231 lines
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231 lines
7.4 KiB
* External dependencies
import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks/dom';
import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import 'whatwg-fetch'; /* eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved */ /* To make sure Response is available */
* Internal dependencies
import { useCampaigns } from '../useCampaigns';
import { useRegisteredChannels } from '../useRegisteredChannels';
import { STORE_KEY } from '../../data-multichannel/constants';
import { RegisteredChannel } from '../../types';
import { Campaign as APICampaign } from '../../data-multichannel/types';
import '../../data-multichannel'; // To ensure the store is registered
type Channel = Pick< RegisteredChannel, 'slug' | 'title' | 'icon' >;
jest.mock( '@wordpress/api-fetch', () =>
jest.fn( ( { path } ) => {
const total = 9;
const params = new URLSearchParams( path.replace( /^[^?]*/, '' ) );
const page = Number( params.get( 'page' ) );
const perPage = Number( params.get( 'per_page' ) );
if ( ! Number.isInteger( page ) || ! Number.isInteger( perPage ) ) {
return Promise.reject(
new Response( '{"message": "invalid query"}', { status: 400 } )
const length = Math.min( perPage, total - ( page - 1 ) * perPage );
const campaigns: Array< APICampaign > = Array.from( { length } ).map(
( _, index ) => {
const id = `${ page }_${ index + 1 }`;
return {
channel: 'extension-foo',
title: `Campaign ${ id }`,
manage_url: `https://test/extension-foo?path=setup&id=${ id }`,
cost: {
value: ( ( page * perPage + index ) * 0.25 ).toString(),
currency: 'USD',
// For testing fallbacks when data fields are not available
if ( campaigns[ 2 ] ) {
campaigns[ 2 ].channel = 'intentional-mismatch-channel';
campaigns[ 2 ].cost = null;
return Promise.resolve(
new Response( JSON.stringify( campaigns ), {
headers: new Headers( { 'x-wp-total': total.toString() } ),
} )
} )
jest.mock( '../useRegisteredChannels', () => ( {
useRegisteredChannels: jest.fn(),
} ) );
function mockRegisteredChannels( ...channels: Array< Channel > ) {
useRegisteredChannels as jest.MockedFunction<
typeof useRegisteredChannels
).mockReturnValue( {
loading: false,
data: channels.map( ( channel ) => ( {
// The following is not relevant to this test scope
description: '',
isSetupCompleted: true,
setupUrl: '',
manageUrl: '',
syncStatus: 'synced',
issueType: 'none',
issueText: '',
} ) ),
refetch: () => {},
} );
describe( 'useCampaigns', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
dispatch( STORE_KEY ).invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector(
mockRegisteredChannels( {
slug: 'extension-foo',
title: 'Extension Foo',
icon: 'https://test/foo.png',
} );
} );
it( 'should return correct data', async () => {
const { result } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns() );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.error ).toBeUndefined();
// Campaign matched with a channel
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ] ).toEqual( {
id: 'extension-foo|1_1',
title: 'Campaign 1_1',
description: '',
cost: 'USD 1.25',
manageUrl: 'https://test/extension-foo?path=setup&id=1_1',
icon: 'https://test/foo.png',
channelName: 'Extension Foo',
channelSlug: 'extension-foo',
} );
// Campaign didn't match any channel
expect( result.current.data?.[ 2 ] ).toEqual( {
id: 'intentional-mismatch-channel|1_3',
title: 'Campaign 1_3',
description: '',
cost: '',
manageUrl: 'https://test/extension-foo?path=setup&id=1_3',
icon: '',
channelName: '',
channelSlug: 'intentional-mismatch-channel',
} );
} );
it( 'should handle error', async () => {
const { result } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns( 1.5 ) );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.data ).toBeUndefined();
expect( result.current.error ).toEqual( { message: 'invalid query' } );
} );
it( 'should handle pagination according to the page and perPage arguments', async () => {
// Initial page
const { result, rerender } = renderHook<
{ page: number; perPage: number },
ReturnType< typeof useCampaigns >
>( ( { page, perPage } ) => useCampaigns( page, perPage ), {
initialProps: { page: 1, perPage: 5 },
} );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.meta ).toEqual( { total: 9 } );
expect( result.current.data ).toHaveLength( 5 );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|1_1' );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 4 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|1_5' );
// Change page
rerender( { page: 2, perPage: 5 } );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.data ).toHaveLength( 4 );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_1' );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 1 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_2' );
// Change page to a page that doesn't exist
rerender( { page: 3, perPage: 5 } );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.data ).toEqual( [] );
// Change perPage
rerender( { page: 3, perPage: 4 } );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.meta ).toEqual( { total: 9 } );
expect( result.current.data ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|3_1' );
} );
it( 'should update data accordingly once the registered channels are updated', async () => {
const { result, rerender } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns() );
await waitFor( () => expect( result.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ] ).toMatchObject( {
id: 'extension-foo|1_1',
channelName: 'Extension Foo',
icon: 'https://test/foo.png',
} );
// Update registered channels
mockRegisteredChannels( {
slug: 'extension-foo',
title: 'Extension Bar',
icon: 'https://test/bar.png',
} );
expect( result.current.data?.[ 0 ] ).toMatchObject( {
id: 'extension-foo|1_1',
channelName: 'Extension Bar',
icon: 'https://test/bar.png',
} );
} );
it( 'should be able to use different arguments for different instances at the same time', async () => {
const { result: resultA } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns( 1, 2 ) );
const { result: resultB } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns( 2, 2 ) );
const { result: resultC } = renderHook( () => useCampaigns( 2, 4 ) );
await waitFor( () => expect( resultA.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
await waitFor( () => expect( resultB.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
await waitFor( () => expect( resultC.current.loading ).toBe( false ) );
expect( resultA.current.data ).toHaveLength( 2 );
expect( resultA.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|1_1' );
expect( resultA.current.data?.[ 1 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|1_2' );
expect( resultB.current.data ).toHaveLength( 2 );
expect( resultB.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_1' );
expect( resultB.current.data?.[ 1 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_2' );
expect( resultC.current.data ).toHaveLength( 4 );
expect( resultC.current.data?.[ 0 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_1' );
expect( resultC.current.data?.[ 3 ].id ).toEqual( 'extension-foo|2_4' );
} );
} );