
628 lines
17 KiB

const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { RawHTML } = wp.element;
const { registerBlockType, InspectorControls, BlockControls } = wp.blocks;
const { Toolbar, withAPIData, Dropdown, Dashicon, RangeControl, Tooltip } = wp.components;
const { ToggleControl, SelectControl } = InspectorControls;
import { ProductsSpecificSelect } from './views/specific-select.jsx';
import { ProductsCategorySelect } from './views/category-select.jsx';
import { ProductsAttributeSelect } from './views/attribute-select.jsx';
* A setting has the following properties:
* title - Display title of the setting.
* description - Display description of the setting.
* value - Display setting slug to set when selected.
* group_container - (optional) If set the setting is a parent container.
'specific' : {
title: __( 'Individual products' ),
description: __( 'Hand-pick which products to display' ),
value: 'specific',
'category' : {
title: __( 'Product category' ),
description: __( 'Display products from a specific category or multiple categories' ),
value: 'category',
'filter' : {
title: __( 'Filter products' ),
description: __( 'E.g. featured products, or products with a specific attribute like size or color' ),
value: 'filter',
group_container: 'filter'
'featured' : {
title: __( 'Featured products' ),
description: '',
value: 'featured',
'best_sellers' : {
title: __( 'Best sellers' ),
description: '',
value: 'best_sellers',
'best_rated' : {
title: __( 'Best rated' ),
description: '',
value: 'best_rated',
'on_sale' : {
title: __( 'On sale' ),
description: '',
value: 'on_sale',
'attribute' : {
title: __( 'Attribute' ),
description: '',
value: 'attribute',
'all' : {
title: __( 'All products' ),
description: __( 'Display all products ordered chronologically' ),
value: 'all',
* One option from the list of all available ways to display products.
class ProductsBlockSettingsEditorDisplayOption extends React.Component {
render() {
let icon = 'arrow-right-alt2';
if ( 'filter' === this.props.value && this.props.extended ) {
icon = 'arrow-down-alt2';
return (
<div className={ 'wc-products-display-options__option wc-products-display-options__option--' + this.props.value } onClick={ () => { this.props.update_display_callback( this.props.value ) } } >
<div className="wc-products-display-options__option-content">
<span className="wc-products-display-options__option-title">{ this.props.title }</span>
<p className="wc-products-display-options__option-description">{ this.props.description }</p>
<div className="wc-products-display-options__icon">
<Dashicon icon={ icon } />
* A list of all available ways to display products.
class ProductsBlockSettingsEditorDisplayOptions extends React.Component {
* Constructor.
constructor( props ) {
super( props );
this.setWrapperRef = this.setWrapperRef.bind( this );
this.handleClickOutside = this.handleClickOutside.bind( this );
* Hook in the listener for closing menu when clicked outside.
componentDidMount() {
if ( this.props.existing ) {
document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleClickOutside );
* Remove the listener for closing menu when clicked outside.
componentWillUnmount() {
if ( this.props.existing ) {
document.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleClickOutside );
* Set the wrapper reference.
* @param node DOMNode
setWrapperRef( node ) {
this.wrapperRef = node;
* Close the menu when user clicks outside the search area.
handleClickOutside( evt ) {
if ( this.wrapperRef && ! this.wrapperRef.contains( event.target ) && 'wc-products-settings-heading__change-button button-link' !== event.target.getAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
* Render the list of options.
render() {
let classes = 'wc-products-display-options';
if ( this.props.extended ) {
classes += ' wc-products-display-options--extended';
if ( this.props.existing ) {
classes += ' wc-products-display-options--popover';
let display_settings = [];
for ( var setting_key in PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS ) {
display_settings.push( <ProductsBlockSettingsEditorDisplayOption { ...PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS[ setting_key ] } update_display_callback={ this.props.update_display_callback } extended={ this.props.extended } /> );
let arrow = <span className="wc-products-display-options--popover__arrow"></span>;
let description = <p className="wc-products-block-description">{ __( 'Choose which products you\'d like to display:' ) }</p>;
return (
<div className={ classes } ref={ this.setWrapperRef }>
{ this.props.existing && arrow }
{ ! this.props.existing && description }
{ display_settings }
* The products block when in Edit mode.
class ProductsBlockSettingsEditor extends React.Component {
* Constructor.
constructor( props ) {
super( props );
this.state = {
display: props.selected_display,
menu_visible: props.selected_display ? false : true,
expanded_group: '',
this.updateDisplay = this.updateDisplay.bind( this );
this.closeMenu = this.closeMenu.bind( this );
* Update the display settings for the block.
