Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 4.4 (markdown)

Tam Mullen 2020-07-28 12:01:43 +01:00
parent 30d8a11ad4
commit 33dd37ce3e
1 changed files with 68 additions and 0 deletions

@ -80,6 +80,74 @@ The existing coupon management interface in WooCommerce core is moving to be loc
## Updates to WooCommerce Product Blocks
These testing instructions are based on the testing instruction published specifically for WooCommerce Products Blocks [2.7.1](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/release/2.7/docs/testing/releases/271.md), [2.7.2](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/release/2.7/docs/testing/releases/272.md), [2.8.0](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/release/2.7/docs/testing/releases/280.md), [2.9.0](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/release/2.7/docs/testing/releases/290.md), and [3.0.0](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/release/2.7/docs/testing/releases/300.md).
### Product Categories List <!-- heading -->
#### Fix Product Categories List breaking when changing align attribute. <!-- heading -->
- [ ] Add a Product Categories List block to a page.
- [ ] Switch to _Full Width_ align.
- [ ] Verify the block doesn't show an error.
- [ ] If you are using Storefront or another theme with sidebar, make sure the page has the _Full Width_ template.
- [ ] Open the page in the frontend and verify the Product Categories List block is aligned as a full width block.
### Miscellaneous <!-- heading -->
- [ ] Go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product images and change the cropping options.
- [ ] Test the Review block (for Review blocs, you might need to change its attributes so it shows the product image instead of the customer image) and verify they show the cropped image.
- [ ] Edit an old All Products block and verify the block didn't invalidate.
- [ ] Edit it and select the Product image inner block. There, toggle the _Image sizing_ attribute.
- [ ] Verify when _Cropped_ is selected, the cropped image is displayed.
- [ ] Repeat the process with the Product block.
### All Products in IE11
- With IE11, create a page with the All Products block.
- Verify you can add the block without problems in the editor.
- Visit the page in the frontend, and verify the block works as expected and no JS errors are shown in the devtools console.
### PHP notices
- Create a new product. For its type chose 'Variable Product', create one attribute and two variations. Leave both variations price to 0.
- Create a new page with the All Products, Filter by Price and Filter by Attributes blocks.
- Save the page and visit it in the frontend.
- Using the Filter by Attributes block, filter the products by a specific attribute, making sure the Variable Product you created gets visible at some point.
- Go to the PHP logs of your site and verify there isn't any PHP warning in the logs related to the steps described above.
### Lazy Loading Atomic Components
- Test the All Products block and verify that editing element blocks (the inner blocks that can be added/re-positioned for the rendered grid) on the backend and the behavior of those blocks on the frontend work as expected. The All Products block should work with existing filter blocks as well.
- Verify adding the All Products block to a new page works as expected with no errors.
- Verify loading a pre-existing page with the block from an earlier version of the blocks plugin works as expected.
### Remove Dashicon classes
Testing means ensuring there are no visual regressions in the affected blocks:
1. Attribute Filter: set Query Type: AND, Display Style: Dropdown. Then, select a value and check that the cross icon still shows up correct.
### Unify Chip styles
0. Ideally, set your theme background to something different from white so you can verify inputs are still legible.
1. Create a page with the All Products block and the Filter Products by Attribute (set the attributes to Query Type: OR, Display Style: Dropdown) and Active Filters (Display Style: Chips).
2. Filter Products by Attribute:
2.1. Try adding new filters.
2.2. Verify chips have the correct styles.
2.3. Try removing them with the keyboard (backspace or <kbd>Del</kbd>).
2.4. Try removing them clicking on the chip name.
3. Active Filters:
3.1 Verify chips have the correct styles.
4. Catching regressions:
4.1. Verify there are no regression in the Filter Products by Attribute and the Active Filters blocks with other attribute combinations: verify everything is still working and there are no visual bugs.
4.2. Verify there are no regressions with the Chips in the Cart: try adding a coupon in the Cart or Checkout blocks and verify it still looks correct.
### Disabled blocks
- Verify you can't add any of these blocks: _Cart_, _Checkout_ and _Single Product_.
## Notable Bug Fixes