
358 lines
17 KiB

name: Cherry Pick Tool
types: [milestoned, labeled]
types: [closed]
description: Provide the release branch you want to cherry pick into. Example release/6.9
default: ''
required: true
description: The pull request number.
default: ''
required: true
description: 'Skip Slack Ping: If true, the Slack ping will be skipped (useful for testing)'
type: boolean
required: false
default: false
description: 'Slack Channel Override: The channel ID to send the Slack ping about the code freeze violation'
required: false
default: ''
GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: 'no-reply@woocommerce.com'
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'WooCommerce Bot'
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: 'no-reply@woocommerce.com'
permissions: {}
name: Verify
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
run: ${{ steps.check.outputs.run }}
- name: check
id: check
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
let run = false;
const isManualTrigger = context.payload.inputs && context.payload.inputs.release_branch && context.payload.inputs.release_branch != null;
const isMergedMilestonedIssue = context.payload.issue && context.payload.issue.pull_request != null && context.payload.issue.pull_request.merged_at != null && context.payload.issue.milestone != null;
const isMergedMilestonedPR = context.payload.pull_request && context.payload.pull_request != null && context.payload.pull_request.merged == true && context.payload.pull_request.milestone != null;
const isBot = context.payload.pull_request && ( context.payload.pull_request.user.login == 'github-actions[bot]' || context.payload.pull_request.user.type == 'Bot' );
if ( !isBot && ( isManualTrigger || isMergedMilestonedIssue || isMergedMilestonedPR ) ) {
core.setOutput( 'run', 'true' );
} else {
core.setOutput( 'run', 'false' );
name: Prep inputs
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: verify
if: needs.verify.outputs.run == 'true'
release: ${{ steps.prep-inputs.outputs.release }}
pr: ${{ steps.prep-inputs.outputs.pr }}
version: ${{ steps.prep-inputs.outputs.version }}
- name: Prep inputs
id: prep-inputs
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
const event = ${{ toJSON( github.event ) }}
// Means this workflow was triggered manually.
if ( event.inputs && event.inputs.release_branch ) {
const releaseBranch = '${{ inputs.release_branch }}'
const version = releaseBranch.replace( 'release/', '' )
core.setOutput( 'version', version )
core.setOutput( 'release', releaseBranch )
} else if ( event.action === 'milestoned' ) {
const version = '${{ github.event.issue.milestone.title }}'
const release = version.substring( 0, 3 )
core.setOutput( 'version', version )
core.setOutput( 'release', `release/${release}` )
} else {
const version = '${{ github.event.pull_request.milestone.title }}'
const release = version.substring( 0, 3 )
core.setOutput( 'version', version )
core.setOutput( 'release', `release/${release}` )
// Means this workflow was triggered manually.
if ( event.inputs && event.inputs.pull_requests ) {
core.setOutput( 'pr', '${{ inputs.pull_requests }}' )
} else if ( event.action === 'milestoned' ) {
core.setOutput( 'pr', '${{ github.event.issue.number }}' )
} else {
core.setOutput( 'pr', '${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}' )
name: Check for existence of release branch
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
needs: prep
- name: Check for release branch
id: release-breanch-check
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
// This will throw an error for non-200 responses, which prevents subsequent jobs from completing, as desired.
await github.request( 'GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}', {
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
branch: '${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}',
} );
name: Run cherry pick tool
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
actions: write
contents: write
pull-requests: write
needs: [prep, check-release-branch-exists]
if: success()
- name: Checkout release branch
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Git fetch the release branch
run: git fetch origin ${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}
- name: Checkout release branch
run: git checkout ${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}
- name: Create a cherry pick branch based on release branch
run: git checkout -b cherry-pick-${{ needs.prep.outputs.version }}/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}
- name: Get commit sha from PR
id: commit-sha
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
const pr = await github.rest.pulls.get({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
pull_number: '${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}'
core.setOutput( 'sha', pr.data.merge_commit_sha )
- name: Cherry pick
run: |
git cherry-pick ${{ steps.commit-sha.outputs.sha }} -m1
- name: Generate changelog
id: changelog
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
const fs = require( 'node:fs' );
const changelogsToBeDeleted = []
let changelogTxt = '';
const commit = await github.rest.repos.getCommit({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
ref: '${{ steps.commit-sha.outputs.sha }}'
for ( const file of commit.data.files ) {
if ( file.filename.match( 'plugins/woocommerce/changelog/' ) ) {
if ( changelogsToBeDeleted.indexOf( file.filename ) === -1 ) {
changelogsToBeDeleted.push( file.filename );
let changelogEntry = '';
let changelogEntryType = '';
fs.readFile( './' + file.filename, 'utf-8', function( err, data ) {
if ( err ) {
console.error( err );
const changelogEntryArr = data.split( "\n" );
changelogEntryType = data.match( /Type: (.+)/i );
changelogEntryType = changelogEntryType[ 1 ].charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + changelogEntryType[ 1 ].slice( 1 );
changelogEntry = changelogEntryArr.filter( el => {
return el !== null && typeof el !== 'undefined' && el !== '';
} );
changelogEntry = changelogEntry[ changelogEntry.length - 1 ];
// Check if changelogEntry is what we want.
