
88 lines
2.9 KiB

require_once __DIR__ . '/code-hack.php';
* Hack to mock public static methods and properties.
* How to use:
* 1. Create a mock class that contains public static methods and properties with the same
* names and signatures as the ones in the class you want to mock.
* 2. Pass a 'new StaticMockerHack(original_class_name, mock_class_name)' to CodeHacker.
* Invocations of public static members from the original class that exist in the mock class
* will be replaced with invocations of the same members for the mock class.
* Invocations of members not existing in the mock class will be left unmodified.
final class StaticMockerHack extends CodeHack {
* StaticMockerHack constructor.
* @param string $source_class Name of the original class (the one having the members to be mocked).
* @param string $mock_class Name of the mock class (the one having the replacement mock members).
* @throws ReflectionException
public function __construct( string $source_class, string $mock_class ) {
$this->source_class = $source_class;
$this->target_class = $mock_class;
$rc = new ReflectionClass( $mock_class );
$static_methods = $rc->getMethods( ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC );
$static_methods = array_map(
function( $item ) {
return $item->getName();
$static_properties = $rc->getProperties( ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC );
$static_properties = array_map(
function( $item ) {
return '$' . $item->getName();
$this->members_implemented_in_mock = array_merge( $static_methods, $static_properties );
public function hack( $code, $path ) {
$last_item = null;
if ( stripos( $code, $this->source_class . '::' ) !== false ) {
$tokens = $this->tokenize( $code );
$code = '';
$current_token = null;
while ( $current_token = current( $tokens ) ) {
if ( $this->is_token_of_type( $current_token, T_STRING ) && $this->source_class === $current_token[1] ) {
$next_token = next( $tokens );
if ( $this->is_token_of_type( $next_token, T_DOUBLE_COLON ) ) {
$called_member = next( $tokens )[1];
if ( in_array( $called_member, $this->members_implemented_in_mock ) ) {
// Reference to source class member that exists in mock class, replace.
$code .= "{$this->target_class}::{$called_member}";
} else {
// Reference to source class member that does NOT exists in mock class, leave unchanged.
$code .= "{$this->source_class}::{$called_member}";
} else {
// Reference to source class, but not followed by '::'.
$code .= $this->token_to_string( $current_token ) . $this->token_to_string( $next_token );
} else {
// Not a reference to source class.
$code .= $this->token_to_string( $current_token );
next( $tokens );
return $code;