response );
complete: function() {
unblock( $form );
} );
* Object to handle cart UI.
var cart = {
* Initialize cart UI events.
init: function() {
this.update_cart_totals = this.update_cart_totals.bind( this );
this.cart_submit = this.cart_submit.bind( this );
this.submit_click = this.submit_click.bind( this );
this.apply_coupon = this.apply_coupon.bind( this );
this.remove_coupon_clicked = this.remove_coupon_clicked.bind( this );
this.quantity_update = this.quantity_update.bind( this );
this.item_remove_clicked = this.item_remove_clicked.bind( this );
$( document ).on(
'div.woocommerce > form input[type=submit]',
this.submit_click );
$( document ).on(
'div.woocommerce > form',
this.cart_submit );
$( document ).on(
this.remove_coupon_clicked );
$( document ).on(
'td.product-remove > a',
this.item_remove_clicked );
$( document ).on(
'change input',
'div.woocommerce > form .cart_item :input',
this.input_changed );
$( 'div.woocommerce > form input[name="update_cart"]' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
* After an input is changed, enable the update cart button.
input_changed: function() {
$( 'div.woocommerce > form input[name="update_cart"]' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
* Update the cart after something has changed.
update_cart_totals: function() {
block( $( 'div.cart_totals' ) );
$.ajax( {
url: get_url( 'get_cart_totals' ),
dataType: 'html',
success: function( response ) {
$( 'div.cart_totals' ).replaceWith( response );
} );
* Handle cart form submit and route to correct logic.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event
cart_submit: function( evt ) {
var $form = $( evt.target );
var $submit = $( document.activeElement );
var $clicked = $( 'input[type=submit][clicked=true]' );
if ( 0 === $form.find( 'table.shop_table.cart' ).length ) {
return false;
if ( is_blocked( $form ) ) {
return false;
if ( $clicked.is( '[name="update_cart"]' ) || $submit.is( 'input.qty' ) ) {
this.quantity_update( $form );
} else if ( $clicked.is( '[name="apply_coupon"]' ) || $submit.is( '#coupon_code' ) ) {
this.apply_coupon( $form );
* Special handling to identify which submit button was clicked.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event
submit_click: function( evt ) {
$( 'input[type=submit]', $( evt.target ).parents( 'form' ) ).removeAttr( 'clicked' );
$( evt.target ).attr( 'clicked', 'true' );
* Apply Coupon code
* @param {JQuery Object} $form The cart form.
apply_coupon: function( $form ) {
block( $form );
var cart = this;
var $text_field = $( '#coupon_code' );
var coupon_code = $text_field.val();
var data = {
security: wc_cart_params.apply_coupon_nonce,
coupon_code: coupon_code
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: get_url( 'apply_coupon' ),
data: data,
dataType: 'html',
success: function( response ) {
show_notice( response );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'applied_coupon' );
complete: function() {
unblock( $form );
$text_field.val( '' );
} );
* Handle when a remove coupon link is clicked.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event
remove_coupon_clicked: function( evt ) {
var cart = this;
var $tr = $( evt.target ).parents( 'tr' );
var coupon = $( evt.target ).attr( 'data-coupon' );
block( $tr.parents( 'table' ) );
var data = {
security: wc_cart_params.remove_coupon_nonce,
coupon: coupon
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: get_url( 'remove_coupon' ),
data: data,
dataType: 'html',
success: function( response ) {
show_notice( response );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'removed_coupon' );
unblock( $tr.parents( 'table' ) );
complete: function() {
} );
* Handle a cart Quantity Update
* @param {JQuery Object} $form The cart form.
quantity_update: function( $form ) {
var cart = this;
// Provide the submit button value because wc-form-handler expects it.
$( '<input />' ).attr( 'type', 'hidden' )
.attr( 'name', 'update_cart' )
.attr( 'value', 'Update Cart' )
.appendTo( $form );
block( $form );
// Make call to actual form post URL.
$.ajax( {
type: $form.attr( 'method' ),
url: $form.attr( 'action' ),
data: $form.serialize(),
dataType: 'html',
success: update_wc_div,
complete: function() {
unblock( $form );
} );
* Handle when a remove item link is clicked.
* @param {Object} evt The JQuery event
item_remove_clicked: function( evt ) {
var cart = this;
var $a = $( evt.target );
var $form = $a.parents( 'form' );
block( $form );
$.ajax( {
type: 'GET',
url: $a.attr( 'href' ),
dataType: 'html',
success: update_wc_div,
complete: function() {
unblock( $form );
} );
cart_shipping.init( cart );
} );