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24 KiB
Executable File

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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:15
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# @ woocommerce
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:17
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:18
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msgstr "Northwest Territories"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:19
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msgstr "Nova Scotia"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:20
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msgstr "Nunavut"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:21
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:22
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:23
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:24
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/CA.php:25
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msgstr ""
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:15
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:16
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:17
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:18
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:19
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:20
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:21
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:22
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:23
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:24
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:25
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:26
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:27
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:28
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:29
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:30
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:31
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:32
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:33
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:34
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:35
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:36
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:37
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:38
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:39
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:40
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:41
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:42
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:43
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msgstr ""
#: states/CN.php:44
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msgstr ""
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msgstr "Hongkongön"
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#: states/HK.php:14
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msgstr "Kowloon"
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#: states/HK.php:15
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msgstr "Nya territorierna"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:13
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msgstr "Auckland"
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#: states/HZ.php:17
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msgstr "Manawatu-Wanganui"
#: states/HZ.php:18
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msgstr "Marlborough"
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# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:20
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msgstr "Northland"
#: states/HZ.php:21
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msgstr "Otago"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:22
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msgstr "Southland"
#: states/HZ.php:23
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msgstr "Taranaki"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:24
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msgstr "Tasmanien"
#: states/HZ.php:25
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msgstr "Waikato"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:26
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msgstr "Wellington"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/HZ.php:27
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msgstr "West Coast"
#: states/IN.php:13
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msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:14
msgid "Arunachal Pradesh"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:15
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msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:16
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msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:17
msgid "Chhattisgarh"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:18
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Kör"
#: states/IN.php:19
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msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:20
#, fuzzy
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msgstr "Guyana"
#: states/IN.php:21
msgid "Himachal Pradesh"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:22
msgid "Jammu and Kashmir"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:23
msgid "Jharkhand"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:24
msgid "Karnataka"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Kerala"
msgstr "Generellt"
#: states/IN.php:26
msgid "Madhya Pradesh"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:27
msgid "Maharashtra"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:28
msgid "Manipur"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:29
#, fuzzy
msgid "Meghalaya"
