
526 lines
16 KiB

* @format
* Internal dependencies
import { merchant, IS_RETEST_MODE } from './flows';
import {
} from './page-utils';
import factories from './factories';
import { Coupon } from '@woocommerce/api';
const client = factories.api.withDefaultPermalinks;
const config = require( 'config' );
const simpleProductName = config.get( 'products.simple.name' );
const simpleProductPrice = config.has('products.simple.price') ? config.get('products.simple.price') : '9.99';
const defaultVariableProduct = config.get('products.variable');
const defaultGroupedProduct = config.get('products.grouped');
* Verify and publish
* @param noticeText The text that appears in the notice after publishing.
const verifyAndPublish = async ( noticeText ) => {
// Wait for auto save
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Publish product
await expect( page ).toClick( '#publish' );
await page.waitForSelector( '.updated.notice' );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.updated.notice', { text: noticeText } );
* Wait for primary button to be enabled and click.
* @param waitForNetworkIdle - Wait for network idle after click
* @returns {Promise<void>}
const waitAndClickPrimary = async ( waitForNetworkIdle = true ) => {
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.is-primary:not(:disabled)' );
await page.click( 'button.is-primary' );
if ( waitForNetworkIdle ) {
await page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } );
* Complete onboarding wizard.
const completeOnboardingWizard = async () => {
// Store Details section
await merchant.runSetupWizard();
// Fill store's address - first line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-0', config.get( 'addresses.admin.store.addressfirstline' ) );
// Fill store's address - second line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-1', config.get( 'addresses.admin.store.addresssecondline' ) );
// Fill country and state where the store is located
await expect( page ).toFill( '.woocommerce-select-control__control-input', config.get( 'addresses.admin.store.countryandstate' ) );
// Fill the city where the store is located
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-2', config.get( 'addresses.admin.store.city' ) );
// Fill postcode of the store
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-3', config.get( 'addresses.admin.store.postcode' ) );
// Verify that checkbox next to "I'm setting up a store for a client" is not selected
await verifyCheckboxIsUnset( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.is-primary:not(:disabled)' );
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step
await page.click( 'button.is-primary', { text: 'Continue' } );
// Wait for usage tracking pop-up window to appear on a new site
const usageTrackingHeader = await page.$('.components-modal__header-heading');
if ( usageTrackingHeader ) {
await expect(page).toMatchElement(
'.components-modal__header-heading', {text: 'Build a better WooCommerce'}
// Query for "No Thanks" buttons
const continueButtons = await page.$$( '.woocommerce-usage-modal__actions button.is-secondary' );
expect( continueButtons ).toHaveLength( 1 );
await continueButtons[0].click();
await page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } );
// Industry section
// Query for the industries checkboxes
const industryCheckboxes = await page.$$( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
expect( industryCheckboxes ).toHaveLength( 8 );
// Select all industries including "Other"
for ( let i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
await industryCheckboxes[i].click();
// Fill "Other" industry
await expect( page ).toFill( '.components-text-control__input', config.get( 'onboardingwizard.industry' ) );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await waitAndClickPrimary();
// Product types section
// Query for the product types checkboxes
const productTypesCheckboxes = await page.$$( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
expect( productTypesCheckboxes ).toHaveLength( 7 );
// Select Physical and Downloadable products
for ( let i = 1; i < 2; i++ ) {
await productTypesCheckboxes[i].click();
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await waitAndClickPrimary();
// Business Details section
// Temporarily add delay to reduce test flakiness
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Query for the <SelectControl>s
const selectControls = await page.$$( '.woocommerce-select-control' );
expect( selectControls ).toHaveLength( 2 );
// Fill the number of products you plan to sell
await selectControls[0].click();
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce-select-control__control' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce-select-control__option', { text: config.get( 'onboardingwizard.numberofproducts' ) } );
// Fill currently selling elsewhere
await selectControls[1].click();
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce-select-control__control' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce-select-control__option', { text: config.get( 'onboardingwizard.sellingelsewhere' ) } );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await waitAndClickPrimary( false );
// Skip installing extensions
await unsetCheckbox( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
await verifyCheckboxIsUnset( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
await waitAndClickPrimary();
// Theme section
await waitAndClickPrimary();
// End of onboarding wizard
// Home screen modal can't be reset via the rest api.
