
226 lines
7.1 KiB

* Generate documentation for hooks in WC
class WC_HookFinder {
private static $current_file = '';
private static $files_to_scan = array();
private static $pattern_custom_actions = '/do_action(.*?);/i';
private static $pattern_custom_filters = '/apply_filters(.*?);/i';
private static $found_files = array();
private static $custom_hooks_found = '';
private static function get_files( $pattern, $flags = 0, $path = '' ) {
if ( ! $path && ( $dir = dirname( $pattern ) ) != '.' ) {
if ( '\\' == $dir || '/' == $dir ) {
$dir = '';
return self::get_files( basename( $pattern ), $flags, $dir . '/' );
} // End IF Statement
$paths = glob( $path . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT );
$files = glob( $path . $pattern, $flags );
if ( is_array( $paths ) ) {
foreach ( $paths as $p ) {
$found_files = array();
$retrieved_files = (array) self::get_files( $pattern, $flags, $p . '/' );
foreach ( $retrieved_files as $file ) {
if ( ! in_array( $file, self::$found_files ) ) {
$found_files[] = $file;
self::$found_files = array_merge( self::$found_files, $found_files );
if ( is_array( $files ) && is_array( $found_files ) ) {
$files = array_merge( $files, $found_files );
} // End FOREACH Loop
return $files;
private static function get_hook_link( $hook, $details = array() ) {
if ( ! empty( $details['class'] ) ) {
$link = 'http://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/source-class-' . $details['class'] . '.html#' . $details['line'];
} elseif ( ! empty( $details['function'] ) ) {
$link = 'http://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/source-function-' . $details['function'] . '.html#' . $details['line'];
} else {
$link = 'https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=' . $hook;
return '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $hook . '</a>';
public static function process_hooks() {
// If we have one, get the PHP files from it.
$template_files = self::get_files( '*.php', GLOB_MARK, '../templates/' );
$template_files[] = '../includes/wc-template-functions.php';
$template_files[] = '../includes/wc-template-hooks.php';
$shortcode_files = self::get_files( '*.php', GLOB_MARK, '../includes/shortcodes/' );
$widget_files = self::get_files( '*.php', GLOB_MARK, '../includes/widgets/' );
$admin_files = self::get_files( '*.php', GLOB_MARK, '../includes/admin/' );
$class_files = self::get_files( '*.php', GLOB_MARK, '../includes/' );
$other_files = array(
self::$files_to_scan = array(
'Template Hooks' => $template_files,
'Shortcode Hooks' => $shortcode_files,
'Widget Hooks' => $widget_files,
'Class Hooks' => $class_files,
'Admin Hooks' => $admin_files,
'Other Hooks' => $other_files,
$scanned = array();
echo '<div id="content">';
echo '<h1>Action and Filter Hook Reference</h1>';
foreach ( self::$files_to_scan as $heading => $files ) {
self::$custom_hooks_found = array();
foreach ( $files as $f ) {
self::$current_file = basename( $f );
$tokens = token_get_all( file_get_contents( $f ) );
$token_type = false;
$current_class = '';
$current_function = '';
if ( in_array( self::$current_file, $scanned ) ) {
$scanned[] = self::$current_file;
foreach ( $tokens as $index => $token ) {
if ( is_array( $token ) ) {
$trimmed_token_1 = trim( $token[1] );
if ( T_CLASS == $token[0] ) {
$token_type = 'class';
} elseif ( T_FUNCTION == $token[0] ) {
$token_type = 'function';
} elseif ( 'do_action' === $token[1] ) {
$token_type = 'action';
} elseif ( 'apply_filters' === $token[1] ) {
$token_type = 'filter';
} elseif ( $token_type && ! empty( $trimmed_token_1 ) ) {
switch ( $token_type ) {
case 'class' :
$current_class = $token[1];
case 'function' :
$current_function = $token[1];
case 'filter' :
case 'action' :
$hook = trim( $token[1], "'" );
$loop = 0;
if ( '_' === substr( $hook, '-1', 1 ) ) {
$hook .= '{';
$open = true;
// Keep adding to hook until we find a comma or colon
while ( 1 ) {
$loop ++;
$next_hook = trim( trim( is_string( $tokens[ $index + $loop ] ) ? $tokens[ $index + $loop ] : $tokens[ $index + $loop ][1], '"' ), "'" );
if ( in_array( $next_hook, array( '.', '{', '}', '"', "'", ' ' ) ) ) {
$hook_first = substr( $next_hook, 0, 1 );
$hook_last = substr( $next_hook, -1, 1 );
if ( in_array( $next_hook, array( ',', ';' ) ) ) {
if ( $open ) {
$hook .= '}';
$open = false;
if ( '_' === $hook_first ) {
$next_hook = '}' . $next_hook;
$open = false;
if ( '_' === $hook_last ) {
$next_hook .= '{';
$open = true;
$hook .= $next_hook;
if ( isset( self::$custom_hooks_found[ $hook ] ) ) {
self::$custom_hooks_found[ $hook ]['file'][] = self::$current_file;
} else {
self::$custom_hooks_found[ $hook ] = array(
'line' => $token[2],
'class' => $current_class,
'function' => $current_function,
'file' => array( self::$current_file ),
'type' => $token_type,
$token_type = false;
foreach ( self::$custom_hooks_found as $hook => $details ) {
if ( ! strstr( $hook, 'woocommerce' ) && ! strstr( $hook, 'product' ) && ! strstr( $hook, 'wc_' ) ) {
unset( self::$custom_hooks_found[ $hook ] );
ksort( self::$custom_hooks_found );
if ( ! empty( self::$custom_hooks_found ) ) {
echo '<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading"><h2>' . $heading . '</h2></div>';
echo '<table class="summary table table-bordered table-striped"><thead><tr><th>Hook</th><th>Type</th><th>File(s)</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
foreach ( self::$custom_hooks_found as $hook => $details ) {
echo '<tr>
<td>' . self::get_hook_link( $hook, $details ) . '</td>
<td>' . $details['type'] . '</td>
<td>' . implode( ', ', array_unique( $details['file'] ) ) . '</td>
</tr>' . "\n";
echo '</tbody></table></div>';
echo '</div><div id="footer">';
$html = file_get_contents( '../wc-apidocs/tree.html' );
$header = explode( '<div id="content">', $html );
$header = str_replace( '<li class="active">', '<li>', current( $header ) );
$header = str_replace( '<li class="hooks">', '<li class="active">', $header );
$header = str_replace( 'Tree | ', 'Hook Reference | ', $header );
$footer = explode( '<div id="footer">', $html );
file_put_contents( '../wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html', $header . ob_get_clean() . end( $footer ) );
echo "Hook docs generated :)\n";