
243 lines
6.1 KiB

* External dependencies
import { act, render } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { SlotFillProvider } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useSlot } from '@woocommerce/experimental';
import { TaskType } from '@woocommerce/data';
import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks';
* Internal dependencies
import { TaskListItem } from '../task-list-item';
jest.mock( '@wordpress/data', () => {
const originalModule = jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' );
return {
useDispatch: jest.fn(),
} );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/admin-layout', () => {
const mockContext = {
layoutPath: [ 'home' ],
layoutString: 'home',
extendLayout: () => {},
isDescendantOf: () => false,
return {
...jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/admin-layout' ),
useLayoutContext: jest.fn().mockReturnValue( mockContext ),
useExtendLayout: jest.fn().mockReturnValue( mockContext ),
} );
const mockDispatch = {
createNotice: jest.fn(),
dismissTask: jest.fn(),
snoozeTask: jest.fn(),
undoDismissTask: jest.fn(),
undoSnoozeTask: jest.fn(),
( useDispatch as jest.Mock ).mockReturnValue( mockDispatch );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/tracks', () => ( {
recordEvent: jest.fn(),
} ) );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/data', () => {
const originalModule = jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/data' );
return {
useUserPreferences: jest.fn(),
} );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/experimental', () => {
const originalModule = jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/experimental' );
return {
useSlot: jest.fn(),
TaskItem: jest
.mockImplementation( ( { title, onSnooze, onDismiss } ) => (
<span>{ title }</span>
{ onSnooze && (
<button onClick={ onSnooze } name="Snooze">
) }
{ onDismiss && (
<button onClick={ onDismiss } name="Dismiss">
) }
) ),
} );
const task: TaskType = {
id: 'optional',
title: 'This task is optional',
isComplete: false,
time: '1 minute',
isDismissable: true,
isSnoozeable: true,
content: 'This is the optional task content',
additionalInfo: 'This is the task additional info',
parentId: '',
isDismissed: false,
isSnoozed: false,
isVisible: true,
isDisabled: false,
snoozedUntil: 0,
isVisited: false,
canView: true,
isActioned: false,
eventPrefix: '',
level: 0,
recordViewEvent: false,
describe( 'TaskListItem', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
} );
it( 'should render the default task list item', () => {
const { queryByText } = render(
task={ { ...task } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
expect( queryByText( task.title ) ).toBeInTheDocument();
} );
it( 'should not record view event on render if recordViewEvent is false', () => {
task={ { ...task, recordViewEvent: false } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 0 );
} );
it( 'should record view event on render if recordViewEvent is true', () => {
task={ { ...task, recordViewEvent: true } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'tasklist_item_view', {
context: 'home',
is_complete: task.isComplete,
task_name: task.id,
} );
} );
it( 'should call dismissTask and trigger a notice when dismissing a task', () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
task={ { ...task } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
act( () => {
userEvent.click( getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Dismiss' } ) );
} );
expect( mockDispatch.dismissTask ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( task.id );
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 0 ] ).toEqual(
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 1 ] ).toEqual(
'Task dismissed'
} );
it( 'should not call dismissTask when isDismissable is set to false', () => {
const { queryByRole } = render(
task={ { ...task, isDismissable: false } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
queryByRole( 'button', { name: 'Dismiss' } )
} );
it( 'should call snoozeTask and trigger a notice when snoozing a task', () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
task={ { ...task } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
act( () => {
userEvent.click( getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Snooze' } ) );
} );
expect( mockDispatch.snoozeTask ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( task.id );
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 0 ] ).toEqual(
expect( mockDispatch.createNotice.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 1 ] ).toEqual(
'Task postponed until tomorrow'
} );
it( 'should not call snoozeTask when isSnoozeable is set to false', () => {
const { queryByRole } = render(
task={ { ...task, isSnoozeable: false } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
queryByRole( 'button', { name: 'Snooze' } )
} );
it( 'should not render task if slotfill is registered for id', () => {
( useSlot as jest.Mock ).mockReturnValue( { fills: [ 'test' ] } );
const { queryByText } = render(
task={ { ...task, id: 'test' } }
isExpandable={ false }
isExpanded={ false }
setExpandedTask={ () => {} }
expect( queryByText( task.title ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
} );
} );