
947 B

3.1.0 - 2022-06-15

  • Minor - Add ExPlat dependency and product task experiment logic
  • Minor - Add Jetpack Changelogger
  • Patch - Migrate @woocommerce/onboarding to TS
  • Patch - Standardize lint scripts: add lint:fix
  • Patch - Add task_view tracks prop for experimental products #32933
  • Minor - Changed task_view experimental_product key to variant (technically a breaking change but since it was introduced in the same version it is fine) #32944
  • Minor - Removed experimental product hook and instead poll the slot's fill for variant metadata. To be removed when experiment concludes! #33052
  • Minor - Update TaskList types.
  • Minor - Added Typescript type declarations. #32615

See legacy changelogs for previous versions.