* @param value String
updateDisplay( value ) {
// If not a group update display.
let new_state = {
display: value,
menu_visible: false,
expanded_group: '',
const is_group = 'undefined' !== PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS[ value ].group_container && PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS[ value ].group_container;
if ( is_group ) {
// If the group has not been expanded, expand it.
new_state = {
menu_visible: true,
expanded_group: value,
// If the group has already been expanded, collapse it.
if ( this.state.expanded_group === PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS[ value ].group_container ) {
new_state.expanded_group = '';
this.setState( new_state );
// Only update the display setting if a non-group setting was selected.
if ( ! is_group ) {
this.props.update_display_callback( value );
closeMenu() {
this.setState( {
menu_visible: false
} );
* Render the display settings dropdown and any extra contextual settings.
render() {
let extra_settings = null;
if ( 'specific' === this.state.display ) {
extra_settings = <ProductsSpecificSelect { ...this.props } />;
} else if ( 'category' === this.state.display ) {
extra_settings = <ProductsCategorySelect { ...this.props } />;
} else if ( 'attribute' === this.state.display ) {
extra_settings = <ProductsAttributeSelect { ...this.props } />
const menu = this.state.menu_visible ? <ProductsBlockSettingsEditorDisplayOptions extended={ this.state.expanded_group ? true : false } existing={ this.state.display ? true : false } closeMenu={ this.closeMenu } update_display_callback={ this.updateDisplay } /> : null;
let heading = null;
if ( this.state.display ) {
let menu_link = <button type="button" className="wc-products-settings-heading__change-button button-link" onClick={ () => { this.setState( { menu_visible: ! this.state.menu_visible } ) } }>{ __( 'Display different products' ) }</button>;
heading = (
<div className="wc-products-settings-heading">
<div className="wc-products-settings-heading__current">
{ __( 'Displaying ' ) }
<strong>{ __( PRODUCTS_BLOCK_DISPLAY_SETTINGS[ this.state.display ].title ) }</strong>
<div className="wc-products-settings-heading__change">
{ menu_link }
let done_button = <button type="button" className="button wc-products-settings__footer-button" onClick={ this.props.done_callback }>{ __( 'Done' ) }</button>;
if ( ['', 'specific', 'category', 'attribute'].includes( this.state.display ) && ! this.props.selected_display_setting.length ) {
const done_tooltips = {
'': __( 'Please select which products you\'d like to display' ),
specific: __( 'Please search for and select products to display' ),
category: __( 'Please select at least one category to display' ),
attribute: __( 'Please select an attribute' ),
done_button = (
<Tooltip text={ done_tooltips[ this.state.display ] } >
<button type="button" className="button wc-products-settings__footer-button disabled">{ __( 'Done' ) }</button>
return (
<div className={ 'wc-products-settings ' + ( this.state.expanded_group ? 'expanded-group-' + this.state.expanded_group : '' ) }>
<h4 className="wc-products-settings__title"><Dashicon icon={ 'universal-access-alt' } /> { __( 'Products' ) }</h4>
{ heading }
{ menu }
{ extra_settings }
<div className="wc-products-settings__footer">
{ done_button }
* One product in the product block preview.
class ProductPreview extends React.Component {
render() {
const { attributes, product } = this.props;
let image = null;
if ( product.images.length ) {
image = <img src={ product.images[0].src } />
return (
<div className="product-preview">
{ image }
<div className="product-title">{ product.name }</div>
<div className="product-price" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: product.price_html } } />
<span className="product-add-to-cart">{ __( 'Add to cart' ) }</span>
* Renders a preview of what the block will look like with current settings.
const ProductsBlockPreview = withAPIData( ( { attributes } ) => {
const { columns, rows, display, display_setting, block_layout } = attributes;
let query = {
per_page: ( 'list' === block_layout ) ? rows : rows * columns,
if ( 'specific' === display ) {
query.include = display_setting.join( ',' );
query.orderby = 'include';
} else if ( 'category' === display ) {
query.category = display_setting.join( ',' );
} else if ( 'attribute' === display && display_setting.length ) {
query.attribute = display_setting[0];
if ( display_setting.length > 1 ) {
query.attribute_term = display_setting.slice( 1 ).join( ',' );
} else if ( 'featured' === display ) {
query.featured = 1;
} else if ( 'best_sellers' === display ) {
// @todo Not possible in the API yet.
} else if ( 'best_rated' === display ) {
// @todo Not possible in the API yet.
