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* Class WC_Settings_Shipping_Test file.
* @package WooCommerce\Tests\Settings
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Testing\Tools\CodeHacking\Hacks\FunctionsMockerHack;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Testing\Tools\CodeHacking\Hacks\StaticMockerHack;
require_once __DIR__ . '/class-wc-settings-unit-test-case.php';
* Unit tests for the WC_Settings_Shipping class.
class WC_Settings_Shipping_Test extends WC_Settings_Unit_Test_Case {
* @testDox 'get_sections' returns a fixed set of sections, plus one section for each shipping method having settings.
public function test_get_sections_returns_fixed_sections_and_one_section_per_shipping_method_with_settings() {
$methods = array(
//phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public function has_settings() {
return false;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_with_no_settings';
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public function has_settings() {
return true;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_1_id';
$this->method_title = null;
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public function has_settings() {
return true;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_2_id';
$this->method_title = 'method_2_title';
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods', 'wc_is_installing' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( $methods );
$sut->method( 'wc_is_installing' )->willReturn( false );
$sections = $sut->get_sections();
$expected = array(
'' => 'Shipping zones',
'options' => 'Shipping options',
'classes' => 'Shipping classes',
'method_1_id' => 'Method_1_id',
'method_2_id' => 'method_2_title',
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $sections );
* @testDox 'get_settings' returns proper default settings, also 'options' is an alias for the default section.
* @testWith [""]
* ["options"]
* @param string $section_name The name of the section to get the settings for.
public function test_get_default_and_options_settings_returns_all_settings( $section_name ) {
$sut = new WC_Settings_Shipping();
$settings = $sut->get_settings( $section_name );
$settings_ids_and_types = $this->get_ids_and_types( $settings );
$expected = array(
'shipping_options' => array( 'title', 'sectionend' ),
'woocommerce_enable_shipping_calc' => 'checkbox',
'woocommerce_shipping_cost_requires_address' => 'checkbox',
'woocommerce_ship_to_destination' => 'radio',
'woocommerce_shipping_debug_mode' => 'checkbox',
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $settings_ids_and_types );
* @testDox 'output' for a predefined section invokes the appropriate internal method.
* @testWith ["", "output_zones_screen"]
* ["classes", "output_shipping_class_screen"]
* @param string $section_name Current section name.
* @param string $expected_method_invoked Name of the internal method expected to be invoked.
public function test_output_for_predefined_section( $section_name, $expected_method_invoked ) {
global $current_section;
$current_section = $section_name;
$method_invoked = null;
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods', 'output_zones_screen', 'output_fields', 'output_shipping_class_screen' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( array() );
$sut->method( 'output_zones_screen' )->will(
function() use ( &$method_invoked ) {
$method_invoked = 'output_zones_screen';
$sut->method( 'output_shipping_class_screen' )->will(
function() use ( &$method_invoked ) {
$method_invoked = 'output_shipping_class_screen';
$this->assertEquals( $expected_method_invoked, $method_invoked );
* @testDox 'output' invokes 'admin_options' of the method if section is the id of a shipping method with settings.
public function test_output_for_shipping_method_id_with_settings() {
global $current_section;
$current_section = 'method_id';
//phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting
$method =
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public $admin_options_invoked;
public function has_settings() {
return true;
public function admin_options() {
$this->admin_options_invoked = true;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_id';
$this->admin_options_invoked = false;
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( array( $method ) );
$this->assertTrue( $method->admin_options_invoked );
* @testDox 'output' fallbacks to default behavior when section is for a shipping method without settings, or not a known shipping method.
* @testWith ["method_name"]
* ["foobar"]
* @param string $section_name Current section name.
public function test_output_for_shipping_method_without_settings_or_unknown_section( $section_name ) {
global $current_section;
$current_section = $section_name;
$output_fields_in_admin_settings_invoked = false;
'WC_Admin_Settings' => array(
'output_fields' => function( $settings ) use ( &$output_fields_in_admin_settings_invoked ) {
$output_fields_in_admin_settings_invoked = true;
//phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting
$method =
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public $admin_options_invoked;
public function has_settings() {
return false;
public function admin_options() {
$this->admin_options_invoked = true;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_id';
$this->admin_options_invoked = false;
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( array( $method ) );
$this->assertFalse( $method->admin_options_invoked );
$this->assertTrue( $output_fields_in_admin_settings_invoked );
* @testDox 'save' triggers the appropriate action, and also 'save_settings_for_current_section' if needed, when the current section is a predefined one.
* @testWith ["", false, false]
* ["options", true, true]
* ["classes", false, true]
* @param string $section_name Current section name.
* @param bool $expect_save_settings_for_current_section_invoked Is 'save_settings_for_current_section' expected to be invoked?.
* @param bool $expect_update_options_action_invoked Is the 'woocommerce_update_options_' action expected to be triggered?.
public function test_save_predefined_section( $section_name, $expect_save_settings_for_current_section_invoked, $expect_update_options_action_invoked ) {
global $current_section;
$current_section = $section_name;
$save_settings_for_current_section_invoked = false;
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods', 'save_settings_for_current_section' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( array() );
$sut->method( 'save_settings_for_current_section' )->will(
function() use ( &$save_settings_for_current_section_invoked ) {
$save_settings_for_current_section_invoked = true;
$this->assertEquals( $expect_save_settings_for_current_section_invoked, $save_settings_for_current_section_invoked );
$this->assertEquals( $expect_update_options_action_invoked ? 1 : 0, did_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $section_name ) );
* @testDox 'save' triggers 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_{method_id}' when the current section is the id of a shipping method with settings.
public function test_save_for_shipping_method_triggers_appropriate_action() {
global $current_section;
$current_section = 'method_id';
//phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting
$method =
new class() {
public $id;
public $method_title;
public $admin_options_invoked;
public function has_settings() {
return true;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'method_id';
$sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Shipping::class )
->setMethods( array( 'get_shipping_methods' ) )
$sut->method( 'get_shipping_methods' )->willReturn( array( $method ) );
$this->assertEquals( 1, did_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_method_id' ) );