
307 lines
11 KiB

/* global woocommerce_admin */
* WooCommerce Admin JS
jQuery( function ( $ ) {
// Field validation error tips
$( document.body )
.on( 'wc_add_error_tip', function( e, element, error_type ) {
var offset = element.position();
if ( element.parent().find( '.wc_error_tip' ).length === 0 ) {
element.after( '<div class="wc_error_tip ' + error_type + '">' + woocommerce_admin[error_type] + '</div>' );
element.parent().find( '.wc_error_tip' )
.css( 'left', offset.left + element.width() - ( element.width() / 2 ) - ( $( '.wc_error_tip' ).width() / 2 ) )
.css( 'top', offset.top + element.height() )
.fadeIn( '100' );
.on( 'wc_remove_error_tip', function( e, element, error_type ) {
element.parent().find( '.wc_error_tip.' + error_type ).fadeOut( '100', function() { $( this ).remove(); } );
.on( 'click', function() {
$( '.wc_error_tip' ).fadeOut( '100', function() { $( this ).remove(); } );
.on( 'blur', '.wc_input_decimal[type=text], .wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_country_iso[type=text]', function() {
$( '.wc_error_tip' ).fadeOut( '100', function() { $( this ).remove(); } );
.on( 'change', '.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_decimal[type=text]', function() {
var regex;
if ( $( this ).is( '.wc_input_price' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
} else {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value.replace( regex, '' );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( this ).val( newvalue );
.on( 'keyup', '.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_decimal[type=text], .wc_input_country_iso[type=text]', function() {
var regex, error;
if ( $( this ).is( '.wc_input_price' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
error = 'i18n_mon_decimal_error';
} else if ( $( this ).is( '.wc_input_country_iso' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '([^A-Z])+|(.){3,}', 'im' );
error = 'i18n_country_iso_error';
} else {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
error = 'i18n_decimal_error';
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value.replace( regex, '' );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_add_error_tip', [ $( this ), error ] );
} else {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_remove_error_tip', [ $( this ), error ] );
.on( 'change', '#_sale_price.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_price[name^=variable_sale_price]', function() {
var sale_price_field = $( this ), regular_price_field;
if( sale_price_field.attr( 'name' ).indexOf( 'variable' ) !== -1 ) {
regular_price_field = sale_price_field.parents( '.variable_pricing' ).find( '.wc_input_price[name^=variable_regular_price]' );
} else {
regular_price_field = $( '#_regular_price' );
var sale_price = parseFloat( window.accounting.unformat( sale_price_field.val(), woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point ) );
var regular_price = parseFloat( window.accounting.unformat( regular_price_field.val(), woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point ) );
if ( sale_price >= regular_price ) {
$( this ).val( '' );
.on( 'keyup', '#_sale_price.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_price[name^=variable_sale_price]', function() {
var sale_price_field = $( this ), regular_price_field;
if( sale_price_field.attr( 'name' ).indexOf( 'variable' ) !== -1 ) {
regular_price_field = sale_price_field.parents( '.variable_pricing' ).find( '.wc_input_price[name^=variable_regular_price]' );
} else {
regular_price_field = $( '#_regular_price' );
var sale_price = parseFloat( window.accounting.unformat( sale_price_field.val(), woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point ) );
var regular_price = parseFloat( window.accounting.unformat( regular_price_field.val(), woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point ) );
if ( sale_price >= regular_price ) {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_add_error_tip', [ $(this), 'i18_sale_less_than_regular_error' ] );
} else {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_remove_error_tip', [ $(this), 'i18_sale_less_than_regular_error' ] );
.on( 'change', '.wc-order-totals #refund_amount[type=text]', function() {
var regex;
if ( $( this ).is( '#refund_amount' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
} else {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value.replace( regex, '' );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( this ).val( newvalue );
.on( 'keyup', '.wc-order-totals #refund_amount[type=text]', function() {
var regex, error;
if ( $( this ).is( '#refund_amount' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
error = 'i18n_mon_decimal_error';
} else if ( $( this ).is( '.wc_input_country_iso' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '([^A-Z])+|(.){3,}', 'im' );
error = 'i18n_country_iso_error';
} else {
regex = new RegExp( '[^\-0-9\%\\' + woocommerce_admin.decimal_point + ']+', 'gi' );
error = 'i18n_decimal_error';
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value.replace( regex, '' );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_add_error_tip', [ $( this ), error ] );