} else if ( 'on_sale' === display ) {
query.on_sale = 1;
let query_string = '?';
for ( const key of Object.keys( query ) ) {
query_string += key + '=' + query[ key ] + '&';
return {
products: '/wc/v2/products' + query_string
} )( ( { products, attributes } ) => {
if ( ! products.data ) {
return __( 'Loading' );
if ( 0 === products.data.length ) {
return __( 'No products found' );
const classes = "wc-products-block-preview " + attributes.block_layout + " cols-" + attributes.columns;
return (
<div className={ classes }>
{ products.data.map( ( product ) => (
<ProductPreview key={ product.id } product={ product } attributes={ attributes } />
) ) }
} );
* Register and run the products block.
registerBlockType( 'woocommerce/products', {
title: __( 'Products' ),
icon: 'universal-access-alt', // @todo Needs a good icon.
category: 'widgets',
attributes: {
* Layout to use. 'grid' or 'list'.
block_layout: {
type: 'string',
default: 'grid',
* Number of columns.
columns: {
type: 'number',
default: wc_product_block_data.default_columns,
* Number of rows.
rows: {
type: 'number',
default: 1,
* What types of products to display. 'all', 'specific', or 'category'.
display: {
type: 'string',
default: '',
* Which products to display if 'display' is 'specific' or 'category'. Array of product ids or category slugs depending on setting.
display_setting: {
type: 'array',
default: [],
* Whether the block is in edit or preview mode.
edit_mode: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
* Renders and manages the block.
edit( props ) {
const { attributes, className, focus, setAttributes, setFocus } = props;
const { block_layout, rows, columns, display, display_setting, edit_mode } = attributes;
* Get the components for the sidebar settings area that is rendered while focused on a Products block.
* @return Component
function getInspectorControls() {
// Column controls don't make sense in a list layout.
let columnControl = null;
if ( 'list' !== block_layout ) {
columnControl = (
label={ __( 'Columns' ) }
value={ columns }
onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { columns: value } ) }
min={ wc_product_block_data.min_columns }
max={ wc_product_block_data.max_columns }
return (
<InspectorControls key="inspector">
<h3>{ __( 'Layout' ) }</h3>
{ columnControl }
label={ __( 'Rows' ) }
value={ rows }
onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { rows: value } ) }
min={ 1 }
max={ 6 }
* Get the components for the toolbar area that appears on top of the block when focused.
* @return Component
function getToolbarControls() {
const layoutControls = [
icon: 'list-view',
title: __( 'List View' ),
onClick: () => setAttributes( { block_layout: 'list' } ),
isActive: 'list' === block_layout,
icon: 'grid-view',
title: __( 'Grid View' ),
onClick: () => setAttributes( { block_layout: 'grid' } ),
isActive: 'grid' === block_layout,
// Edit button should not do anything if valid product selection has not been made.
const shouldDisableEditButton = ['', 'specific', 'category', 'attribute'].includes( display ) && ! display_setting.length;
const editButton = [
icon: 'edit',
title: __( 'Edit' ),
onClick: shouldDisableEditButton ? function(){} : () => setAttributes( { edit_mode: ! edit_mode } ),
isActive: edit_mode,
return (
<BlockControls key="controls">
<Toolbar controls={ edit_mode ? [] : layoutControls } />
<Toolbar controls={ editButton } />
* Get the block preview component for preview mode.
* @return Component
function getPreview() {
return <ProductsBlockPreview attributes={ attributes } />;
* Get the block edit component for edit mode.
* @return Component
function getSettingsEditor() {
const update_display_callback = ( value ) => {
if ( display !== value ) {
setAttributes( {
display: value,
display_setting: [],
} );
return (
selected_display={ display }
selected_display_setting={ display_setting }
update_display_callback={ update_display_callback }
update_display_setting_callback={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { display_setting: value } ) }
done_callback={ () => setAttributes( { edit_mode: false } ) }
return [
( !! focus ) ? getInspectorControls() : null,
( !! focus ) ? getToolbarControls() : null,
edit_mode ? getSettingsEditor() : getPreview(),
* Save the block content in the post content. Block content is saved as a products shortcode.
* @return string
save( props ) {
const { block_layout, rows, columns, display, display_setting } = props.attributes;
let shortcode_atts = new Map();
shortcode_atts.set( 'limit', 'grid' === block_layout ? rows * columns : rows );
if ( 'list' === block_layout ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'class', 'list-layout' );
if ( 'grid' === block_layout ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'columns', columns );
if ( 'specific' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'ids', display_setting.join( ',' ) );
} else if ( 'category' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'category', display_setting.join( ',' ) );
} else if ( 'featured' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'visibility', 'featured' );
} else if ( 'best_sellers' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'best_selling', '1' );
} else if ( 'best_rated' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'orderby', 'rating' );
} else if ( 'on_sale' === display ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'on_sale', '1' );
} else if ( 'attribute' === display ) {
const attribute = display_setting.length ? display_setting[0] : '';
const terms = display_setting.length > 1 ? display_setting.slice( 1 ).join( ',' ) : '';
shortcode_atts.set( 'attribute', attribute );
if ( terms.length ) {
shortcode_atts.set( 'terms', terms );
// Build the shortcode string out of the set shortcode attributes.
let shortcode = '[products';
for ( let [key, value] of shortcode_atts ) {
shortcode += ' ' + key + '="' + value + '"';
shortcode += ']';
return <RawHTML>{ shortcode }</RawHTML>;
} );