
92 lines
2.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
* External dependencies
const execSync = require( 'child_process' ).execSync;
const spawnSync = require( 'child_process' ).spawnSync;
const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const prettier = require( 'prettier' );
* Module constants
const defaultPrettierConfig = undefined;
const sassPrettierConfig = { parser: 'scss' };
'\nBy contributing to this project, you license the materials you contribute ' +
'under the GNU General Public License v2 (or later). All materials must have ' +
'GPLv2 compatible licenses — see .github/CONTRIBUTING.md for details.\n\n'
* Parses the output of a git diff command into javascript file paths.
* @param {String} command Command to run. Expects output like `git diff --name-only […]`
* @returns {Array} Paths output from git command
function parseGitDiffToPathArray( command ) {
return execSync( command )
.split( '\n' )
.map( name => name.trim() )
name => name.endsWith( '.js' ) || name.endsWith( '.jsx' ) || name.endsWith( '.scss' )
const dirtyFiles = new Set( parseGitDiffToPathArray( 'git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACM' ) );
const files = parseGitDiffToPathArray( 'git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM' );
// run prettier for any files in client/
files.forEach( file => {
if ( 0 !== file.indexOf( 'client/' ) ) {
const text = fs.readFileSync( file, 'utf8' );
// File has unstaged changes. It's a bad idea to modify and add it before commit.
if ( dirtyFiles.has( file ) ) {
chalk.red( `${ file } will not be auto-formatted because it has unstaged changes.` )
const formattedText = prettier.format(
file.endsWith( '.scss' ) ? sassPrettierConfig : defaultPrettierConfig
// No change required.
if ( text === formattedText ) {
fs.writeFileSync( file, formattedText );
console.log( `Prettier formatting file: ${ file }` );
execSync( `git add ${ file }` );
} );
// linting should happen after formatting
const lintResult = spawnSync(
[ ...files.filter( file => ! file.endsWith( '.scss' ) ), '--', '--diff=index' ],
shell: true,
stdio: 'inherit',
if ( lintResult.status ) {
chalk.red( 'COMMIT ABORTED:' ),
'The linter reported some problems. ' +
'If you are aware of them and it is OK, ' +
'repeat the commit command with --no-verify to avoid this check.'
process.exit( 1 );