
481 lines
13 KiB

/* eslint-disable @woocommerce/dependency-group */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useState, useContext, cloneElement } from '@wordpress/element';
import {
} from '@wordpress/components';
import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useViewportMatch } from '@wordpress/compose';
import { Icon, upload } from '@wordpress/icons';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { store as coreStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { isBlobURL } from '@wordpress/blob';
import {
store as blockEditorStore,
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { store as noticesStore } from '@wordpress/notices';
* Internal dependencies
import { SidebarNavigationScreen } from './sidebar-navigation-screen';
import { LogoBlockContext } from '../logo-block-context';
const MIN_SIZE = 20;
const ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES = [ 'image' ];
type LogoAttributes = Partial< {
align: string;
width: number;
height: number;
isLink: boolean;
linkTarget: string;
shouldSyncIcon: boolean;
} >;
const useLogoEdit = ( {
}: {
shouldSyncIcon: LogoAttributes[ 'shouldSyncIcon' ];
setAttributes: ( newAttributes: LogoAttributes ) => void;
} ) => {
const { siteIconId, mediaUpload } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
const { canUser, getEditedEntityRecord } = select( coreStore );
const _canUserEdit = canUser( 'update', 'settings' );
const siteSettings = _canUserEdit
? getEditedEntityRecord( 'root', 'site' )
: undefined;
const _siteIconId = siteSettings?.site_icon;
return {
siteIconId: _siteIconId,
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
mediaUpload: select( blockEditorStore ).getSettings().mediaUpload,
}, [] );
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
const { editEntityRecord } = useDispatch( coreStore );
const setIcon = ( newValue: string | undefined ) =>
// The new value needs to be `null` to reset the Site Icon.
editEntityRecord( 'root', 'site', undefined, {
site_icon: newValue ?? null,
} );
const setLogo = (
newValue: string | undefined,
shouldForceSync = false
) => {
// `shouldForceSync` is used to force syncing when the attribute
// may not have updated yet.
if ( shouldSyncIcon || shouldForceSync ) {
setIcon( newValue );
editEntityRecord( 'root', 'site', undefined, {
site_logo: newValue,
} );
const onSelectLogo = (
media: { id: string; url: string },
shouldForceSync = false
) => {
if ( ! media ) {
if ( ! media.id && media.url ) {
// This is a temporary blob image.
setLogo( undefined );
setLogo( media.id, shouldForceSync );
const onInitialSelectLogo = ( media: { id: string; url: string } ) => {
// Initialize the syncSiteIcon toggle. If we currently have no site logo and no
// site icon, automatically sync the logo to the icon.
if ( shouldSyncIcon === undefined ) {
const shouldForceSync = ! siteIconId;
setAttributes( { shouldSyncIcon: shouldForceSync } );
// Because we cannot rely on the `shouldSyncIcon` attribute to have updated by
// the time `setLogo` is called, pass an argument to force the syncing.
onSelectLogo( media, shouldForceSync );
onSelectLogo( media );
const { createErrorNotice } = useDispatch( noticesStore );
const onUploadError = ( message: string ) => {
createErrorNotice( message, { type: 'snackbar' } );
const onFilesDrop = ( filesList: File[] ) => {
mediaUpload( {
allowedTypes: [ 'image' ],
onFileChange( [ image ]: [ { id: string; url: string } ] ) {
if ( isBlobURL( image?.url ) ) {
onInitialSelectLogo( image );
onError: onUploadError,
} );
return {
// Reference: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/83f3fbc740c97afac3474a6c37098e259191dc2c/packages/block-library/src/site-logo/edit.js#L63
const LogoSettings = ( {
attributes: { width, isLink, shouldSyncIcon, align = '' },
}: {
attributes: LogoAttributes;
setAttributes: ( newAttributes: LogoAttributes ) => void;
canUserEdit: boolean;
naturalWidth: number;
naturalHeight: number;
setIcon: ( newValue: string | undefined ) => void;
logoId: string;
} ) => {
const isLargeViewport = useViewportMatch( 'medium' );
const isWideAligned = [ 'wide', 'full' ].includes( align );
const isResizable = ! isWideAligned && isLargeViewport;
const { maxWidth } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
const settings = select( blockEditorStore ).getSettings();
return {
maxWidth: settings.maxWidth,
}, [] );
// Set the default width to a responsible size.
// Note that this width is also set in the attached frontend CSS file.
const defaultWidth = 120;
const currentWidth = width || defaultWidth;
const ratio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
const minWidth =
naturalWidth < naturalHeight ? MIN_SIZE : Math.ceil( MIN_SIZE * ratio );
// With the current implementation of ResizableBox, an image needs an
// explicit pixel value for the max-width. In absence of being able to
// set the content-width, this max-width is currently dictated by the
// vanilla editor style. The following variable adds a buffer to this
// vanilla style, so 3rd party themes have some wiggleroom. This does,
// in most cases, allow you to scale the image beyond the width of the
// main column, though not infinitely.
