
531 lines
14 KiB

* External dependencies
import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks';
import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
* Internal dependencies
import { acceptWcsTos, getWcsAssets } from '../../wcs-api.js';
import { ShippingBanner } from '../index.js';
jest.mock( '../../wcs-api.js' );
acceptWcsTos.mockReturnValue( Promise.resolve() );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/tracks' );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings' );
const wcsPluginSlug = 'woocommerce-services';
describe( 'Tracking impression in shippingBanner', () => {
const expectedTrackingData = {
banner_name: 'wcadmin_install_wcs_prompt',
jetpack_connected: true,
jetpack_installed: true,
wcs_installed: true,
it( 'should record an event when user sees banner loaded', () => {
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug, 'jetpack' ] }
itemsCount={ 1 }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
isRequesting={ false }
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
} );
} );
describe( 'Tracking clicks in shippingBanner', () => {
const getExpectedTrackingData = ( element, wcsInstalled = true ) => {
return {
banner_name: 'wcadmin_install_wcs_prompt',
jetpack_connected: true,
jetpack_installed: true,
wcs_installed: wcsInstalled,
it( 'should record an event when user clicks "Create shipping label"', async () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug, 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
getExpectedTrackingData( 'shipping_banner_create_label' )
} );
it( 'should record an event when user clicks "WooCommerce Shipping"', async () => {
// Render the banner without WCS being active.
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activePlugins={ [ 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'link', { name: /WooCommerce Shipping/ } )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
} );
it( 'should record an event when user clicks "x" to dismiss the banner', async () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug, 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close Print Label Banner.' } )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
getExpectedTrackingData( 'shipping_banner_dimiss' )
} );
} );
describe( 'Create shipping label button', () => {
const installPlugins = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
success: true,
} );
const activatePlugins = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
success: true,
} );
delete window.location; // jsdom won't allow to rewrite window.location unless deleted first
window.location = {
href: 'http://wcship.test/wp-admin/post.php?post=1000&action=edit',
it( 'should install WooCommerce Shipping when button is clicked', async () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ activatePlugins }
activePlugins={ [] }
installPlugins={ installPlugins }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Create shipping label',
} )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( installPlugins ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [
] )
} );
it( 'should activate WooCommerce Shipping when installation finishes', async () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ activatePlugins }
activePlugins={ [] }
installPlugins={ installPlugins }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Create shipping label',
} )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( activatePlugins ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( [
] )
} );
it( 'should perform a request to accept the TOS and get WCS assets to load', async () => {
getWcsAssets.mockReturnValueOnce( Promise.resolve( {} ) );
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ activatePlugins }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug ] }
installPlugins={ installPlugins }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Create shipping label',
} )
await waitFor( () => expect( acceptWcsTos ).toHaveBeenCalled() );
expect( getWcsAssets ).toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'should load WCS assets when a path is provided', async () => {
const mockAssets = {
wc_connect_admin_script: '/path/to/wcs.js',
wc_connect_admin_style: '/path/to/wcs.css',
Promise.resolve( {
assets: mockAssets,
} )
const { getByRole } = render(
<div id="woocommerce-order-data" />
<div id="woocommerce-order-actions" />
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ activatePlugins }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug, 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ installPlugins }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Create shipping label',
} )
// Check that the metaboxes have been created.
await waitFor( () =>
getByRole( 'heading', { level: 2, name: 'Shipping Label' } )
getByRole( 'heading', { level: 2, name: 'Shipment Tracking' } )
// Check that the script and style elements have been created.
expect( document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[ 0 ].src ).toBe(
'http://localhost' + mockAssets.wc_connect_admin_script
expect( document.getElementsByTagName( 'link' )[ 0 ].href ).toBe(
'http://localhost' + mockAssets.wc_connect_admin_style
} );
it( 'should open WCS modal', async () => {
window.wcsGetAppStoreAsync = jest.fn();
const getState = jest.fn();
const dispatch = jest.fn();
const subscribe = jest.fn();
Promise.resolve( {
} )
getState.mockReturnValueOnce( {
ui: {
selectedSiteId: 'SITE_ID',
} );
Promise.resolve( {
assets: {
// Easy to identify string in our hijacked setter function.
wc_connect_admin_script: 'wc_connect_admin_script',
// Empty string to avoid creating a script tag we also have to hijack.
wc_connect_admin_style: '',
} )
// Force the script tag to trigger its onload().
// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/49204336.
// const scriptSrcProperty = window.HTMLScriptElement.prototype.src;
Object.defineProperty( window.HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src', {
set( src ) {
if ( src === 'wc_connect_admin_script' ) {
setTimeout( () => this.onload() );
} );
const { getByRole } = render(
<div id="woocommerce-order-data" />
<div id="woocommerce-order-actions" />
<div id="woocommerce-admin-print-label" />
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ activatePlugins }
activePlugins={ [ wcsPluginSlug, 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ installPlugins }
isRequesting={ false }
itemsCount={ 1 }
// Initiate the loading of WCS assets on first click.
getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Create shipping label',
} )
await waitFor( () =>
expect( window.wcsGetAppStoreAsync ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
await waitFor( () => expect( getState ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ) );
await waitFor( () => expect( subscribe ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ) );
document.getElementById( 'woocommerce-admin-print-label' )
} );
} );
describe( 'In the process of installing, activating, loading assets for WooCommerce Service', () => {
it( 'should show a busy loading state on "Create shipping label" and should disable "Close Print Label Banner"', async () => {
const { getByRole } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
activePlugins={ [ 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
isRequesting={ true }
itemsCount={ 1 }
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
).not.toHaveClass( 'is-busy' );
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close Print Label Banner.' } )
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
await waitFor( () =>
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
).toHaveClass( 'is-busy' )
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close Print Label Banner.' } )
} );
} );
describe( 'Setup error message', () => {
it( 'should not show if there is no error (no interaction)', () => {
const { container } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
activePlugins={ [ 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
itemsCount={ 1 }
isRequesting={ false }
).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'should show if there is installation error', async () => {
const { getByRole, getByText } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
activePlugins={ [ 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
success: false,
} ) }
itemsCount={ 1 }
isRequesting={ false }
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
await waitFor( () =>
'Unable to install the plugin. Refresh the page and try again.'
} );
it( 'should show if there is activation error', async () => {
const { getByRole, getByText } = render(
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
success: false,
} ) }
activePlugins={ [ 'jetpack' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
success: true,
} ) }
itemsCount={ 1 }
isRequesting={ false }
getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Create shipping label' } )
await waitFor( () =>
'Unable to activate the plugin. Refresh the page and try again.'
} );
} );
describe( 'The message in the banner', () => {
const createShippingBannerWrapper = ( { activePlugins } ) =>
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
activePlugins={ activePlugins }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
wcsPluginSlug={ 'woocommerce-services' }
isRequesting={ true }
itemsCount={ 1 }
const notActivatedMessage =
'By clicking "Create shipping label", WooCommerce Shipping(opens in a new tab) will be installed and you agree to its Terms of Service(opens in a new tab).';
const activatedMessage =
'You\'ve already installed WooCommerce Shipping. By clicking "Create shipping label", you agree to its Terms of Service(opens in a new tab).';
it( 'should show install text "By clicking "Create shipping label"..." when first loaded.', () => {
const { container } = createShippingBannerWrapper( {
activePlugins: [],
} );
container.querySelector( '.wc-admin-shipping-banner-blob p' )
).toBe( notActivatedMessage );
} );
it( 'should continue to show the initial message "By clicking "Create shipping label"..." after WooCommerce Service is installed successfully.', () => {
const { container, rerender } = createShippingBannerWrapper( {
activePlugins: [],
} );
isJetpackConnected={ true }
activatePlugins={ jest.fn() }
activePlugins={ [ 'woocommerce-services' ] }
installPlugins={ jest.fn() }
wcsPluginSlug={ 'woocommerce-services' }
isRequesting={ true }
itemsCount={ 1 }
container.querySelector( '.wc-admin-shipping-banner-blob p' )
).toBe( notActivatedMessage );
} );
it( 'should show install text "By clicking "You\'ve already installed WooCommerce Shipping."..." when WooCommerce Service is already installed.', () => {
const { container } = createShippingBannerWrapper( {
activePlugins: [ 'woocommerce-services' ],
} );
container.querySelector( '.wc-admin-shipping-banner-blob p' )
).toBe( activatedMessage );
} );
} );