// Wait for homescreen welcome modal to appear
let welcomeHeader = await waitForSelectorWithoutThrow( '.woocommerce__welcome-modal__page-content' );
if ( ! welcomeHeader ) {
// Click two Next buttons
for ( let b = 0; b < 2; b++ ) {
await page.waitForSelector('button.components-guide__forward-button');
await page.click('button.components-guide__forward-button');
// Wait for "Let's go" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.components-guide__finish-button' );
await page.click( 'button.components-guide__finish-button' );
* Create simple product.
* @param productTitle - Defaults to Simple Product. Customizable title.
* @param productPrice - Defaults to $9.99. Customizable pricing.
const createSimpleProduct = async ( productTitle = simpleProductName, productPrice = simpleProductPrice ) => {
const product = await factories.products.simple.create( {
name: productTitle,
regularPrice: productPrice
} );
return product.id;
} ;
* Create simple product with categories
* @param productName Product's name which can be changed when writing a test
* @param productPrice Product's price which can be changed when writing a test
* @param categoryName Product's category which can be changed when writing a test
const createSimpleProductWithCategory = async ( productName, productPrice, categoryName ) => {
const product = await factories.products.simple.create( {
name: productName,
regularPrice: productPrice,
categories: [
name: categoryName,
isVirtual: true,
} );
return product.id;
* Create variable product.
* Also, create variations for all attributes.
* @param varProduct Defaults to the variable product object in `default.json`
* @returns the ID of the created variable product
const createVariableProduct = async (varProduct = defaultVariableProduct) => {
const { attributes } = varProduct;
const { id } = await factories.products.variable.create(varProduct); // create the variable product
const variations = [];
const buffer = []; // accumulated attributes while looping
const aIdx = 0; // attributes[] index
// Create variation for all attributes
const createVariation = (aIdx) => {
const { name, options } = attributes[aIdx];
const isLastAttribute = aIdx === attributes.length - 1;
// Add each attribute value to the buffer.
options.forEach((opt) => {
name: name,
option: opt
if (isLastAttribute) {
// If this is the last attribute, it means the variation is now complete.
// Save whatever's been accumulated in the buffer to the `variations[]` array.
attributes: [...buffer]
} else {
// Otherwise, move to the next attribute first
// before proceeding to the next value in this attribute.
createVariation(aIdx + 1);
// Set some properties of 1st variation
variations[0].regularPrice = '9.99';
variations[0].virtual = true;
// Set some properties of 2nd variation
variations[1].regularPrice = '11.99';
variations[1].virtual = true;
// Set some properties of 3rd variation
variations[2].regularPrice = '20';
variations[2].weight = '200';
variations[2].dimensions = {
length: '10',
width: '20',
height: '15'
variations[2].manage_stock = true;
// Use API to create each variation
for (const v of variations) {
await factories.products.variation.create({
productId: id,
variation: v
return id;
* Create grouped product.
* @param groupedProduct Defaults to the grouped product object in `default.json`
* @returns ID of the grouped product
const createGroupedProduct = async (groupedProduct = defaultGroupedProduct) => {
const { name, groupedProducts } = groupedProduct;
const simpleProductIds = [];
let groupedProductRequest;
// Using the api, create simple products to be grouped
for (const simpleProduct of groupedProducts) {
const { id } = await factories.products.simple.create(simpleProduct);
// Using the api, create the grouped product
groupedProductRequest = {
name: name,
groupedProducts: simpleProductIds
const { id } = await factories.products.grouped.create(
return id;
* Create a basic order with the provided order status.
* @param orderStatus Status of the new order. Defaults to `Pending payment`.
const createSimpleOrder = async ( orderStatus = 'Pending payment' ) => {
// Go to 'Add new order' page
await merchant.openNewOrder();
// Make sure we're on the add order page
await expect( page.title() ).resolves.toMatch( 'Add new order' );
// Set order status
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#order_status', orderStatus );
// Wait for auto save
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Create the order
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button.save_order' );
await page.waitForSelector( '#message' );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '#message', { text: 'Order updated.' } );
const variablePostId = await page.$( '#post_ID' );
let variablePostIdValue = ( await ( await variablePostId.getProperty( 'value' ) ).jsonValue() );
return variablePostIdValue;
* Adds a product to an order in the merchant.
* @param orderId ID of the order to add the product to.
