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/** @format */
* External dependencies
import moment from 'moment';
import { find } from 'lodash';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { getSettings, format as formatDate } from '@wordpress/date';
export const isoDateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
const DEFAULT_PERIOD = 'month';
const DEFAULT_COMPARE = 'previous_year';
* DateValue Object
* @typedef {Object} DateValue - Describes the date range supplied by the date picker.
* @property {string} label - The translated value of the period.
* @property {string} range - The human readable value of a date range.
* @property {moment.Moment} after - Start of the date range.
* @property {moment.Moment} before - End of the date range.
* DateParams Object
* @typedef {Object} dateParams - date parameters derived from query parameters.
* @property {string} period - period value, ie `last_week`
* @property {string} compare - compare valuer, ie previous_year
* @param {moment.Moment|null} after - If the period supplied is "custom", this is the after date
* @param {moment.Moment|null} before - If the period supplied is "custom", this is the before date
export const presetValues = [
{ value: 'today', label: __( 'Today', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'yesterday', label: __( 'Yesterday', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'week', label: __( 'Week to Date', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'last_week', label: __( 'Last Week', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'month', label: __( 'Month to Date', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'last_month', label: __( 'Last Month', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'quarter', label: __( 'Quarter to Date', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'last_quarter', label: __( 'Last Quarter', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'year', label: __( 'Year to Date', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'last_year', label: __( 'Last Year', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'custom', label: __( 'Custom', 'wc-admin' ) },
export const periods = [
{ value: 'previous_period', label: __( 'Previous Period', 'wc-admin' ) },
{ value: 'previous_year', label: __( 'Previous Year', 'wc-admin' ) },
* Adds timestamp to a string date.
* @param {string} date - Date as a string.
* @param {string} timeOfDay - Either `start` or `end` of the day.
* @return {string} - String date with timestamp attached.
export const appendTimestamp = ( date, timeOfDay ) => {
if ( timeOfDay === 'start' ) {
return date + 'T00:00:00+00:00';
if ( timeOfDay === 'end' ) {
return date + 'T23:59:59+00:00';
throw new Error( 'appendTimestamp requires second parameter to be either `start` or `end`' );
* Convert a string to Moment object
* @param {string} format - localized date string format
* @param {string} str - date string
* @return {Moment|null} - Moment object representing given string
export function toMoment( format, str ) {
if ( moment.isMoment( str ) ) {
return str.isValid() ? str : null;
if ( 'string' === typeof str ) {
const date = moment( str, [ isoDateFormat, format ], true );
return date.isValid() ? date : null;
throw new Error( 'toMoment requires a string to be passed as an argument' );
* Given two dates, derive a string representation
* @param {Moment} after - start date
* @param {Moment} before - end date
* @return {string} - text value for the supplied date range
export function getRangeLabel( after, before ) {
const isSameDay = after.isSame( before, 'day' );
const isSameYear = after.year() === before.year();
const isSameMonth = isSameYear && after.month() === before.month();
const fullDateFormat = __( 'MMM D, YYYY', 'wc-admin' );
const monthDayFormat = __( 'MMM D', 'wc-admin' );
if ( isSameDay ) {
return after.format( fullDateFormat );
} else if ( isSameMonth ) {
const afterDate = after.date();
return after
.format( fullDateFormat )
.replace( afterDate, `${ afterDate } - ${ before.date() }` );
} else if ( isSameYear ) {
return `${ after.format( monthDayFormat ) } - ${ before.format( fullDateFormat ) }`;
return `${ after.format( fullDateFormat ) } - ${ before.format( fullDateFormat ) }`;
* Get a DateValue object for a period prior to the current period.