} else {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_remove_error_tip', [ $( this ), error ] );
.on( 'init_tooltips', function() {
var tiptip_args = {
'attribute': 'data-tip',
'fadeIn': 50,
'fadeOut': 50,
'delay': 200
$( '.tips, .help_tip, .woocommerce-help-tip' ).tipTip( tiptip_args );
// Add tiptip to parent element for widefat tables
$( '.parent-tips' ).each( function() {
$( this ).closest( 'a, th' ).attr( 'data-tip', $( this ).data( 'tip' ) ).tipTip( tiptip_args ).css( 'cursor', 'help' );
// Tooltips
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' );
// wc_input_table tables
$( '.wc_input_table.sortable tbody' ).sortable({
items: 'tr',
cursor: 'move',
axis: 'y',
scrollSensitivity: 40,
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
helper: 'clone',
opacity: 0.65,
placeholder: 'wc-metabox-sortable-placeholder',
start: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#f6f6f6' );
stop: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.removeAttr( 'style' );
$( '.wc_input_table .remove_rows' ).click( function() {
var $tbody = $( this ).closest( '.wc_input_table' ).find( 'tbody' );
if ( $tbody.find( 'tr.current' ).length > 0 ) {
var $current = $tbody.find( 'tr.current' );
$current.each( function() {
$( this ).remove();
return false;
var controlled = false;
var shifted = false;
var hasFocus = false;
$( document.body ).bind( 'keyup keydown', function( e ) {
shifted = e.shiftKey;
controlled = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey;
$( '.wc_input_table' ).on( 'focus click', 'input', function( e ) {
var $this_table = $( this ).closest( 'table, tbody' );
var $this_row = $( this ).closest( 'tr' );
if ( ( e.type === 'focus' && hasFocus !== $this_row.index() ) || ( e.type === 'click' && $( this ).is( ':focus' ) ) ) {
hasFocus = $this_row.index();
if ( ! shifted && ! controlled ) {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'current' ).removeClass( 'last_selected' );
$this_row.addClass( 'current' ).addClass( 'last_selected' );
} else if ( shifted ) {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'current' );
$this_row.addClass( 'selected_now' ).addClass( 'current' );
if ( $( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).length > 0 ) {
if ( $this_row.index() > $( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).index() ) {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).slice( $( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).index(), $this_row.index() ).addClass( 'current' );
} else {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).slice( $this_row.index(), $( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).index() + 1 ).addClass( 'current' );
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'last_selected' );
$this_row.addClass( 'last_selected' );
} else {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'last_selected' );
if ( controlled && $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).is( '.current' ) ) {
$this_row.removeClass( 'current' );
} else {
$this_row.addClass( 'current' ).addClass( 'last_selected' );
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'selected_now' );
}).on( 'blur', 'input', function() {
hasFocus = false;
// Additional cost and Attribute term tables
$( '.woocommerce_page_wc-settings .shippingrows tbody tr:even, table.attributes-table tbody tr:nth-child(odd)' ).addClass( 'alternate' );
// Show order items on orders page
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.show_order_items', function() {
$( this ).closest( 'td' ).find( 'table' ).toggle();
return false;
// Select availability
$( 'select.availability' ).change( function() {
if ( $( this ).val() === 'all' ) {
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).hide();
} else {
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).show();
// Hidden options
$( '.hide_options_if_checked' ).each( function() {
$( this ).find( 'input:eq(0)' ).change( function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( this ).closest( 'fieldset, tr' ).nextUntil( '.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked', '.hidden_option' ).hide();
} else {
$( this ).closest( 'fieldset, tr' ).nextUntil( '.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked', '.hidden_option' ).show();
$( '.show_options_if_checked' ).each( function() {
$( this ).find( 'input:eq(0)' ).change( function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( this ).closest( 'fieldset, tr' ).nextUntil( '.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked', '.hidden_option' ).show();
} else {
$( this ).closest( 'fieldset, tr' ).nextUntil( '.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked', '.hidden_option' ).hide();
// Demo store notice
$( 'input#woocommerce_demo_store' ).change(function() {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( '#woocommerce_demo_store_notice' ).closest( 'tr' ).show();
} else {
$( '#woocommerce_demo_store_notice' ).closest( 'tr' ).hide();
// Attribute term table
$( 'table.attributes-table tbody tr:nth-child(odd)' ).addClass( 'alternate' );
// Load videos when help button is clicked.
$( '#contextual-help-link' ).on( 'click', function() {
var frame = $( '#tab-panel-woocommerce_101_tab iframe' );
frame.attr( 'src', frame.data( 'src' ) );