
193 lines
5.1 KiB

use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode,
$steps->Then( '/^the return code should be (\d+)$/',
function ( $world, $return_code ) {
if ( $return_code != $world->result->return_code ) {
throw new RuntimeException( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^(STDOUT|STDERR) should (be|contain|not contain):$/',
function ( $world, $stream, $action, PyStringNode $expected ) {
$stream = strtolower( $stream );
$expected = $world->replace_variables( (string) $expected );
checkString( $world->result->$stream, $expected, $action, $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^(STDOUT|STDERR) should be a number$/',
function ( $world, $stream ) {
$stream = strtolower( $stream );
assertNumeric( trim( $world->result->$stream, "\n" ) );
$steps->Then( '/^(STDOUT|STDERR) should not be a number$/',
function ( $world, $stream ) {
$stream = strtolower( $stream );
assertNotNumeric( trim( $world->result->$stream, "\n" ) );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should be a table containing rows:$/',
function ( $world, TableNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$actual_rows = explode( "\n", rtrim( $output, "\n" ) );
$expected_rows = array();
foreach ( $expected->getRows() as $row ) {
$expected_rows[] = $world->replace_variables( implode( "\t", $row ) );
compareTables( $expected_rows, $actual_rows, $output );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should end with a table containing rows:$/',
function ( $world, TableNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$actual_rows = explode( "\n", rtrim( $output, "\n" ) );
$expected_rows = array();
foreach ( $expected->getRows() as $row ) {
$expected_rows[] = $world->replace_variables( implode( "\t", $row ) );
$start = array_search( $expected_rows[0], $actual_rows );
if ( false === $start )
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
compareTables( $expected_rows, array_slice( $actual_rows, $start ), $output );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should be JSON containing:$/',
function ( $world, PyStringNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$expected = $world->replace_variables( (string) $expected );
if ( !checkThatJsonStringContainsJsonString( $output, $expected ) ) {
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should be a JSON array containing:$/',
function ( $world, PyStringNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$expected = $world->replace_variables( (string) $expected );
$actualValues = json_decode( $output );
$expectedValues = json_decode( $expected );
$missing = array_diff( $expectedValues, $actualValues );
if ( !empty( $missing ) ) {
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should be CSV containing:$/',
function ( $world, TableNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$expected_rows = $expected->getRows();
foreach ( $expected as &$row ) {
foreach ( $row as &$value ) {
$value = $world->replace_variables( $value );
if ( ! checkThatCsvStringContainsValues( $output, $expected_rows ) )
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^STDOUT should be YAML containing:$/',
function ( $world, PyStringNode $expected ) {
$output = $world->result->stdout;
$expected = $world->replace_variables( (string) $expected );
if ( !checkThatYamlStringContainsYamlString( $output, $expected ) ) {
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^(STDOUT|STDERR) should be empty$/',
function ( $world, $stream ) {
$stream = strtolower( $stream );
if ( !empty( $world->result->$stream ) ) {
throw new \Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^(STDOUT|STDERR) should not be empty$/',
function ( $world, $stream ) {
$stream = strtolower( $stream );
if ( '' === rtrim( $world->result->$stream, "\n" ) ) {
throw new Exception( $world->result );
$steps->Then( '/^the (.+) (file|directory) should (exist|not exist|be:|contain:|not contain:)$/',
function ( $world, $path, $type, $action, $expected = null ) {
$path = $world->replace_variables( $path );
// If it's a relative path, make it relative to the current test dir
if ( '/' !== $path[0] )
$path = $world->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/$path";
if ( 'file' == $type ) {
$test = 'file_exists';
} else if ( 'directory' == $type ) {
$test = 'is_dir';
switch ( $action ) {
case 'exist':
if ( ! $test( $path ) ) {
throw new Exception( $world->result );
case 'not exist':
if ( $test( $path ) ) {
throw new Exception( $world->result );
if ( ! $test( $path ) ) {
throw new Exception( "$path doesn't exist." );
$action = substr( $action, 0, -1 );
$expected = $world->replace_variables( (string) $expected );
if ( 'file' == $type ) {
$contents = file_get_contents( $path );
} else if ( 'directory' == $type ) {
$files = glob( rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/*' );
foreach( $files as &$file ) {
$file = str_replace( $path . '/', '', $file );
$contents = implode( PHP_EOL, $files );
checkString( $contents, $expected, $action );