
110 lines
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/* eslint-disable @woocommerce/dependency-group */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */
* External dependencies
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { privateApis as routerPrivateApis } from '@wordpress/router';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import { unlock } from '@wordpress/edit-site/build-module/lock-unlock';
// @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet.
import useSiteEditorSettings from '@wordpress/edit-site/build-module/components/block-editor/use-site-editor-settings';
* Internal dependencies
import BlockPreview from './block-preview';
import { useCallback } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useEditorBlocks } from './hooks/use-editor-blocks';
import { useScrollOpacity } from './hooks/use-scroll-opacity';
import { useQuery } from '@woocommerce/navigation';
const { useHistory } = unlock( routerPrivateApis );
type Page = {
link: string;
title: { rendered: string; raw: string };
[ key: string ]: unknown;
// We only show the edit option when page count is <= MAX_PAGE_COUNT
// Performance of Navigation Links is not good past this value.
const MAX_PAGE_COUNT = 100;
export const BlockEditor = ( {} ) => {
const history = useHistory();
const settings = useSiteEditorSettings();
const [ blocks ] = useEditorBlocks();
const urlParams = useQuery();
const scrollDirection =
urlParams.path === '/customize-store/assembler-hub/footer'
? 'bottomUp'
: 'topDown';
const previewOpacity = useScrollOpacity(
'.woocommerce-customize-store__block-editor iframe',
// // See packages/block-library/src/page-list/edit.js.
const { records: pages } = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page', {
per_page: MAX_PAGE_COUNT,
_fields: [ 'id', 'link', 'menu_order', 'parent', 'title', 'type' ],
// TODO: When https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/39037 REST API support for multiple orderby
// values is resolved, update 'orderby' to [ 'menu_order', 'post_title' ] to provide a consistent
// sort.
orderby: 'menu_order',
order: 'asc',
} );
const onClickNavigationItem = useCallback(
( event: MouseEvent ) => {
const clickedPage =
( page: Page ) =>
page.link === ( event.target as HTMLAnchorElement ).href
) ||
// Fallback to page title if the link is not found. This is needed for a bug in the block library
// See https://github.com/woocommerce/team-ghidorah/issues/253#issuecomment-1665106817
( page: Page ) =>
page.title.rendered ===
( event.target as HTMLAnchorElement ).innerText
if ( clickedPage ) {
history.push( {
postId: clickedPage.id,
postType: 'page',
} );
} else {
// Home page
const { postId, postType, ...params } = urlParams;
history.push( {
} );
[ history, urlParams, pages ]
return (
<div className="woocommerce-customize-store__block-editor">
<div className={ 'woocommerce-block-preview-container' }>
blocks={ blocks }
settings={ settings }
additionalStyles={ '' }
onClickNavigationItem={ onClickNavigationItem }
// Don't use sub registry so that we can get the logo block from the main registry on the logo sidebar navigation screen component.
useSubRegistry={ false }
previewOpacity={ previewOpacity }