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* External dependencies
import { withRestApi } from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils';
import type { TaxRate, ProductResponseItem } from '@woocommerce/types';
export async function showTaxes( onoff: boolean ): Promise< void > {
await withRestApi.updateSettingOption(
{ value: onoff ? 'yes' : 'no' }
export function getExpectedTaxes(
taxRates: Array< TaxRate >,
countryCode: string,
products: Array< Partial< ProductResponseItem > > = []
): Array< { label: string; value: string } > {
const taxRatesForCountry = taxRates.filter(
( taxRate ) => taxRate.country === countryCode
const total = products.reduce(
( previous, current ) =>
parseFloat( previous.regular_price ) +
parseFloat( current.regular_price ),
{ regular_price: 0 }
return taxRatesForCountry.map( ( taxRate ) => {
const taxCalc = (
parseFloat( total ) *
( parseFloat( taxRate.rate ) / 100 )
).toFixed( 2 );
return { label: taxRate.name, value: `$${ taxCalc }` };
} );
export async function getTaxesFromCurrentPage(): Promise<
Array< {
label: string;
value: string;
} >
> {
// Wait for totals area otherwise we get flaky results.
await page.waitForSelector( '.wc-block-components-totals-wrapper' );
return await page.$$eval( '.wc-block-components-totals-taxes', ( nodes ) =>
nodes.map( ( node ) => {
const label = node.querySelector(
const value = node.querySelector(
return { label, value };
} )
export async function getTaxesFromOrderSummaryPage(
taxRates: TaxRate
): Promise<
Array< {
label: string;
value: string;
} >
> {
return await page.evaluate( ( taxRatesEval ) => {
return Array.from(
'.woocommerce-table--order-details > tfoot > tr'
.filter( ( node ) => {
const taxLabel =
node.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[ 0 ].innerHTML;
return taxRatesEval.some(
// We need to remove the ":" on the end of the string before we compare
( taxRate ) => taxRate.name === taxLabel.slice( 0, -1 )
} )
.map( ( node ) => {
const label = node.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[ 0 ].innerHTML;
const value = node.getElementsByTagName( 'td' )[ 0 ].innerText;
return {
label: label.slice( 0, -1 ),
} );
}, taxRates );