msgstr "Malaysia"
#: states/IN.php:30
msgid "Mizoram"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nagaland"
msgstr "Nya Zeeland"
#: states/IN.php:32
msgid "Orissa"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:33
msgid "Punjab"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:34
msgid "Rajasthan"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:35
msgid "Sikkim"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:36
msgid "Tamil Nadu"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:37
msgid "Tripura"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:38
msgid "Uttaranchal"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:39
msgid "Uttar Pradesh"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:40
msgid "West Bengal"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Andaman and Nicobar Islands"
msgstr "Heard- och McDonaldöarna"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/IN.php:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "Chandigarh"
msgstr "Ändra"
#: states/IN.php:43
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msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:44
msgid "Daman and Diu"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:45
msgid "Delhi"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:46
msgid "Lakshadeep"
msgstr ""
#: states/IN.php:47
msgid "Pondicherry (Puducherry)"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:13
msgid "Johor"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:14
msgid "Kedah"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:15
msgid "Kelantan"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:16
msgid "Melaka"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:17
msgid "Negeri Sembilan"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/MY.php:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pahang"
msgstr "Ändra"
#: states/MY.php:19
msgid "Perak"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:20
msgid "Perlis"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:21
msgid "Pulau Pinang"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:22
msgid "Sabah"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:23
msgid "Sarawak"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:24
msgid "Selangor"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:25
msgid "Terengganu"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:26
msgid "W.P. Kuala Lumpur"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:27
msgid "W.P. Labuan"
msgstr ""
#: states/MY.php:28
msgid "W.P. Putrajaya"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:13
msgid ""
"Amnat Charoen (&#3629;&#3635;&#3609;&#3634;&#3592;&#3648;&#3592;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:14
msgid "Ang Thong (&#3629;&#3656;&#3634;&#3591;&#3607;&#3629;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:15
msgid ""
"Ayutthaya (&#3614;&#3619;&#3632;&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3624;&#3619;&#3637;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:16
msgid ""
"Bangkok (&#3585;&#3619;&#3640;&#3591;&#3648;&#3607;&#3614;&#3617;&#3627;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:17
msgid "Bueng Kan (&#3610;&#3638;&#3591;&#3585;&#3634;&#3628;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:18
msgid ""
"Buri Ram (&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;&#3619;&#3633;&#3617;&#3618;&#3660;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:19
msgid ""
"Chachoengsao (&#3593;&#3632;&#3648;&#3594;&#3636;&#3591;&#3648;&#3607;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:20
msgid "Chai Nat (&#3594;&#3633;&#3618;&#3609;&#3634;&#3607;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:21
msgid "Chaiyaphum (&#3594;&#3633;&#3618;&#3616;&#3641;&#3617;&#3636;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:22
msgid "Chanthaburi (&#3592;&#3633;&#3609;&#3607;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:23
msgid ""
"Chiang Mai (&#3648;&#3594;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3651;&#3627;&#3617;&#3656;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:24
msgid "Chiang Rai (&#3648;&#3594;&#3637;&#3618;&#3591;&#3619;&#3634;&#3618;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:25
msgid "Chonburi (&#3594;&#3621;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:26
msgid "Chumphon (&#3594;&#3640;&#3617;&#3614;&#3619;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:27
msgid ""
"Kalasin (&#3585;&#3634;&#3628;&#3626;&#3636;&#3609;&#3608;&#3640;&#3660;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:28
msgid ""
"Kamphaeng Phet (&#3585;&#3635;&#3649;&#3614;&#3591;&#3648;&#3614;&#3594;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:29
msgid ""
"Kanchanaburi (&#3585;&#3634;&#3597;&#3592;&#3609;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:30
msgid "Khon Kaen (&#3586;&#3629;&#3609;&#3649;&#3585;&#3656;&#3609;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:31
msgid "Krabi (&#3585;&#3619;&#3632;&#3610;&#3637;&#3656;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:32
msgid "Lampang (&#3621;&#3635;&#3611;&#3634;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:33
msgid "Lamphun (&#3621;&#3635;&#3614;&#3641;&#3609;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:34
msgid "Loei (&#3648;&#3621;&#3618;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:35
msgid "Lopburi (&#3621;&#3614;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:36
msgid ""
"Mae Hong Son (&#3649;&#3617;&#3656;&#3630;&#3656;&#3629;&#3591;&#3626;&#3629;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:37
msgid ""
"Maha Sarakham (&#3617;&#3627;&#3634;&#3626;&#3634;&#3619;&#3588;&#3634;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:38
msgid "Mukdahan (&#3617;&#3640;&#3585;&#3604;&#3634;&#3627;&#3634;&#3619;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:39
msgid "Nakhon Nayok (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3609;&#3634;&#3618;&#3585;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:40