if ( changelogEntry.length < 1 ) {
changelogEntry = false;
if ( changelogEntry.match( /significance:/i ) ) {
changelogEntry = false;
if ( changelogEntry.match( /type:/i ) ) {
changelogEntry = false;
if ( changelogEntry.match( /comment:/i ) ) {
changelogEntry = false;
if ( ! changelogEntry ) {
fs.readFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', 'utf-8', function( err, data ) {
if ( err ) {
console.error( err );
changelogTxt = data.split( "\n" );
let isInRange = false;
let newChangelogTxt = [];
for ( const line of changelogTxt ) {
if ( isInRange === false && line === '== Changelog ==' ) {
isInRange = true;
if ( isInRange === true && line.match( /\*\*WooCommerce Blocks/ ) ) {
isInRange = false;
// Find the first match of the entry "Type".
if ( isInRange && line.match( `\\* ${changelogEntryType} -` ) ) {
newChangelogTxt.push( '* ' + changelogEntryType + ' - ' + changelogEntry + ` [#${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }})` );
newChangelogTxt.push( line );
isInRange = false;
newChangelogTxt.push( line );
fs.writeFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', newChangelogTxt.join( "\n" ), err => {
if ( err ) {
console.error( `Unable to generate the changelog entry for PR ${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}` );
} );
} );
} );
core.setOutput( 'changelogsToBeDeleted', changelogsToBeDeleted.join( ' ' ) )
- name: Delete changelog files from cherry pick branch
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git rm ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted }}
- name: Commit changes for cherry pick
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git commit --no-verify -am "Prep for cherry pick ${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}"
- name: Push cherry pick branch up
run: git push origin cherry-pick-${{ needs.prep.outputs.version }}/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}
- name: Create the PR for cherry pick branch
id: cherry-pick-pr
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
let cherryPickPRBody = "This PR cherry-picks the following PRs into the release branch:\n";
cherryPickPRBody = `${cherryPickPRBody}` + `* #${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}` + "\n";
const pr = await github.rest.pulls.create({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
title: "Cherry pick ${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }} into ${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}",
head: "cherry-pick-${{ needs.prep.outputs.version }}/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}",
base: "${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}",
body: cherryPickPRBody
core.setOutput( 'cherry-pick-pr', pr.data.html_url )
- name: Checkout trunk branch
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git checkout trunk
- name: Create a branch based on trunk branch
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git checkout -b delete-changelogs/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}
- name: Delete changelogs from trunk
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git rm ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted }}
- name: Commit changes for deletion
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git commit --no-verify -am "Delete changelog files for ${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}"
- name: Push deletion branch up
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
run: git push origin delete-changelogs/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}
- name: Create the PR for deletion branch
id: deletion-pr
if: steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != '' && steps.changelog.outputs.changelogsToBeDeleted != null
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
const pr = await github.rest.pulls.create({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
title: "Delete changelog files based on PR ${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}",
head: "delete-changelogs/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}",
base: "trunk",
body: "Delete changelog files based on PR #${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}"
core.setOutput( 'deletion-pr', pr.data.html_url )
- name: Notify Slack on failure
if: ${{ failure() && inputs.skipSlackPing != true }}
uses: archive/github-actions-slack@v2.0.0
slack-bot-user-oauth-access-token: ${{ secrets.CODE_FREEZE_BOT_TOKEN }}
slack-channel: ${{ inputs.slackChannelOverride || secrets.WOO_RELEASE_SLACK_CHANNEL }}
slack-text: |
:warning-8c: Code freeze violation. PR(s) created that breaks the Code Freeze for '${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}' :ice_cube:
An attempt to cherry pick PR(s) into outgoing release '${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}' has failed. This could be due to a merge conflict or something else that requires manual attention. Please check: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/${{ needs.prep.outputs.pr }}
- name: Notify Slack on success
if: ${{ success() && inputs.skipSlackPing != true }}
uses: archive/github-actions-slack@v2.0.0
slack-bot-user-oauth-access-token: ${{ secrets.CODE_FREEZE_BOT_TOKEN }}
slack-channel: ${{ inputs.slackChannelOverride || secrets.WOO_RELEASE_SLACK_CHANNEL }}
slack-text: |
:warning-8c: Code freeze violation. PR(s) created that breaks the Code Freeze for '${{ needs.prep.outputs.release }}' :ice_cube:
Release lead please review:
${{ steps.cherry-pick-pr.outputs.cherry-pick-pr }}
${{ steps.deletion-pr.outputs.deletion-pr }}