
19 lines
643 B

// Try to make popper element visible on the screen
export const scrollPopperToVisibleAreaIfNeeded = (
popperBoundingRect: DOMRect
) => {
// 8px is added for some extra spacing from the top admin bar
const adminBarHeight =
( document.getElementById( 'wpadminbar' )?.offsetHeight || 0 ) + 8;
// check if element is cut from the top
if ( popperBoundingRect.top < adminBarHeight ) {
window.scrollBy( 0, popperBoundingRect.top - adminBarHeight );
} else if (
// check if element is cut from the bottom
popperBoundingRect.bottom > window.innerHeight
) {
window.scrollBy( 0, popperBoundingRect.bottom - window.innerHeight );