msgid "Nakhon Pathom (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3611;&#3600;&#3617;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:41
msgid "Nakhon Phanom (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3614;&#3609;&#3617;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:42
msgid ""
"Nakhon Ratchasima (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3626;&#3637;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:43
msgid ""
"Nakhon Sawan (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3626;&#3623;&#3619;&#3619;&#3588;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:44
msgid ""
"Nakhon Si Thammarat (&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;&#3624;&#3619;&#3637;&#3608;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:45
msgid "Nan (&#3609;&#3656;&#3634;&#3609;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:46
msgid "Narathiwat (&#3609;&#3619;&#3634;&#3608;&#3636;&#3623;&#3634;&#3626;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:47
msgid ""
"Nong Bua Lam Phu (&#3627;&#3609;&#3629;&#3591;&#3610;&#3633;&#3623;&#3621;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:48
msgid "Nong Khai (&#3627;&#3609;&#3629;&#3591;&#3588;&#3634;&#3618;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:49
msgid "Nonthaburi (&#3609;&#3609;&#3607;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:50
msgid "Pathum Thani (&#3611;&#3607;&#3640;&#3617;&#3608;&#3634;&#3609;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:51
msgid "Pattani (&#3611;&#3633;&#3605;&#3605;&#3634;&#3609;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:52
msgid "Phang Nga (&#3614;&#3633;&#3591;&#3591;&#3634;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:53
msgid "Phatthalung (&#3614;&#3633;&#3607;&#3621;&#3640;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:54
msgid "Phayao (&#3614;&#3632;&#3648;&#3618;&#3634;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:55
msgid ""
"Phetchabun (&#3648;&#3614;&#3594;&#3619;&#3610;&#3641;&#3619;&#3603;&#3660;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:56
msgid "Phetchaburi (&#3648;&#3614;&#3594;&#3619;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:57
msgid "Phichit (&#3614;&#3636;&#3592;&#3636;&#3605;&#3619;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:58
msgid "Phitsanulok (&#3614;&#3636;&#3625;&#3603;&#3640;&#3650;&#3621;&#3585;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:59
msgid "Phrae (&#3649;&#3614;&#3619;&#3656;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:60
msgid "Phuket (&#3616;&#3641;&#3648;&#3585;&#3655;&#3605;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:61
msgid ""
"Prachin Buri (&#3611;&#3619;&#3634;&#3592;&#3637;&#3609;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:62
msgid ""
"Prachuap Khiri Khan (&#3611;&#3619;&#3632;&#3592;&#3623;&#3610;&#3588;&#3637;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:63
msgid "Ranong (&#3619;&#3632;&#3609;&#3629;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:64
msgid "Ratchaburi (&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:65
msgid "Rayong (&#3619;&#3632;&#3618;&#3629;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:66
msgid "Roi Et (&#3619;&#3657;&#3629;&#3618;&#3648;&#3629;&#3655;&#3604;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:67
msgid "Sa Kaeo (&#3626;&#3619;&#3632;&#3649;&#3585;&#3657;&#3623;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:68
msgid "Sakon Nakhon (&#3626;&#3585;&#3621;&#3609;&#3588;&#3619;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:69
msgid ""
"Samut Prakan (&#3626;&#3617;&#3640;&#3607;&#3619;&#3611;&#3619;&#3634;&#3585;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:70
msgid ""
"Samut Sakhon (&#3626;&#3617;&#3640;&#3607;&#3619;&#3626;&#3634;&#3588;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:71
msgid ""
"Samut Songkhram (&#3626;&#3617;&#3640;&#3607;&#3619;&#3626;&#3591;&#3588;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:72
msgid "Saraburi (&#3626;&#3619;&#3632;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:73
msgid "Satun (&#3626;&#3605;&#3641;&#3621;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:74
msgid ""
"Sing Buri (&#3626;&#3636;&#3591;&#3627;&#3660;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:75
msgid "Sisaket (&#3624;&#3619;&#3637;&#3626;&#3632;&#3648;&#3585;&#3625;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:76
msgid "Songkhla (&#3626;&#3591;&#3586;&#3621;&#3634;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:77
msgid "Sukhothai (&#3626;&#3640;&#3650;&#3586;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:78
msgid ""
"Suphan Buri (&#3626;&#3640;&#3614;&#3619;&#3619;&#3603;&#3610;&#3640;&#3619;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:79
msgid ""
"Surat Thani (&#3626;&#3640;&#3619;&#3634;&#3625;&#3598;&#3619;&#3660;&#3608;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:80
msgid "Surin (&#3626;&#3640;&#3619;&#3636;&#3609;&#3607;&#3619;&#3660;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:81
msgid "Tak (&#3605;&#3634;&#3585;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:82
msgid "Trang (&#3605;&#3619;&#3633;&#3591;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:83
msgid "Trat (&#3605;&#3619;&#3634;&#3604;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:84
msgid ""
"Ubon Ratchathani (&#3629;&#3640;&#3610;&#3621;&#3619;&#3634;&#3594;&#3608;"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:85
msgid "Udon Thani (&#3629;&#3640;&#3604;&#3619;&#3608;&#3634;&#3609;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:86
msgid ""
"Uthai Thani (&#3629;&#3640;&#3607;&#3633;&#3618;&#3608;&#3634;&#3609;&#3637;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:87
msgid ""
"Uttaradit (&#3629;&#3640;&#3605;&#3619;&#3604;&#3636;&#3605;&#3606;&#3660;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:88
msgid "Yala (&#3618;&#3632;&#3621;&#3634;)"
msgstr ""
