330 lines
9.1 KiB
330 lines
9.1 KiB
const { couponsApi } = require( '../../endpoints/coupons' );
const { ordersApi } = require( '../../endpoints/orders' );
const { coupon, order } = require( '../../data' );
* Tests for the WooCommerce Coupons API.
* @group api
* @group coupons
describe( 'Coupons API tests', () => {
let couponId;
it( 'can create a coupon', async () => {
const testCoupon = {
code: `${ coupon.code }-${ Date.now() }`,
const response = await couponsApi.create.coupon( testCoupon );
expect( response.statusCode ).toEqual( couponsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( response.body.id ).toBeDefined();
couponId = response.body.id;
// Validate the created coupon object has the correct code, amount, and discount type
expect( response.body ).toEqual(
expect.objectContaining( {
code: testCoupon.code,
amount: Number( coupon.amount ).toFixed( 2 ),
discount_type: coupon.discount_type,
} )
} );
it( 'can retrieve a coupon', async () => {
const response = await couponsApi.retrieve.coupon( couponId );
expect( response.statusCode ).toEqual(
expect( response.body.id ).toEqual( couponId );
} );
it( 'can update a coupon', async () => {
const updatedCouponDetails = {
description: '10% off storewide',
maximum_amount: '500.00',
usage_limit_per_user: 1,
free_shipping: true,
const response = await couponsApi.update.coupon(
expect( response.statusCode ).toEqual( couponsApi.update.responseCode );
expect( response.body ).toEqual(
expect.objectContaining( updatedCouponDetails )
} );
it( 'can permanently delete a coupon', async () => {
const response = await couponsApi.delete.coupon( couponId, true );
expect( response.statusCode ).toEqual( couponsApi.delete.responseCode );
const getCouponResponse = await couponsApi.retrieve.coupon( couponId );
expect( getCouponResponse.statusCode ).toEqual( 404 );
} );
describe( 'Batch update coupons', () => {
* Coupons to be created, updated, and deleted.
const expectedCoupons = [
code: `batchcoupon-${ Date.now() }`,
discount_type: 'percent',
amount: '10',
free_shipping: false,
code: `batchcoupon-${ Date.now() + 1 }`,
discount_type: 'percent',
amount: '20',
it( 'can batch create coupons', async () => {
// Batch create 2 new coupons.
const batchCreatePayload = {
create: expectedCoupons,
const batchCreateResponse = await couponsApi.batch.coupons(
expect( batchCreateResponse.status ).toEqual(
// Verify that the 2 new coupons were created
const actualCoupons = batchCreateResponse.body.create;
expect( actualCoupons ).toHaveLength( expectedCoupons.length );
for ( let i = 0; i < actualCoupons.length; i++ ) {
const { id, code } = actualCoupons[ i ];
const expectedCouponCode = expectedCoupons[ i ].code;
expect( id ).toBeDefined();
expect( code ).toEqual( expectedCouponCode );
// Save the coupon id
expectedCoupons[ i ].id = id;
} );
it( 'can batch update coupons', async () => {
// Update the 1st coupon to free shipping.
// Update the amount of the 2nd coupon to 25.
const batchUpdatePayload = {
update: [
id: expectedCoupons[ 0 ].id,
free_shipping: true,
id: expectedCoupons[ 1 ].id,
amount: '25.00',
const batchUpdateResponse = await couponsApi.batch.coupons(
// Verify the response code and the number of coupons that were updated.
const updatedCoupons = batchUpdateResponse.body.update;
expect( batchUpdateResponse.status ).toEqual(
expect( updatedCoupons ).toHaveLength( expectedCoupons.length );
// Verify that the 1st coupon was updated to free shipping.
expect( updatedCoupons[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( expectedCoupons[ 0 ].id );
expect( updatedCoupons[ 0 ].free_shipping ).toEqual( true );
// Verify that the amount of the 2nd coupon was updated to 25.
expect( updatedCoupons[ 1 ].id ).toEqual( expectedCoupons[ 1 ].id );
expect( updatedCoupons[ 1 ].amount ).toEqual( '25.00' );
} );
it( 'can batch delete coupons', async () => {
// Batch delete the 2 coupons.
