
502 lines
13 KiB

* External dependencies
const WooCommerceRestApi = require( '@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api' )
const glob = require( 'glob-promise' );
const { dirname } = require( 'path' );
const { readJson } = require( 'fs-extra' );
const axios = require( 'axios' ).default;
require( 'dotenv' ).config();
* Internal dependencies
const fixtures = require( './fixture-data' );
// global.process.env.WORDPRESS_BASE_URL = `${ process.env.WORDPRESS_BASE_URL }:8889`;
* ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret are not used, we use basic auth, but
* not providing them will throw an error.
const WooCommerce = new WooCommerceRestApi( {
url: `${ process.env.WORDPRESS_BASE_URL }/`,
consumerKey: 'consumer_key', // Your consumer key
consumerSecret: 'consumer_secret', // Your consumer secret
version: 'wc/v3',
axiosConfig: {
auth: {
username: process.env.WORDPRESS_LOGIN,
password: process.env.WORDPRESS_PASSWORD,
} );
const WPAPI = `${ process.env.WORDPRESS_BASE_URL }/wp-json/wp/v2/pages`;
* prepare some store settings.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the created data or
* reject if the request failed.
const setupSettings = ( fixture = fixtures.Settings() ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'settings/general/batch', {
update: fixture,
} );
const setupPageSettings = () => {
axios.get( WPAPI ).then( ( response ) => {
const fixture = fixtures.PageSettings( response.data );
WooCommerce.post( 'settings/advanced/batch', {
update: fixture,
} );
} );
* Create taxes.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created taxes,
* or rejects if the request failed.
const createTaxes = ( fixture = fixtures.Taxes() ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'taxes/batch', {
create: fixture,
} ).then( ( response ) =>
response.data.create.map( ( taxes ) => taxes.id )
* Delete taxes.
* @param {number[]} ids an array of taxes IDs to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteTaxes = ( ids ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'taxes/batch', {
delete: ids,
} );
* Create Coupons.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created coupons,
* or rejects if the request failed.
const createCoupons = ( fixture = fixtures.Coupons() ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'coupons/batch', {
create: fixture,
} ).then( ( response ) =>
response.data.create.map( ( coupon ) => coupon.id )
* Delete coupons.
* @param {number[]} ids an array of coupons IDs to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteCoupons = ( ids ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'coupons/batch', {
delete: ids,
} );
* Create Product Categories.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created categories,
* or rejects if the request failed.
const createCategories = ( fixture = fixtures.Categories() ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'products/categories/batch', {
create: fixture,
} ).then( ( response ) => response.data.create );
* Delete Product Categories.
* @param {Object[]} categories an array of categories to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteCategories = ( categories ) => {
const ids = categories.map( ( category ) => category.id );
return WooCommerce.post( 'products/categories/batch', {
delete: ids,
} );
* Create Product Tags.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created tags,
* or rejects if the request failed.
const createTags = ( fixture = fixtures.Tags() ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'products/tags/batch', {
create: fixture,
} ).then( ( response ) => response.data.create );
* Delete Product Tags.
* @param {Object[]} tags an array of tags to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteTags = ( tags ) => {
const ids = tags.map( ( tag ) => tag.id );
return WooCommerce.post( 'products/tags/batch', {
delete: ids,
} );
* Create Products.
* currently this only creates a single product for the sake of reviews.
* @todo add more products to e2e fixtures data.
* @param {Array} categories Array of category objects so we can replace names with ids in the request.
* @param {Array} tags Array of category objects so we can replace names with ids in the request.
* @param {Array} attributes Array of attribute objects so we can replace names with ids in the request.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created products,
* or rejects if the request failed.
const createProducts = (
fixture = fixtures.Products()
) => {
const hydratedFixture = fixture.map( ( product ) => {
if ( categories && product.categories ) {
product.categories = product.categories.map( ( categoryName ) =>
( category ) => category.name === categoryName
if ( tags && product.tags ) {
product.tags = product.tags.map( ( tagName ) =>
tags.find( ( tag ) => tag.name === tagName )
if ( attributes && product.attributes ) {
product.attributes = product.attributes.map(
( productAttribute ) => {
return {
( attribute ) =>
attribute.name === productAttribute.name
return product;
} );
return WooCommerce.post( 'products/batch', {
create: hydratedFixture,
} ).then( ( products ) => {
return products.data.create.map( ( product ) => product.id );
} );
* Delete products.
* Deleting products will also delete review.
* @param {number[]} ids an array of products IDs to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to the deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteProducts = ( ids ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'products/batch', {
delete: ids,
} );
* Create Reviews.
* @param {number} id product id to assign reviews to.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our reviews, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an server response data, or
* rejects if the request failed.
const createReviews = ( id, fixture = fixtures.ReviewsInProduct( id ) ) =>
WooCommerce.post( 'products/reviews/batch', {
create: fixture,
} );
* Enable Cash on delivery payments.