* @param {string} period - the chosen period
* @param {string} compare - `previous_period` or `previous_year`
* @return {DateValue} - DateValue data about the selected period
export function getLastPeriod( period, compare ) {
const primaryStart = moment()
.startOf( period )
.subtract( 1, period );
const primaryEnd = primaryStart.clone().endOf( period );
let secondaryStart;
let secondaryEnd;
if ( 'previous_period' === compare ) {
if ( 'year' === period ) {
// Subtract two entire periods for years to take into account leap year
secondaryStart = moment()
.startOf( period )
.subtract( 2, period );
secondaryEnd = secondaryStart.clone().endOf( period );
} else {
// Otherwise, use days in primary period to figure out how far to go back
const daysDiff = primaryEnd.diff( primaryStart, 'days' );
secondaryEnd = primaryStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'days' );
secondaryStart = secondaryEnd.clone().subtract( daysDiff, 'days' );
} else {
secondaryStart =
'week' === period
? primaryStart
.subtract( 1, 'years' )
.week( primaryStart.week() )
.startOf( 'week' )
: primaryStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'years' );
secondaryEnd = secondaryStart.clone().endOf( period );
return {
* Get a DateValue object for a curent period. The period begins on the first day of the period,
* and ends on the current day.
* @param {string} period - the chosen period
* @param {string} compare - `previous_period` or `previous_year`
* @return {DateValue} - DateValue data about the selected period
export function getCurrentPeriod( period, compare ) {
const primaryStart = moment().startOf( period );
const primaryEnd = moment();
const daysSoFar = primaryEnd.diff( primaryStart, 'days' );
let secondaryStart;
let secondaryEnd;
if ( 'previous_period' === compare ) {
secondaryStart = primaryStart.clone().subtract( 1, period );
secondaryEnd = primaryEnd.clone().subtract( 1, period );
} else {
secondaryStart =
'week' === period
? primaryStart
.subtract( 1, 'years' )
.week( primaryStart.week() )
.startOf( 'week' )
: primaryStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'years' );
secondaryEnd = secondaryStart.clone().add( daysSoFar, 'days' );
return {
* Get a DateValue object for a period described by a period, compare value, and start/end
* dates, for custom dates.
* @param {string} period - the chosen period
* @param {string} compare - `previous_period` or `previous_year`
* @param {Moment} [after] - after date if custom period
* @param {Moment} [before] - before date if custom period
* @return {DateValue} - DateValue data about the selected period
function getDateValue( period, compare, after, before ) {
switch ( period ) {
case 'today':
return getCurrentPeriod( 'day', compare );
case 'yesterday':
return getLastPeriod( 'day', compare );
case 'week':
return getCurrentPeriod( 'week', compare );
case 'last_week':
return getLastPeriod( 'week', compare );
case 'month':
return getCurrentPeriod( 'month', compare );
case 'last_month':
return getLastPeriod( 'month', compare );
case 'quarter':
return getCurrentPeriod( 'quarter', compare );
case 'last_quarter':
return getLastPeriod( 'quarter', compare );
case 'year':
return getCurrentPeriod( 'year', compare );
case 'last_year':
return getLastPeriod( 'year', compare );
case 'custom':
const difference = before.diff( after, 'days' );
if ( 'previous_period' === compare ) {
const secondaryEnd = after.clone().subtract( 1, 'days' );
const secondaryStart = secondaryEnd.clone().subtract( difference, 'days' );
return {
primaryStart: after,
primaryEnd: before,
return {
primaryStart: after,
primaryEnd: before,
secondaryStart: after.clone().subtract( 1, 'years' ),
secondaryEnd: before.clone().subtract( 1, 'years' ),
* Add default date-related parameters to a query object
* @param {string} [period] - period value, ie `last_week`
* @param {string} [compare] - compare valuer, ie previous_year
* @param {string} [after] - date in iso date format, ie 2018-07-03
* @param {string} [before] - date in iso date format, ie 2018-07-03
* @return {DateParams} - date parameters derived from query parameters with added defaults
export const getDateParamsFromQuery = ( { period, compare, after, before } ) => {
return {
period: period || DEFAULT_PERIOD,
compare: compare || DEFAULT_COMPARE,
after: after ? moment( after ) : null,
before: before ? moment( before ) : null,
* Get Date Value Objects for a primary and secondary date range
* @param {Object} query - date parameters derived from query parameters
* @property {string} [period] - period value, ie `last_week`
* @property {string} [compare] - compare valuer, ie previous_year
* @property {string} [after] - date in iso date format, ie 2018-07-03
* @property {string} [before] - date in iso date format, ie 2018-07-03
* @return {{primary: DateValue, secondary: DateValue}} - Primary and secondary DateValue objects
export const getCurrentDates = query => {
const { period, compare, after, before } = getDateParamsFromQuery( query );
const { primaryStart, primaryEnd, secondaryStart, secondaryEnd } = getDateValue(
return {
primary: {
label: find( presetValues, item => item.value === period ).label,
range: getRangeLabel( primaryStart, primaryEnd ),
after: primaryStart.format( isoDateFormat ),
before: primaryEnd.format( isoDateFormat ),
secondary: {
label: find( periods, item => item.value === compare ).label,
range: getRangeLabel( secondaryStart, secondaryEnd ),
after: secondaryStart.format( isoDateFormat ),
before: secondaryEnd.format( isoDateFormat ),
* Calculates the date difference between two dates. Used in calculating a matching date for previous period.
