
227 lines
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* External dependenices
import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import user from '@testing-library/user-event';
// @todo: Figure out conflict with Enzyme for global config.
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
jest.mock( '@wordpress/api-fetch' );
* Internal dependenices
import { PayPal } from '../tasks/payments/paypal';
describe( 'TaskList > Payments', () => {
describe( 'PayPal', () => {
afterEach( () => jest.clearAllMocks() );
const mockInstallStep = {
isComplete: true,
key: 'install',
label: 'Install',
it( 'shows "create account" when Jetpack and WCS are connected', async () => {
const mockConnectUrl = 'https://connect.woocommerce.test/paypal';
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {
connectUrl: mockConnectUrl,
} );
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
// By default, the "create account" is checked.
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeChecked();
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Email address', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( screen.getByText( 'Create account', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined();
// The email input should disappear when "create account" is unchecked.
user.click( screen.getByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) );
expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Email address', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeNull();
// Since the oauth response was mocked, we should have a "connect" button.
const oauthButton = await screen.findByText( 'Connect', { selector: 'a' } );
expect( oauthButton ).toBeDefined();
expect( oauthButton.href ).toEqual( mockConnectUrl );
} );
it( 'requires WCS to have TOS accepted to show "create account"', async () => {
const mockConnectUrl = 'https://connect.woocommerce.test/paypal';
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {
connectUrl: mockConnectUrl,
} );
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
wcsTosAccepted={ false }
// Verify "create account" isn't shown.
expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeNull();
// Since the oauth response was mocked, we should have a "connect" button.
const oauthButton = await screen.findByText( 'Connect', { selector: 'a' } );
expect( oauthButton ).toBeDefined();
expect( oauthButton.href ).toEqual( mockConnectUrl );
} );
it( 'validates "create account" form and persists PayPal options', async () => {
const mockConnectUrl = 'https://connect.woocommerce.test/paypal';
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {
connectUrl: mockConnectUrl,
} );
const mockUpdateOptions = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue( { success: true } );
const mockCreateNotice = jest.fn();
const mockMarkConfigured = jest.fn();
const mockOptions = {
woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings: {
test: 'yes',
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
options={ mockOptions }
createNotice={ mockCreateNotice }
markConfigured={ mockMarkConfigured }
updateOptions={ mockUpdateOptions }
const createButton = screen.getByText( 'Create account', { selector: 'button' } );
const emailInput = screen.getByLabelText( 'Email address', { selector: 'input' } );
// Verify empty emails are invalid.
user.click( createButton );
expect( await screen.findByText( 'Please enter a valid email address' ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( mockUpdateOptions ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
// Verify non-empty email validation.
await user.type( emailInput, 'not an email' );
user.click( createButton );
expect( await screen.findByText( 'Please enter a valid email address' ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( mockUpdateOptions ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
// Submit a good email.
user.clear( emailInput );
await user.type( emailInput, 'owner@store.com' );
user.click( createButton );
expect( screen.queryByText( 'Please enter a valid email address' ) ).toBeNull();
// Trick to wait for the async code to call updateOption().
await waitFor( () => expect( mockUpdateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ) );
// Verify the persisted options.
expect( mockUpdateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( {
woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings: {
email: 'owner@store.com',
enabled: 'yes',
reroute_requests: 'yes',
test: 'yes', // Makes sure we're extending the retrieved settings.
} );
} );
it( 'shows API credential inputs when "create account" opted out and OAuth fetch fails', async () => {
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( false );
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
// The email input should disappear when "create account" is unchecked.
user.click( screen.getByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) );
expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Email address', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeNull();
// Since the oauth response failed, we should have the API credentials form.
expect( await screen.findByText( 'Proceed', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'API Username', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'API Password', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined();
} );
it( 'shows OAuth connect button', async () => {
const mockConnectUrl = 'https://connect.woocommerce.test/paypal';
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {
connectUrl: mockConnectUrl,
} );
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
// Verify the "create account" option is absent.
expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeNull();
// Since the oauth response was mocked, we should have a "connect" button.
const oauthButton = await screen.findByText( 'Connect', { selector: 'a' } );
expect( oauthButton ).toBeDefined();
expect( oauthButton.href ).toEqual( mockConnectUrl );
} );
it( 'shows API credential inputs when OAuth fetch fails', async () => {
apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( false );
activePlugins={ [
] }
installStep={ mockInstallStep }
// Verify the "create account" option is absent.
expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Create a PayPal account for me', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeNull();
// Since the oauth response failed, we should have the API credentials form.
expect( await screen.findByText( 'Proceed', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'API Username', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined();
expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'API Password', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined();
} );
} );
} );