
517 lines
16 KiB

* WooCommerce Payment Gateway class
* Extended by individual payment gateways to handle payments.
* @class woocommerce_payment_gateway
* @package WooCommerce
* @category Payment Gateways
* @author WooThemes
class woocommerce_payment_gateway {
var $id;
var $title;
var $chosen;
var $has_fields;
var $countries;
var $availability;
var $enabled;
var $icon;
var $description;
var $plugin_id = 'woocommerce_';
var $settings = array();
var $form_fields = array();
var $errors = array();
var $sanitized_fields = array();
* Get the return url (thank you page)
* @since 1.1.2
function get_return_url( $order = '' ) {
$thanks_page_id = get_option('woocommerce_thanks_page_id');
if ($thanks_page_id) :
$return_url = get_permalink($thanks_page_id);
else :
$return_url = home_url();
if ( $order ) :
$return_url = add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, add_query_arg('order', $order->id, $return_url));
if (is_ssl() || get_option('woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout')=='yes') $return_url = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $return_url);
return $return_url;
* Check If The Gateway Is Available For Use
* @since 1.0.0
function is_available() {
if ($this->enabled=="yes") :
return true;
return false;
* Set As Current Gateway.
* Set this as the current gateway.
* @since 1.0.0
function set_current() {
$this->chosen = true;
* The Gateway Icon
* Display the gateway's icon.
* @since 1.0.0
function icon() {
global $woocommerce;
if ($this->icon) :
return '<img src="'. $woocommerce->force_ssl($this->icon).'" alt="'.$this->title.'" />';
* Admin Options
* Setup the gateway settings screen.
* Override this in your gateway.
* @since 1.0.0
function admin_options() {}
* Process Payment
* Process the payment. Override this in your gateway.
* @since 1.0.0
function process_payment() {}
* Validate Frontend Fields
* Validate payment fields on the frontend.
* @since 1.0.0
function validate_fields() { return true; }
* Initialise Settings Form Fields
* Add an array of fields to be displayed
* on the gateway's settings screen.
* @since 1.0.0
function init_form_fields () { return __( 'This function needs to be overridden by your payment gateway class.', 'woothemes' ); }
* Admin Panel Options Processing
* - Saves the options to the DB
* @since 1.0.0
public function process_admin_options() {
if ( count( $this->errors ) > 0 ) {
} else {
update_option( $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_settings', $this->sanitized_fields );
* Display admin error messages.
* @since 1.0.0
function display_errors() {} // End display_errors()
* Initialise Gateway Settings
* Store all settings in a single database entry
* and make sure the $settings array is either the default
* or the settings stored in the database.
* @since 1.0.0
* @uses get_option(), add_option()
function init_settings () {
if ( ! is_array( $this->settings ) ) { return; }
$settings = array();
$existing_settings = get_option( $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_settings' );
$defaults = array();
foreach ( $this->form_fields as $k => $v ) {
if ( isset( $v['default'] ) ) {
$defaults[$k] = $v['default'];
} else {
$defaults[$k] = '';
if ( ! $existing_settings ) {
$existing_settings = $defaults;
} else {
// Prevent "undefined index" errors.
foreach ( $existing_settings as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! isset( $existing_settings[$k] ) ) {
$existing_settings[$k] = $v;
$this->settings = $existing_settings;
if ( isset( $this->settings['enabled'] ) && ( $this->settings['enabled'] == 'yes' ) ) { $this->enabled = 'yes'; }
} // End init_settings()
* Generate Settings HTML.
* Generate the HTML for the fields on the "settings" screen.
* @since 1.0.0
* @uses method_exists()
function generate_settings_html () {
$html = '';
foreach ( $this->form_fields as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! isset( $v['type'] ) || ( $v['type'] == '' ) ) { $v['type'] == 'text'; } // Default to "text" field type.