* @param {String} date - Date to compare
* @param {String} date2 - Seconary date to compare
* @return {Int} - Difference in days.
export const getDateDifferenceInDays = ( date, date2 ) => {
const _date = toMoment( isoDateFormat, formatDate( 'Y-m-d', date ) );
const _date2 = toMoment( isoDateFormat, formatDate( 'Y-m-d', date2 ) );
return _date.diff( _date2, 'days' );
* Get the previous date for either the previous period of year.
* @param {String} date - Base date
* @param {String} date1 - primary start
* @param {String} date2 - secondary start
* @param {String} compare - `previous_period` or `previous_year`
* @param {String} interval - interval
* @return {String} - Calculated date
export const getPreviousDate = ( date, date1, date2, compare, interval ) => {
const dateMoment = toMoment( isoDateFormat, formatDate( 'Y-m-d', date ) );
if ( 'previous_year' === compare ) {
return dateMoment.clone().subtract( 1, 'years' );
const _date1 = toMoment( isoDateFormat, formatDate( 'Y-m-d', date1 ) );
const _date2 = toMoment( isoDateFormat, formatDate( 'Y-m-d', date2 ) );
const difference = _date1.diff( _date2, interval );
return dateMoment.clone().subtract( difference, interval );
* Returns the allowed selectable intervals for a specific query.
* TODO Add support for hours. `` if ( differenceInDays <= 1 ) { allowed = [ 'hour' ]; }
* Today/yesterday/default: allowed = [ 'hour' ];
* @param {Object} query Current query
* @return {Array} Array containing allowed intervals.
export function getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( query ) {
let allowed = [];
if ( 'custom' === query.period ) {
const { primary } = getCurrentDates( query );
const differenceInDays = getDateDifferenceInDays( primary.before, primary.after );
if ( differenceInDays > 728 ) {
allowed = [ 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year' ];
} else if ( differenceInDays > 364 ) {
allowed = [ 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' ];
} else if ( differenceInDays > 90 ) {
allowed = [ 'day', 'week', 'month' ];
} else if ( differenceInDays > 7 ) {
allowed = [ 'day', 'week' ];
} else if ( differenceInDays > 1 && differenceInDays <= 7 ) {
allowed = [ 'day' ];
} else {
allowed = [ 'day' ];
} else {
switch ( query.period ) {
case 'week':
case 'last_week':
allowed = [ 'day' ];
case 'month':
case 'last_month':
allowed = [ 'day', 'week' ];
case 'quarter':
case 'last_quarter':
allowed = [ 'day', 'week', 'month' ];
case 'year':
case 'last_year':
allowed = [ 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' ];
allowed = [ 'day' ];
return allowed;
* Returns the current interval to use.
* @param {Object} query Current query
* @return {String} Current interval.
export function getIntervalForQuery( query ) {
const allowed = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( query );
const defaultInterval = allowed[ 0 ];
let current = query.interval || defaultInterval;
if ( query.interval && ! allowed.includes( query.interval ) ) {
current = defaultInterval;
return current;
export const dayTicksThreshold = 180;
* Returns date formats for the current interval.
