
225 lines
6.7 KiB

/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { Component, createElement } from '@wordpress/element';
import { parse } from 'qs';
import { find, last, isEqual } from 'lodash';
import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks';
* WooCommerce dependencies
import { getNewPath, getPersistedQuery, getHistory, stringifyQuery } from '@woocommerce/navigation';
* Internal dependencies
import Analytics from 'analytics';
import AnalyticsReport from 'analytics/report';
import AnalyticsSettings from 'analytics/settings';
import Dashboard from 'dashboard';
import DevDocs from 'devdocs';
const TIME_EXCLUDED_SCREENS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_time_excluded_screens';
const getPages = () => {
const pages = [];
if ( window.wcAdminFeatures.devdocs ) {
pages.push( {
container: DevDocs,
path: '/devdocs',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
} );
pages.push( {
container: DevDocs,
path: '/devdocs/:component',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
} );
if ( window.wcAdminFeatures[ 'analytics-dashboard' ] ) {
pages.push( {
container: Dashboard,
path: '/',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
} );
if ( window.wcAdminFeatures.analytics ) {
pages.push( {
container: Analytics,
path: '/analytics',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
} );
pages.push( {
container: AnalyticsSettings,
path: '/analytics/settings',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
} );
pages.push( {
container: AnalyticsReport,
path: '/analytics/:report',
wpOpenMenu: 'toplevel_page_wc-admin--analytics-revenue',
wpClosedMenu: 'toplevel_page_woocommerce',
} );
return pages;
class Controller extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
window.document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
componentDidUpdate( prevProps ) {
const prevQuery = this.getQuery( prevProps.location.search );
const prevBaseQuery = this.getBaseQuery( prevProps.location.search );
const baseQuery = this.getBaseQuery( this.props.location.search );
if ( prevQuery.page > 1 && ! isEqual( prevBaseQuery, baseQuery ) ) {
getHistory().replace( getNewPath( { page: 1 } ) );
if ( prevProps.match.url !== this.props.match.url ) {
window.document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
getQuery( searchString ) {
if ( ! searchString ) {
return {};
const search = searchString.substring( 1 );
return parse( search );
getBaseQuery( searchString ) {
const query = this.getQuery( searchString );
delete query.page;
return query;
render() {
// Pass URL parameters (example :report -> params.report) and query string parameters
const { path, url, params } = this.props.match;
const query = this.getQuery( this.props.location.search );
const page = find( getPages(), { path } );
if ( ! page ) {
return null; // @todo What should we display or do when a route/page doesn't exist?
window.wpNavMenuUrlUpdate( page, query );
window.wpNavMenuClassChange( page );
return createElement( page.container, { params, path: url, pathMatch: path, query } );
* Update an anchor's link in sidebar to include persisted queries. Leave excluded screens
* as is.
* @param {HTMLElement} item - Sidebar anchor link.
* @param {string} nextQuery - A query string to be added to updated hrefs.
* @param {Array} excludedScreens - wc-admin screens to avoid updating.
export function updateLinkHref( item, nextQuery, excludedScreens ) {
* Regular expression for finding any WooCommerce Admin screen.
* The groupings are as follows:
* 0 - Full match
* 1 - "#/" (optional)
* 2 - "analytics/" (optional)
* 3 - Any string, eg "orders"
* 4 - "?" or end of line
const _exp = /page=wc-admin(#\/)?(analytics\/)?(.*?)(\?|$)/;
const wcAdminMatches = item.href.match( _exp );
if ( wcAdminMatches ) {
// Get fourth grouping
const screen = wcAdminMatches[ 3 ];
if ( ! excludedScreens.includes( screen ) ) {
const url = item.href.split( 'wc-admin' );
const hashUrl = last( url );
const base = hashUrl.split( '?' )[ 0 ];
const href = `${ url[ 0 ] }wc-admin${ '#' === base[ 0 ] ? '' : '#/' }${ base }${ nextQuery }`;
item.href = href;
// Update links in wp-admin menu to persist time related queries
window.wpNavMenuUrlUpdate = function( page, query ) {
const excludedScreens = applyFilters( TIME_EXCLUDED_SCREENS_FILTER, [
] );
const nextQuery = stringifyQuery( getPersistedQuery( query ) );
document.querySelectorAll( `#${ page.wpOpenMenu } a, #${ page.wpClosedMenu } a` )
).forEach( item => updateLinkHref( item, nextQuery, excludedScreens ) );
// When the route changes, we need to update wp-admin's menu with the correct section & current link
window.wpNavMenuClassChange = function( page ) {
Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( 'current' ) ).forEach( function( item ) {
item.classList.remove( 'current' );
} );
const submenu = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.wp-has-current-submenu' ) );
submenu.forEach( function( element ) {
element.classList.remove( 'wp-has-current-submenu' );
element.classList.remove( 'wp-menu-open' );
element.classList.remove( 'selected' );
element.classList.add( 'wp-not-current-submenu' );
element.classList.add( 'menu-top' );
} );
const pageHash = window.location.hash.split( '?' )[ 0 ];
const currentItemsSelector =
pageHash === '#/'
? `li > a[href$="${ pageHash }"], li > a[href*="${ pageHash }?"]`
: `li > a[href*="${ pageHash }"]`;
const currentItems = document.querySelectorAll( currentItemsSelector );
Array.from( currentItems ).forEach( function( item ) {
item.parentElement.classList.add( 'current' );
} );
if ( page.wpOpenMenu ) {
const currentMenu = document.querySelector( '#' + page.wpOpenMenu );
currentMenu.classList.remove( 'wp-not-current-submenu' );
currentMenu.classList.add( 'wp-has-current-submenu' );
currentMenu.classList.add( 'wp-menu-open' );
currentMenu.classList.add( 'current' );
// Sometimes navigating from the subMenu to Dashboard does not close subMenu
if ( page.wpClosedMenu ) {
const closedMenu = document.querySelector( '#' + page.wpClosedMenu );
closedMenu.classList.remove( 'wp-has-current-submenu' );
closedMenu.classList.remove( 'wp-menu-open' );
closedMenu.classList.add( 'wp-not-current-submenu' );
const wpWrap = document.querySelector( '#wpwrap' );
wpWrap.classList.remove( 'wp-responsive-open' );
export { Controller, getPages };