if ( method_exists( $this, 'generate_' . $v['type'] . '_html' ) ) {
$html .= $this->{'generate_' . $v['type'] . '_html'}( $k, $v );
echo $html;
} // End generate_settings_html()
* Generate Text Input HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_text_html ( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) { $title = $data['title']; }
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<input class="input-text wide-input" type="text" name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" style="min-width:50px;" value="' . esc_attr($this->settings[$key]) . '" />';
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_text_html()
* Generate Password Input HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_password_html ( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) { $title = $data['title']; }
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<input class="input-text wide-input" type="password" name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" style="min-width:50px;" value="' . esc_attr($this->settings[$key]) . '" />';
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_password_html()
* Generate Textarea HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_textarea_html( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) { $title = $data['title']; }
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<textarea rows="3" cols="20" class="input-text wide-input" name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" style="width:100%;">'.esc_attr($this->settings[$key]).'</textarea>';
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_textarea_html()
* Generate Checkbox HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_checkbox_html ( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) $title = $data['title'];
if ( isset( $data['label'] ) && $data['label'] != '' ) $label = $data['label']; else $label = $data['title'];
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<input name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" type="checkbox" value="1" ' . checked( $this->settings[$key], 'yes', false ) . ' /> ' . $label . '</label><br />' . "\n";
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_checkbox_html()
* Generate Select HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_select_html ( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) { $title = $data['title']; }
$data['options'] = (isset( $data['options'] )) ? (array) $data['options'] : array();
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<select class="select" name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '" style="min-width:50px;">';
foreach ($data['options'] as $option_key => $option_value) :
$html .= '<option value="'.$option_key.'" '.selected($option_key, esc_attr($this->settings[$key]), false).'>'.$option_value.'</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_select_html()
* Generate Multiselect HTML.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $html string
function generate_multiselect_html ( $key, $data ) {
$html = '';
if ( isset( $data['title'] ) && $data['title'] != '' ) { $title = $data['title']; }
$data['options'] = (isset( $data['options'] )) ? (array) $data['options'] : array();
$html .= '<tr valign="top">' . "\n";
$html .= '<th scope="row" class="titledesc">' . $title . '</th>' . "\n";
$html .= '<td class="forminp">' . "\n";
$html .= '<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span>' . $title . '</span></legend>' . "\n";
$html .= '<label for="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
$html .= '<select multiple="multiple" style="min-width:25%;height:100px;vertical-align:top;" class="multiselect" name="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '[]" id="' . $this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key . '">';
foreach ($data['options'] as $option_key => $option_value) :
$html .= '<option value="'.$option_key.'" ';
if (isset($this->settings[$key]) && in_array($option_key, (array) $this->settings[$key])) $html .= 'selected="selected"';
$html .= '>'.$option_value.'</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
if ( isset( $data['description'] ) && $data['description'] != '' ) { $html .= '<span class="description">' . $data['description'] . '</span>' . "\n"; }
$html .= '</fieldset>';
$html .= '</td>' . "\n";
$html .= '</tr>' . "\n";
return $html;
} // End generate_select_html()
* Validate Settings Field Data.
* Validate the data on the "Settings" form.
* @since 1.0.0
* @uses method_exists()
function validate_settings_fields () {
foreach ( $this->form_fields as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! isset( $v['type'] ) || ( $v['type'] == '' ) ) { $v['type'] == 'text'; } // Default to "text" field type.
if ( method_exists( $this, 'validate_' . $v['type'] . '_field' ) ) {
$field = $this->{'validate_' . $v['type'] . '_field'}( $k );
$this->sanitized_fields[$k] = $field;
} else {
$this->sanitized_fields[$k] = $this->settings[$k];
} // End validate_settings_fields()
* Validate Checkbox Field.
* If not set, return "no", otherwise return "yes".
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $status string
function validate_checkbox_field ( $key ) {
$status = 'no';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) && ( 1 == $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$status = 'yes';
return $status;
} // End validate_checkbox_field()
* Validate Text Field.
* Make sure the data is escaped correctly, etc.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $text string
function validate_text_field ( $key ) {
$text = (isset($this->settings[$key])) ? $this->settings[$key] : '';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$text = esc_attr( woocommerce_clean( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) );
return $text;
} // End validate_text_field()
* Validate Password Field.
* Make sure the data is escaped correctly, etc.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $text string
function validate_password_field ( $key ) {
$text = (isset($this->settings[$key])) ? $this->settings[$key] : '';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$text = esc_attr( woocommerce_clean( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) );
return $text;
} // End validate_password_field()
* Validate Textarea Field.
* Make sure the data is escaped correctly, etc.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $text string
function validate_textarea_field ( $key ) {
$text = (isset($this->settings[$key])) ? $this->settings[$key] : '';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$text = esc_attr( woocommerce_clean( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) );
return $text;
} // End validate_textarea_field()
* Validate Select Field.
* Make sure the data is escaped correctly, etc.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $text string
function validate_select_field ( $key ) {
$value = (isset($this->settings[$key])) ? $this->settings[$key] : '';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$value = esc_attr( woocommerce_clean( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) );
return $value;
} // End validate_select_field()
* Validate Multiselect Field.
* Make sure the data is escaped correctly, etc.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return $text string
function validate_multiselect_field ( $key ) {
$value = (isset($this->settings[$key])) ? $this->settings[$key] : '';
if ( isset( $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ) ) {
$value = array_map('esc_attr', array_map('woocommerce_clean', (array) $_POST[$this->plugin_id . $this->id . '_' . $key] ));
return $value;
} // End validate_select_field()