
96 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
const { spawnSync } = require( 'child_process' );
const program = require( 'commander' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const { getAppRoot } = require( '../utils' );
const { JEST_PUPPETEER_CONFIG } = process.env;
.usage( '<file ...> [options]' )
.option( '--dev', 'Development mode' )
.parse( process.argv );
const appPath = getAppRoot();
const nodeConfigDirs = [
path.resolve( __dirname, '../config' ),
if ( appPath ) {
path.resolve( appPath, 'tests/e2e/config' )
let testEnvVars = {
NODE_ENV: 'test-e2e',
NODE_CONFIG_DIR: nodeConfigDirs.join( ':' ),
node_config_dev: program.dev ? 'yes' : 'no',
jest_test_timeout: program.dev ? 120000 : 30000,
// Use local Puppeteer config if there is one.
// Load test configuration file into an object.
const localJestConfigFile = path.resolve( appPath, 'tests/e2e/config/jest-puppeteer.config.js' );
const jestConfigFile = path.resolve( __dirname, '../config/jest-puppeteer.config.js' );
testEnvVars.JEST_PUPPETEER_CONFIG = fs.existsSync( localJestConfigFile ) ? localJestConfigFile : jestConfigFile;
// Check for running a specific script
if ( program.args.length == 1 ) {
// Check for both absolute and relative paths
const testSpecAbs = path.resolve( program.args[0] )
const testSpecRel = path.resolve( appPath, program.args[0] );
if ( fs.existsSync( testSpecAbs ) ) {
process.env.jest_test_spec = testSpecAbs;
} else if ( fs.existsSync( testSpecRel ) ) {
process.env.jest_test_spec = testSpecRel;
let jestCommand = 'jest';
const jestArgs = [
if ( program.dev ) {
jestCommand = 'npx';
jestArgs.unshift( 'ndb', 'jest' );
const envVars = Object.assign( {}, process.env, testEnvVars );
let configPath = path.resolve( __dirname, '../config/jest.config.js' );
// Look for a Jest config in the dependent app's path.
if ( appPath ) {
const appConfig = path.resolve( appPath, 'tests/e2e/config/jest.config.js' );
if ( fs.existsSync( appConfig ) ) {
configPath = appConfig;
jestArgs.push( '--config=' + configPath );
const jestProcess = spawnSync(
stdio: 'inherit',
env: envVars,
console.log( 'Jest exit code: ' + jestProcess.status );
// Pass Jest exit code to npm
process.exit( jestProcess.status );