// @todo It would be good to revisit this once a content-width variable
// becomes available.
const maxWidthBuffer = maxWidth * 2.5;
return (
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__sidebar-group">
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__sidebar-group-header">
{ __( 'Settings', 'woocommerce' ) }
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
label={ __( 'Image width', 'woocommerce' ) }
onChange={ ( newWidth ) =>
setAttributes( { width: newWidth } )
min={ minWidth }
max={ maxWidthBuffer }
initialPosition={ Math.min( defaultWidth, maxWidthBuffer ) }
value={ currentWidth }
disabled={ ! isResizable }
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
label={ __( 'Link logo to homepage', 'woocommerce' ) }
onChange={ () => {
setAttributes( { isLink: ! isLink } );
} }
checked={ isLink }
{ canUserEdit && (
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
label={ __( 'Use as site icon', 'woocommerce' ) }
onChange={ ( value: boolean ) => {
setAttributes( { shouldSyncIcon: value } );
setIcon( value ? logoId : undefined );
} }
checked={ !! shouldSyncIcon }
help={ __(
'Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps.',
) }
) }
const LogoEdit = ( {
}: {
siteLogoId: string;
setAttributes: ( newAttributes: LogoAttributes ) => void;
attributes: LogoAttributes;
mediaItemData: { id: string; alt_text: string; source_url: string };
isLoading: boolean;
canUserEdit: boolean;
} ) => {
const { alt_text: alt, source_url: logoUrl } = mediaItemData || {};
const { onFilesDrop, onInitialSelectLogo, setIcon } = useLogoEdit( {
shouldSyncIcon: attributes.shouldSyncIcon,
} );
const [ { naturalWidth, naturalHeight }, setNaturalSize ] = useState< {
naturalWidth?: number;
naturalHeight?: number;
} >( {} );
if ( isLoading ) {
return (
<span className="components-placeholder__preview">
<Spinner />
if ( ! logoUrl ) {
return (
onSelect={ onInitialSelectLogo }
allowedTypes={ ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES }
render={ ( { open }: { open: () => void } ) => (
onClick={ open }
icon={ upload }
size={ 20 }
<DropZone onFilesDrop={ onFilesDrop } />
) }
const logoImg = (
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__sidebar-logo-container">
src={ logoUrl }
alt={ alt }
onLoad={ ( event ) => {
setNaturalSize( {
naturalWidth: ( event.target as HTMLImageElement )
naturalHeight: ( event.target as HTMLImageElement )
} );
} }
if ( ! naturalHeight || ! naturalWidth ) {
// Load the image first to get the natural size so we can set the ratio.
return logoImg;
return (
onSelect={ onInitialSelectLogo }
allowedTypes={ ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES }
render={ ( { open }: { open: () => void } ) =>
cloneElement( logoImg, { onClick: open } )
{ !! logoUrl && (
attributes={ attributes }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
naturalWidth={ naturalWidth }
naturalHeight={ naturalHeight }
canUserEdit={ canUserEdit }
setIcon={ setIcon }
logoId={ mediaItemData?.id || siteLogoId }
) }
export const SidebarNavigationScreenLogo = () => {
// Get the current logo block client ID and attributes. These are used for the logo settings.
const {
logoBlock: { clientId, isLoading: isLogoBlockLoading },
} = useContext( LogoBlockContext );
const {
}: {
attributes: LogoAttributes;
isAttributesLoading: boolean;
} = useSelect(
( select ) => {
const logoBlocks =
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
select( blockEditorStore ).getBlocksByClientId( clientId );
const _isAttributesLoading =
! logoBlocks.length || logoBlocks[ 0 ] === null;
if ( _isAttributesLoading ) {
return {
attributes: {},
isAttributesLoading: _isAttributesLoading,
return {
attributes: logoBlocks[ 0 ].attributes,
isAttributesLoading: _isAttributesLoading,
[ clientId ]
const { siteLogoId, canUserEdit, mediaItemData, isRequestingMediaItem } =
useSelect( ( select ) => {
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
const { canUser, getEntityRecord, getEditedEntityRecord } =
select( coreStore );
const _canUserEdit = canUser( 'update', 'settings' );
const siteSettings = _canUserEdit
? getEditedEntityRecord( 'root', 'site' )
: undefined;
const siteData = getEntityRecord( 'root', '__unstableBase' );
const _siteLogoId = _canUserEdit
? siteSettings?.site_logo
: siteData?.site_logo;
const mediaItem =
_siteLogoId &&
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
select( coreStore ).getMedia( _siteLogoId, {
context: 'view',
} );
const _isRequestingMediaItem =
_siteLogoId &&
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
! select( coreStore ).hasFinishedResolution( 'getMedia', [
{ context: 'view' },
] );
return {
siteLogoId: _siteLogoId,
canUserEdit: _canUserEdit,
mediaItemData: mediaItem,
isRequestingMediaItem: _isRequestingMediaItem,
}, [] );
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
const { updateBlockAttributes } = useDispatch( blockEditorStore );
const setAttributes = ( newAttributes: LogoAttributes ) => {
if ( ! clientId ) {
updateBlockAttributes( clientId, newAttributes );
const isLoading =
siteLogoId === undefined ||
isRequestingMediaItem ||
isLogoBlockLoading ||
return (
title={ __( 'Add your logo', 'woocommerce' ) }
description={ __(
"Ensure your store is on-brand by adding your logo. For best results, upload a SVG or PNG that's a minimum of 300px wide.",
) }
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__sidebar-logo-content">
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__sidebar-group-header">
{ __( 'Logo', 'woocommerce' ) }
siteLogoId={ siteLogoId }
attributes={ attributes }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
canUserEdit={ canUserEdit }
mediaItemData={ mediaItemData }
isLoading={ isLoading }