Kelly Dwan a4267202c5 Update TableCard component to handle toggling on/off specific columns (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/268) 2018-08-02 18:21:37 -04:00
README.md Update/table component (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/251) 2018-08-01 12:00:45 -04:00
index.js Update TableCard component to handle toggling on/off specific columns (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/268) 2018-08-02 18:21:37 -04:00
style.scss Update/table component (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/251) 2018-08-01 12:00:45 -04:00
summary.js Update/table component (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/251) 2018-08-01 12:00:45 -04:00
table.js Update/table component (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/pull/251) 2018-08-01 12:00:45 -04:00


Table Components

This is an accessible, sortable, and scrollable table for displaying tabular data (like revenue and other analytics data). It accepts headers for column headers, and rows for the table content. rowHeader can be used to define the index of the row header (or false if no header).

TableCard serves as Card wrapper & contains a card header, <Table />, <TableSummary />, and <Pagination />. This includes filtering and comparison functionality for report pages.

Table itself can be used outside of the Card + filtering context for displaying any tabular data.

TableSummary can also be used alone, and will display the list of data passed in on a single line.

How to use:

import { TableCard } from 'components/table';

render: function() {
  return (
      title="Revenue Last Week"
      rows={ rows }
      headers={ headers }
      onQueryChange={ this.onQueryChange }
      query={ query }
      summary={ summary }


TableCard props

  • headers: An array of column headers
  • onQueryChange: A function which returns a callback function to update the query string for a given param.
  • onClickDownload: A callback function which handles then "download" button press. Optional, if not used, the button won't appear.
  • query: An object of the query parameters passed to the page, ex { page: 2, per_page: 5 }.
  • rows (required): An array of arrays of display/value object pairs. display is used for rendering, strings or elements are best here. value is used for sorting, and should be a string or number. A column with false value will not be sortable.
  • rowHeader: Which column should be the row header, defaults to the first item (0) (but could be set to 1, if the first col is checkboxes, for example). Set to false to disable row headers.
  • summary: An array of objects with label & value properties, which display in a line under the table. Optional, can be left off to show no summary.
  • title (required): The title used in the card header, also used as the caption for the content in this table

rows, headers, rowHeader, and title are passed through to <Table />. summary is passed through as data to <TableSummary />. query.page, query.per_page, and onQueryChange are passed through to <Pagination />.

Table props

  • caption (required): A label for the content in this table
  • className: Optional additional classes
  • headers: An array of column headers
  • rows (required): An array of arrays of renderable elements, strings or numbers are best for sorting
  • rowHeader: Which column should be the row header, defaults to the first item (0) (but could be set to 1, if the first col is checkboxes, for example). Set to false to disable row headers.

TableSummary props

  • data: An array of objects with label & value properties, which display on a single line.

Rows Format

Row data should be passed to the component as a list of arrays, where each array is a row in the table. Headers are passed in separately as an array of strings. For example, this data would render the following table.

Each row-cell should be an object with a display and value property, to enable consistent sortability.

const headers = [ 'Month', 'Orders', 'Revenue' ];
const rows = [
		{ display: 'January', value: 1 },
		{ display: 10, value: 10 },
		{ display: '$530.00', value: 530 },
		{ display: 'February', value: 2 },
		{ display: 13, value: 13 },
		{ display: '$675.00', value: 675 },
		{ display: 'March', value: 3 },
		{ display: 9, value: 9 },
		{ display: '$460.00', value: 460 },
Month Orders Revenue
January 10 $530.00
February 13 $675.00
March 9 $460.00