
143 lines
4.3 KiB

* External dependencies
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
* Internal dependencies
import { useGetCountryStateAutofill } from '../store-address';
const AutofillWrapper = ( { options, value, onChange } ) => {
const [ values, setValues ] = useState( { countryState: value || '' } );
const setCountryState = useCallback( ( key, newValue ) => {
setValues( {
[ key ]: newValue,
} );
}, [] );
useEffect( () => {
setValues( { countryState: value } );
}, [ value ] );
useEffect( () => {
if ( onChange ) {
onChange( values );
}, [ values ] );
const countryStateAutofill = useGetCountryStateAutofill(
return countryStateAutofill;
{ key: 'KH', label: 'Cambodia' },
{ key: 'CM', label: 'Cameroon' },
{ key: 'CA:AB', label: 'Canada — Alberta' },
{ key: 'CA:BC', label: 'Canada — British Columbia' },
{ key: 'CA:MB', label: 'Canada — Manitoba' },
{ key: 'US:CA', label: 'United States - California' },
describe( 'useGetCountryStateAutofill', () => {
it( 'should render a country and state inputs with autoComplete', () => {
const { queryAllByRole } = render(
<AutofillWrapper options={ [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ] } />
const inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
expect( inputs.length ).toBe( 2 );
expect( inputs[ 0 ].autocomplete ).toEqual( 'country' );
expect( inputs[ 1 ].autocomplete ).toEqual( 'address-level1' );
} );
it( 'should set autocomplete fields if a value is selected', () => {
const { queryAllByRole } = render(
<AutofillWrapper options={ [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ] } value="CA:MB" />
const inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
expect( inputs.length ).toBe( 2 );
expect( inputs[ 0 ].value ).toEqual( 'Canada' );
expect( inputs[ 1 ].value ).toEqual( 'Manitoba' );
} );
it( 'should select region by key if abbreviation is used', () => {
const onChange = jest.fn();
const { queryAllByRole } = render(
options={ [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ] }
onChange={ onChange }
const inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 0 ], { target: { value: 'United States' } } );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 1 ], {
target: { value: 'CA' },
} );
expect( onChange ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { countryState: 'US:CA' } );
} );
it( 'should update the value if the auto complete fields changed', () => {
const onChange = jest.fn();
const { queryAllByRole } = render(
options={ [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ] }
onChange={ onChange }
const inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 0 ], { target: { value: 'Canada' } } );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 1 ], {
target: { value: 'British Columbia' },
} );
expect( onChange ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { countryState: 'CA:BC' } );
} );
it( 'should update the value if the auto complete fields changed and value was already set', () => {
const onChange = jest.fn();
const { queryAllByRole } = render(
options={ [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ] }
onChange={ onChange }
const inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
expect( inputs[ 0 ].value ).toEqual( 'Cameroon' );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 0 ], { target: { value: 'Canada' } } );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 1 ], {
target: { value: 'British Columbia' },
} );
expect( onChange ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { countryState: 'CA:BC' } );
} );
it( 'should update the auto complete inputs when value changed and inputs already set', () => {
const onChange = jest.fn();
const options = [ ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS ];
const { rerender, queryAllByRole } = render(
<AutofillWrapper options={ options } onChange={ onChange } />
let inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 0 ], { target: { value: 'Canada' } } );
fireEvent.change( inputs[ 1 ], {
target: { value: 'British Columbia' },
} );
expect( onChange ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { countryState: 'CA:BC' } );
options={ options }
onChange={ onChange }
inputs = queryAllByRole( 'textbox' );
expect( inputs[ 0 ].value ).toEqual( 'Cambodia' );
expect( inputs[ 1 ].value ).toEqual( '' );
} );
} );