* See https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format for chart formats.
* @param {String} interval Interval to get date formats for.
* @param {Int} [ticks] Number of ticks the axis will have.
* @return {String} Current interval.
export function getDateFormatsForInterval( interval, ticks = 0 ) {
let pointLabelFormat = 'F j, Y';
let tooltipFormat = '%B %d %Y';
let xFormat = '%Y-%m-%d';
let x2Format = '%b %y';
let tableFormat = 'm/d/Y';
switch ( interval ) {
case 'hour':
pointLabelFormat = 'h A';
tooltipFormat = '%I %p';
xFormat = '%I %p';
tableFormat = 'h A';
case 'day':
if ( ticks < dayTicksThreshold ) {
xFormat = '%d';
} else {
xFormat = '%b';
x2Format = '%Y';
case 'week':
xFormat = '%d';
tooltipFormat = __( 'Week of %B %d %Y', 'wc-admin' );
case 'quarter':
case 'month':
pointLabelFormat = 'F Y';
tooltipFormat = '%B %Y';
xFormat = '%b %y';
x2Format = '';
case 'year':
pointLabelFormat = 'Y';
tooltipFormat = '%Y';
xFormat = '%Y';
return {
* Gutenberg's moment instance is loaded with i18n values. If the locale isn't english
* we can use that data and enhance it with additional translations
export function loadLocaleData() {
const { date } = wcSettings;
const settings = getSettings();
const userLocale = settings.l10n.locale;
const { weekdaysShort } = settings.l10n;
// Keep the default Momentjs English settings for any English
if ( ! userLocale.match( /en_/ ) ) {
moment.updateLocale( userLocale, {
longDateFormat: {
L: __( 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'wc-admin' ),
LL: __( 'MMMM D, YYYY', 'wc-admin' ),
LLL: __( 'D MMMM YYYY LT', 'wc-admin' ),
LLLL: __( 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT', 'wc-admin' ),
LT: __( 'HH:mm', 'wc-admin' ),
calendar: {
lastDay: __( '[Yesterday at] LT', 'wc-admin' ),
lastWeek: __( '[Last] dddd [at] LT', 'wc-admin' ),
nextDay: __( '[Tomorrow at] LT', 'wc-admin' ),
nextWeek: __( 'dddd [at] LT', 'wc-admin' ),
sameDay: __( '[Today at] LT', 'wc-admin' ),
sameElse: __( 'L', 'wc-admin' ),
week: {
dow: Number( date.dow ),
weekdaysMin: weekdaysShort,
} );
export const dateValidationMessages = {
invalid: __( 'Invalid date', 'wc-admin' ),
future: __( 'Select a date in the past', 'wc-admin' ),
startAfterEnd: __( 'Start date must be before end date', 'wc-admin' ),
endBeforeStart: __( 'Start date must be before end date', 'wc-admin' ),
* Validate text input supplied for a date range.
* @param {string} type - Designate begining or end of range, eg `before` or `after`.
* @param {string} value - User input value
* @param {Moment|null} [before] - If already designated, the before date parameter
* @param {Moment|null} [after] - If already designated, the after date parameter
* @param {string} format - The expected date format in a user's locale
* @return {Object} validatedDate - validated date oject
* @param {Moment|null} validatedDate.date - A resulting Moment date object or null, if invalid
* @param {string} validatedDate.error - An optional error message if date is invalid
export function validateDateInputForRange( type, value, before, after, format ) {
const date = toMoment( format, value );
if ( ! date ) {
return {
date: null,
error: dateValidationMessages.invalid,
if ( moment().isBefore( date, 'day' ) ) {
return {
date: null,
error: dateValidationMessages.future,
if ( 'after' === type && before && date.isAfter( before, 'day' ) ) {
return {
date: null,
error: dateValidationMessages.startAfterEnd,
if ( 'before' === type && after && date.isBefore( after, 'day' ) ) {
return {
date: null,
error: dateValidationMessages.endBeforeStart,
return { date };