
256 lines
6.1 KiB

* Texy! - human-readable text to HTML converter.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2 or 3
* @link http://texy.info
* @package Texy
* Ordered / unordered nested list module.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @package Texy
final class TexyListModule extends TexyModule
public $bullets = array(
// first-rexexp ordered? list-style-type next-regexp
'*' => array('\*\ ', 0, ''),
'-' => array('[\x{2013}-](?![>-])',0, ''),
'+' => array('\+\ ', 0, ''),
'1.' => array('1\.\ ',/* not \d !*/ 1, '', '\d{1,3}\.\ '),
'1)' => array('\d{1,3}\)\ ', 1, ''),
'I.' => array('I\.\ ', 1, 'upper-roman', '[IVX]{1,4}\.\ '),
'I)' => array('[IVX]+\)\ ', 1, 'upper-roman'), // before A) !
'a)' => array('[a-z]\)\ ', 1, 'lower-alpha'),
'A)' => array('[A-Z]\)\ ', 1, 'upper-alpha'),
public function __construct($texy)
$this->texy = $texy;
$texy->addHandler('beforeParse', array($this, 'beforeParse'));
$texy->allowed['list'] = TRUE;
$texy->allowed['list/definition'] = TRUE;
public function beforeParse()
$RE = $REul = array();
foreach ($this->bullets as $desc) {
$RE[] = $desc[0];
if (!$desc[1]) $REul[] = $desc[0];
array($this, 'patternList'),
'#^(?:'.TEXY_MODIFIER_H.'\n)?' // .{color: red}
. '('.implode('|', $RE).')\ *\S.*$#mUu', // item (unmatched)
array($this, 'patternDefList'),
'#^(?:'.TEXY_MODIFIER_H.'\n)?' // .{color:red}
. '(\S.*)\:\ *'.TEXY_MODIFIER_H.'?\n' // Term:
. '(\ ++)('.implode('|', $REul).')\ *\S.*$#mUu', // - description
* Callback for:.
* 1) .... .(title)[class]{style}>
* 2) ....
* + ...
* + ...
* 3) ....
* @param TexyBlockParser
* @param array regexp matches
* @param string pattern name
* @return TexyHtml|FALSE
public function patternList($parser, $matches)
list(, $mMod, $mBullet) = $matches;
// [1] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
// [2] => bullet * + - 1) a) A) IV)
$tx = $this->texy;
$el = TexyHtml::el();
$bullet = $min = NULL;
foreach ($this->bullets as $type => $desc)
if (preg_match('#'.$desc[0].'#Au', $mBullet)) {
$bullet = isset($desc[3]) ? $desc[3] : $desc[0];
$min = isset($desc[3]) ? 2 : 1;
$el->setName($desc[1] ? 'ol' : 'ul');
$el->attrs['style']['list-style-type'] = $desc[2];
if ($desc[1]) { // ol
if ($type[0] === '1' && (int) $mBullet > 1)
$el->attrs['start'] = (int) $mBullet;
elseif ($type[0] === 'a' && $mBullet[0] > 'a')
$el->attrs['start'] = ord($mBullet[0]) - 96;
elseif ($type[0] === 'A' && $mBullet[0] > 'A')
$el->attrs['start'] = ord($mBullet[0]) - 64;
$mod = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$mod->decorate($tx, $el);
while ($elItem = $this->patternItem($parser, $bullet, FALSE, 'li')) {
if ($el->count() < $min) return FALSE;
// event listener
$tx->invokeHandlers('afterList', array($parser, $el, $mod));
return $el;
* Callback for:.
* Term: .(title)[class]{style}>
* - description 1
* - description 2
* - description 3
* @param TexyBlockParser
* @param array regexp matches
* @param string pattern name
* @return TexyHtml
public function patternDefList($parser, $matches)
list(, $mMod, , , , $mBullet) = $matches;
// [1] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
// [2] => ...
// [3] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
// [4] => space
// [5] => - * +
$tx = $this->texy;
$bullet = NULL;
foreach ($this->bullets as $desc)
if (preg_match('#'.$desc[0].'#Au', $mBullet)) {
$bullet = isset($desc[3]) ? $desc[3] : $desc[0];
$el = TexyHtml::el('dl');
$mod = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$mod->decorate($tx, $el);
$patternTerm = '#^\n?(\S.*)\:\ *'.TEXY_MODIFIER_H.'?()$#mUA';
while (TRUE) {
if ($elItem = $this->patternItem($parser, $bullet, TRUE, 'dd')) {
if ($parser->next($patternTerm, $matches)) {
list(, $mContent, $mMod) = $matches;
// [1] => ...
// [2] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
$elItem = TexyHtml::el('dt');
$modItem = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$modItem->decorate($tx, $elItem);
$elItem->parseLine($tx, $mContent);
// event listener
$tx->invokeHandlers('afterDefinitionList', array($parser, $el, $mod));
return $el;
* Callback for single list item.
* @param TexyBlockParser
* @param string bullet type
* @param string left space
* @param string html tag
* @return TexyHtml|FALSE
public function patternItem($parser, $bullet, $indented, $tag)
$tx = $this->texy;
$spacesBase = $indented ? ('\ {1,}') : '';
$patternItem = "#^\n?($spacesBase)$bullet\\ *(\\S.*)?".TEXY_MODIFIER_H."?()$#mAUu";
// first line with bullet
$matches = NULL;
if (!$parser->next($patternItem, $matches)) return FALSE;
list(, $mIndent, $mContent, $mMod) = $matches;
// [1] => indent
// [2] => ...
// [3] => .(title)[class]{style}<>
$elItem = TexyHtml::el($tag);
$mod = new TexyModifier($mMod);
$mod->decorate($tx, $elItem);
// next lines
$spaces = '';
$content = ' ' . $mContent; // trick
while ($parser->next('#^(\n*)'.$mIndent.'(\ {1,'.$spaces.'})(.*)()$#Am', $matches)) {
list(, $mBlank, $mSpaces, $mContent) = $matches;
// [1] => blank line?
// [2] => spaces
// [3] => ...
if ($spaces === '') $spaces = strlen($mSpaces);
$content .= "\n" . $mBlank . $mContent;
// parse content
$elItem->parseBlock($tx, $content, TRUE);
if (isset($elItem[0]) && $elItem[0] instanceof TexyHtml) {
return $elItem;