const couponIdsToDelete = expectedCoupons.map( ( { id } ) => id );
const batchDeletePayload = {
delete: couponIdsToDelete,
const batchDeleteResponse = await couponsApi.batch.coupons(
// Verify that the response shows the 2 coupons.
const deletedCouponIds = batchDeleteResponse.body.delete.map(
( { id } ) => id
expect( batchDeleteResponse.status ).toEqual(
expect( deletedCouponIds ).toEqual( couponIdsToDelete );
// Verify that the 2 deleted coupons cannot be retrieved.
for ( const couponId of couponIdsToDelete ) {
const { status } = await couponsApi.retrieve.coupon( couponId );
expect( status ).toEqual( 404 );
} );
} );
describe( 'List coupons', () => {
const allCoupons = [
code: `listcoupons-01-${ Date.now() }`,
description: `description-01-${ Date.now() }`,
code: `listcoupons-02-${ Date.now() }`,
description: `description-02-${ Date.now() }`,
code: `listcoupons-03-${ Date.now() }`,
description: `description-03-${ Date.now() }`,
beforeAll( async () => {
// Create list of coupons for testing.
const response = await couponsApi.batch.coupons( {
create: allCoupons,
} );
const actualCreatedCoupons = response.body.create;
// Save their coupon ID's
for ( const coupon of allCoupons ) {
const { id } = actualCreatedCoupons.find(
( { code } ) => coupon.code === code
coupon.id = id;
} );
afterAll( async () => {
// Clean up created coupons
const batchDeletePayload = {
delete: allCoupons.map( ( { id } ) => id ),
await couponsApi.batch.coupons( batchDeletePayload );
} );
it( 'can list all coupons by default', async () => {
const response = await couponsApi.listAll.coupons();
const listedCoupons = response.body;
const actualCouponIdsList = listedCoupons.map( ( { id } ) => id );
const expectedCouponIdsList = allCoupons.map( ( { id } ) => id );
expect( response.status ).toEqual(
expect( actualCouponIdsList ).toEqual(
expect.arrayContaining( expectedCouponIdsList )
} );
it( 'can limit result set to matching code', async () => {
const matchingCoupon = allCoupons[ 1 ];
const payload = { code: matchingCoupon.code };
const { status, body } = await couponsApi.listAll.coupons(
expect( status ).toEqual( couponsApi.listAll.responseCode );
expect( body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( body[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( matchingCoupon.id );
} );
it( 'can paginate results', async () => {
const pageSize = 2;
const payload = {
page: 1,
per_page: pageSize,
const { status, body } = await couponsApi.listAll.coupons(
expect( status ).toEqual( couponsApi.listAll.responseCode );
expect( body ).toHaveLength( pageSize );
} );
it( 'can limit results to matching string', async () => {
// Search by description
const matchingCoupon = allCoupons[ 2 ];
const matchingString = matchingCoupon.description;
const payload = {
search: matchingString,
const { status, body } = await couponsApi.listAll.coupons(
expect( status ).toEqual( couponsApi.listAll.responseCode );
expect( body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( body[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( matchingCoupon.id );
} );
} );
describe( 'Add coupon to order', () => {
const testCoupon = {
code: `coupon-${ Date.now() }`,
discount_type: 'percent',
amount: '10',
let orderId;
beforeAll( async () => {
// Create a coupon
const createCouponResponse = await couponsApi.create.coupon(
testCoupon.id = createCouponResponse.body.id;
} );
// Clean up created coupon and order
afterAll( async () => {
await couponsApi.delete.coupon( testCoupon.id, true );
await ordersApi.delete.order( orderId, true );
} );
it( 'can add coupon to an order', async () => {
const orderWithCoupon = {
coupon_lines: [ { code: testCoupon.code } ],
const { status, body } = await ordersApi.create.order(
orderId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( ordersApi.create.responseCode );
expect( body.coupon_lines ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( body.coupon_lines[ 0 ].code ).toEqual( testCoupon.code );
// Test that the coupon meta data exists.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/28166.
expect( body.coupon_lines[ 0 ].meta_data ).toEqual(
expect.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( {
key: 'coupon_data',
value: expect.objectContaining( {
code: testCoupon.code,
} ),
} ),
] )
} );
} );
} );