* This is not called directly but is called within enablePaymentGateways.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an server response data, or
* rejects if the request failed.
const enableCashOnDelivery = () =>
WooCommerce.post( 'payment_gateways/cod', {
description: 'Cash on delivery',
enabled: true,
settings: { instructions: 'Cash on delivery' },
} );
* Enable Direct bank transfer payments.
* This is not called directly but is called within enablePaymentGateways.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an server response data, or
* rejects if the request failed.
const enableDirectBankTransfer = () =>
WooCommerce.post( 'payment_gateways/bacs', {
description: 'Direct bank transfer',
enabled: true,
settings: { instructions: 'Direct bank transfer' },
} );
* Enable Cheque payments.
* This is not called directly but is called within enablePaymentGateways.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an server response data, or
* rejects if the request failed.
const enableCheque = () =>
WooCommerce.post( 'payment_gateways/cheque', {
description: 'Check payments',
enabled: true,
settings: { instructions: 'Check payments' },
} );
* Enable payment gateways.
* It calls other individual payment gateway functions.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of server response
* data, or rejects if the request failed.
const enablePaymentGateways = () =>
Promise.all( [
] );
* Create shipping zones.
* Shipping locations need to be assigned to a zone, and shipping methods need
* to be assigned to a shipping location, this create a shipping zone and
* location and methods.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created shipping
* zones IDs, or rejects if the request failed.
const createShippingZones = ( fixture = fixtures.Shipping() ) => {
return Promise.all(
fixture.map( ( { name, locations, methods } ) => {
return WooCommerce.post( 'shipping/zones', { name } )
.then( ( response ) => {
return response.data.id;
} )
.then( ( zoneId ) => {
const locationsPromise = WooCommerce.put(
`shipping/zones/${ zoneId }/locations`,
return [ zoneId, locationsPromise ];
} )
.then( ( [ zoneId, locationsPromise ] ) => {
const methodPromise = Promise.all(
methods.map( ( method ) =>
`shipping/zones/${ zoneId }/methods`,
return [ zoneId, methodPromise, locationsPromise ];
} )
.then( ( [ zoneId, methodPromise, locationsPromise ] ) =>
Promise.all( [ methodPromise, locationsPromise ] ).then(
() => zoneId
} )
* Delete Shipping zones.
* Deleting a shipping will also delete location and methods defined within it.
* @param {number[]} ids an array of shipping zones IDs to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to an array of deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteShippingZones = ( ids ) => {
const deleteZone = ( id ) =>
WooCommerce.delete( `shipping/zones/${ id }`, {
force: true,
} );
return Promise.all( ids.map( deleteZone ) );
const createBlockPages = () => {
return glob( `${ dirname( __filename ) }/../specs/**/*.fixture.json` ).then(
( files ) => {
return Promise.all(
files.map( async ( filePath ) => {
const file = await readJson( filePath );
const { title, pageContent: content } = file;
return axios
status: 'publish',
auth: {
username: process.env.WORDPRESS_LOGIN,
password: process.env.WORDPRESS_PASSWORD,
.then( ( response ) => response.data.id );
} )
const deleteBlockPages = ( ids ) => {
return Promise.all(
ids.map( ( id ) =>
axios.delete( `${ WPAPI }/${ id }`, {
params: {
force: true,
auth: {
username: process.env.WORDPRESS_LOGIN,
password: process.env.WORDPRESS_PASSWORD,
} )
* Create Products attributes and terms.
* @param {Object[]} fixture An array of objects describing our data, defaults
* to our fixture.
* @return {Promise} a promise that resolves to an array of newly created product attributes IDs, or rejects if the request failed.
const createProductAttributes = ( fixture = fixtures.Attributes() ) => {
return Promise.all(
fixture.map( ( { attribute, terms } ) => {
return WooCommerce.post( 'products/attributes', attribute )
.then( ( response ) => {
return response.data.id;
} )
.then( ( attributeId ) => {
const termsPromise = WooCommerce.put(
`products/attributes/${ attributeId }/terms/batch`,
{ create: terms }
return [ attributeId, termsPromise ];
} )
.then( ( [ attributeId, termsPromise ] ) =>
Promise.all( [ attributeId, termsPromise ] ).then( () => ( {
name: attribute.name,
id: attributeId,
} ) )
.catch( () => {
// At this point, the attributes probably already exist. Get them and return them instead.
return WooCommerce.get( 'products/attributes' ).then(
( response ) => response.data
} );
} )
* Delete Products attributes.
* Deleting all passed product attributes, will also delete terms within it.
* @param {number[]} ids an array of product attributes IDs to delete.
* @return {Promise} return a promise that resolves to an array of deleted data or
* reject if the request failed.
const deleteProductAttributes = ( ids ) => {
return WooCommerce.post( 'products/attributes/batch', { delete: ids } );
module.exports = {