#: states/TH.php:89
msgid "Yasothon (&#3618;&#3650;&#3626;&#3608;&#3619;)"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:13
msgid "Alabama"
msgstr "Alabama"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:14
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr "Alaska"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:15
msgid "Arizona"
msgstr "Arizona"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:16
msgid "Arkansas"
msgstr "Arkansas"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:17
msgid "California"
msgstr "California"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:18
msgid "Colorado"
msgstr "Colorado"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:19
msgid "Connecticut"
msgstr "Connecticut"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:20
msgid "Delaware"
msgstr "Delaware"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:21
msgid "District Of Columbia"
msgstr "District Of Columbia"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:22
msgid "Florida"
msgstr "Florida"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:23
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgien"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:24
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr "Hawaii"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:25
msgid "Idaho"
msgstr "Idaho"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:26
msgid "Illinois"
msgstr "Illinois"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:27
msgid "Indiana"
msgstr "Indiana"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:28
msgid "Iowa"
msgstr "Iowa"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:29
msgid "Kansas"
msgstr "Kansas"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:30
msgid "Kentucky"
msgstr "Kentucky"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:31
msgid "Louisiana"
msgstr "Louisiana"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:32
msgid "Maine"
msgstr "Maine"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:33
msgid "Maryland"
msgstr "Maryland"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:34
msgid "Massachusetts"
msgstr "Massachusetts"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:35
msgid "Michigan"
msgstr "Michigan"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:36
msgid "Minnesota"
msgstr "Minnesota"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:37
msgid "Mississippi"
msgstr "Mississippi"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:38
msgid "Missouri"
msgstr "Missouri"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:39
msgid "Montana"
msgstr "Montana"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:40
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr "Nebraska"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:41
msgid "Nevada"
msgstr "Nevada"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:42
msgid "New Hampshire"
msgstr "New Hampshire"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:43
msgid "New Jersey"
msgstr "New Jersey"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:44
msgid "New Mexico"
msgstr "New Mexico"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:45
msgid "New York"
msgstr "New York"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:46
msgid "North Carolina"
msgstr "North Carolina"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:47
msgid "North Dakota"
msgstr "North Dakota"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:48
msgid "Ohio"
msgstr "Ohio"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:49
msgid "Oklahoma"
msgstr "Oklahoma"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:50
msgid "Oregon"
msgstr "Oregon"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:51
msgid "Pennsylvania"
msgstr "Pennsylvania"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:52
msgid "Rhode Island"
msgstr "Rhode Island"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:53
msgid "South Carolina"
msgstr "South Carolina"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:54
msgid "South Dakota"
msgstr "South Dakota"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:55
msgid "Tennessee"
msgstr "Tennessee"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:56
msgid "Texas"
msgstr "Texas"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:57
msgid "Utah"
msgstr "Utah"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:58
msgid "Vermont"
msgstr "Vermont"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:59
msgid "Virginia"
msgstr "Virginia"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:60
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Washington"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:61
msgid "West Virginia"
msgstr "West Virginia"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:62
msgid "Wisconsin"
msgstr "Wisconsin"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/US.php:63
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr "Wyoming"
#: states/US.php:64
msgid "Armed Forces (AA)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AA)"
#: states/US.php:65
msgid "Armed Forces (AE)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AE)"
#: states/US.php:66
msgid "Armed Forces (AP)"
msgstr "Armed Forces (AP)"
#: states/ZA.php:13
msgid "Eastern Cape"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/ZA.php:14
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free State"
msgstr "Orderstatusar"
#: states/ZA.php:15
msgid "Gauteng"
msgstr ""
#: states/ZA.php:16
msgid "KwaZulu-Natal"
msgstr ""
#: states/ZA.php:17
msgid "Limpopo"
msgstr ""
#: states/ZA.php:18
msgid "Mpumalanga"
msgstr ""
# @ woocommerce
#: states/ZA.php:19
#, fuzzy
msgid "Northern Cape"
msgstr "Northern Territory"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/ZA.php:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "North West"
msgstr "Nordkorea"
# @ woocommerce
#: states/ZA.php:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "Western Cape"
msgstr "Västra Sahara"