* @param productName Name of the product being added to the order.
const addProductToOrder = async ( orderId, productName ) => {
await merchant.goToOrder( orderId );
// Add a product to the order
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button.add-line-item' );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button.add-order-item' );
await page.waitForSelector( '.wc-backbone-modal-header' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.wc-backbone-modal-content .wc-product-search' );
await expect( page ).toFill('#wc-backbone-modal-dialog + .select2-container .select2-search__field', productName);
await page.waitForSelector( 'li[aria-selected="true"]', { timeout: 10000 } );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'li[aria-selected="true"]' );
await page.click( '.wc-backbone-modal-content #btn-ok' );
await backboneUnblocked();
// Verify the product we added shows as a line item now
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.wc-order-item-name', { text: productName } );
* Creates a basic coupon with the provided coupon amount. Returns the coupon code.
* @param couponAmount Amount to be applied. Defaults to 5.
* @param discountType Type of a coupon. Defaults to Fixed cart discount.
const createCoupon = async ( couponAmount = '5', discountType = 'Fixed cart discount' ) => {
let couponType;
switch ( discountType ) {
case "Fixed cart discount":
couponType = 'fixed_cart';
case "Fixed product discount":
couponType = 'fixed_product';
case "Percentage discount":
couponType = 'percent';
couponType = discountType;
// Fill in coupon code
let couponCode = 'code-' + couponType + new Date().getTime().toString();
const repository = Coupon.restRepository( client );
await repository.create( {
code: couponCode,
discountType: couponType,
amount: couponAmount,
return couponCode;
* Adds a shipping zone along with a shipping method.
* @param zoneName Shipping zone name.
* @param zoneLocation Shiping zone location. Defaults to country:US. For states use: state:US:CA
* @param zipCode Shipping zone zip code. Defaults to empty one space.
* @param zoneMethod Shipping method type. Defaults to flat_rate (use also: free_shipping or local_pickup)
const addShippingZoneAndMethod = async ( zoneName, zoneLocation = 'country:US', zipCode = ' ', zoneMethod = 'flat_rate' ) => {
await merchant.openNewShipping();
// Fill shipping zone name
await page.waitForSelector('input#zone_name');
await expect(page).toFill('input#zone_name', zoneName);
// Select shipping zone location
await expect(page).toSelect('select[name="zone_locations"]', zoneLocation);
// Fill shipping zone postcode if needed otherwise just put empty space
await page.waitForSelector('a.wc-shipping-zone-postcodes-toggle');
await expect(page).toClick('a.wc-shipping-zone-postcodes-toggle');
await expect(page).toFill('#zone_postcodes', zipCode);
await expect(page).toMatchElement('#zone_postcodes', zipCode);
await expect(page).toClick('button#submit');
// Add shipping zone method
await page.waitFor(1000);
await expect(page).toClick('button.wc-shipping-zone-add-method', {text:'Add shipping method'});
await page.waitForSelector('.wc-shipping-zone-method-selector');
await expect(page).toSelect('select[name="add_method_id"]', zoneMethod);
await expect(page).toClick('button#btn-ok');
await page.waitForSelector('#zone_locations');
* Click the Update button on the order details page.
* @param noticeText The text that appears in the notice after updating the order.
* @param waitForSave Optionally wait for auto save.
const clickUpdateOrder = async ( noticeText, waitForSave = false ) => {
if ( waitForSave ) {
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Update order
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button.save_order' );
await page.waitForSelector( '.updated.notice' );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.updated.notice', { text: noticeText } );
* Delete all email logs in the WP Mail Logging plugin page.
const deleteAllEmailLogs = async () => {
await merchant.openEmailLog();
// Make sure we have emails to delete. If we don't, this selector will return null.
if ( await page.$( '#bulk-action-selector-top' ) !== null ) {
await setCheckbox( '#cb-select-all-1' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#bulk-action-selector-top', 'Delete' );
await Promise.all( [
page.click( '#doaction' ),
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
* Delete all the existing shipping zones.
const deleteAllShippingZones = async () => {
await merchant.openSettings('shipping');
// Delete existing shipping zones.
try {
let zone = await page.$( '.wc-shipping-zone-delete' );
if ( zone ) {
// WP action links aren't clickable because they are hidden with a left=-9999 style.
await page.evaluate(() => {
document.querySelector('.wc-shipping-zone-name .row-actions')
.left = '0';
while ( zone ) {
await evalAndClick( '.wc-shipping-zone-delete' );
await uiUnblocked();
zone = await page.$( '.wc-shipping-zone-delete' );
} catch (error) {
// Prevent an error here causing the test to fail.
export {