
114 lines
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/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities';
import { SelectControl, TextControl } from 'newspack-components';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { COUNTRIES as countries } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings';
* Form validation.
* @param {Object} values Keyed values of all fields in the form.
* @return {Object} Key value of fields and error messages, { myField: 'This field is required' }
export function validateStoreAddress( values ) {
const errors = {};
if ( ! values.addressLine1.length ) {
errors.addressLine1 = __( 'Please add an address', 'woocommerce-admin' );
if ( ! values.countryState.length ) {
errors.countryState = __( 'Please select a country and state', 'woocommerce-admin' );
if ( ! values.city.length ) {
errors.city = __( 'Please add a city', 'woocommerce-admin' );
if ( ! values.postCode.length ) {
errors.postCode = __( 'Please add a post code', 'woocommerce-admin' );
return errors;
* Get all country and state combinations used for select dropdowns.
* @return {Object} Select options, { value: 'US:GA', label: 'United States - Georgia' }
export function getCountryStateOptions() {
const countryStateOptions = countries.reduce( ( acc, country ) => {
if ( ! country.states.length ) {
acc.push( {
value: country.code,
label: decodeEntities( country.name ),
} );
return acc;
const countryStates = country.states.map( state => {
return {
value: country.code + ':' + state.code,
label: decodeEntities( country.name ) + ' -- ' + decodeEntities( state.name ),
} );
acc.push( ...countryStates );
return acc;
}, [] );
countryStateOptions.unshift( { value: '', label: '' } );
return countryStateOptions;
* Store address fields.
* @param {Object} props Props for input components.
* @return {Object} -
export function StoreAddress( props ) {
const { getInputProps } = props;
const countryStateOptions = useMemo( () => getCountryStateOptions(), [] );
return (
<div className="woocommerce-store-address-fields">
label={ __( 'Address line 1', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'addressLine1' ) }
label={ __( 'Address line 2 (optional)', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'addressLine2' ) }
label={ __( 'Country / State', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
options={ countryStateOptions }
{ ...getInputProps( 'countryState' ) }
label={ __( 'City', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'city' ) }
label={ __( 'Post code', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ ...getInputProps( 'postCode' ) }