Updated Core Profiler Testing Instructions (markdown)

RJ 2023-06-20 21:06:57 +08:00
parent 9e0d5c42e8
commit 3806fe4308
1 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ However, the Jetpack connection screens will present differently depending on wh
## Testing Flows
Flow 1: Skip Guided Setup
##### Flow 1: Skip Guided Setup
- Enter the profiler, select the Skip link in the top right hand corner on the Intro & Opt In page
- Merchant must select a country to return back to WooCommerce Home
- Selected country should be correctly saved
Flow 2a: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Create New User)
##### Flow 2a: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Create New User)
- Ensure that you are not logged into a WordPress.com account when starting this test run
- On the Intro & Opt In page, leave the Opt In checkbox selected
@ -178,42 +178,42 @@ Flow 2a: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Create New User)
- You should be redirected back to your WooCommerce Home after it is complete
- All selected plugins should have completed installation by now
Flow 2b: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Existing User)
##### Flow 2b: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Existing User)
- Same as 2a, but begin with a WordPress.com account already logged in
- On the Jetpack Connection pages observe that you are able to proceed with your currently logged in user
Flow 2c: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Switch User)
##### Flow 2c: All-Inclusive with Jetpack Login (Switch User)
- Same as 2c but observe that you are able to switch to another user and/or create a new WordPress.com account
Flow 3: All-Inclusive without Jetpack Login
##### Flow 3: All-Inclusive without Jetpack Login
- Same as 2a but deselect Jetpack on the Extensions selection page
- Observe that the Jetpack Connection pages do not occur
- You should be immediately redirected to WooCommerce Home after extensions have installed
Flow 4: Fill out User and Business details, skip Extensions
##### Flow 4: Fill out User and Business details, skip Extensions
- Proceed as usual until the Extensions page
- Click on the link to skip in the top right hand corner of the Extensions page
- Observe that the loader screen is much shorter and immediately redirects you to WooCommerce Home
Flow 5: Data sharing Opt out
##### Flow 5: Data sharing Opt out
- On the Intro & Opt In page, uncheck the Opt In checkbox
- Proceed with the guided setup as usual
- Observe that on the Business Info page, there is no automatic country geolocation and you will have to select it yourself
- No other changes should be present
Flow 6: Skip User profile
##### Flow 6: Skip User profile
- On the User Profile page, click on the Skip link on the top right hand corner
- No information on this page should be saved
- You should be directed to the next page, which is the Business Info page
- Everything else should work as expected
Flow 7: Various countries
##### Flow 7: Various countries
- The country selector on the Business Info page affects the list of extensions that will be presented to you on the Extensions page
- Some examples of the plugins presented:
@ -221,23 +221,23 @@ Flow 7: Various countries
- For India, observe that 4 plugins are presented: Jetpack, Pinterest, MailPoet, Google Listings and Ads
- Note that these promoted extensions are subjected to change regularly, consult with Ghidorah if the extensions list isn't what you expect
Flow 8: Start with Jetpack pre-installed but not connected
##### Flow 8: Start with Jetpack pre-installed but not connected
- If Jetpack is previously installed but not activated or connected, you should still see that Jetpack is available for installation
- Proceeding with Jetpack selected should redirect you to the Jetpack Connection pages
Flow 9: Start with Jetpack pre-installed and connected
##### Flow 9: Start with Jetpack pre-installed and connected
- If Jetpack is previously installed and connected then Jetpack should present as already installed on the Extensions page
- Proceeding with the installation should not show you the Jetpack Connection pages
Flow 10: Restoring previously saved data
##### Flow 10: Restoring previously saved data
- On the User Profile and Business Info pages, any previously saved data should be correctly restored
- This can be tested by revisiting the Core Profiler, by going to WooCommerce Settings, clicking on "Help" in the top right hand corner, and clicking on "Setup wizard" on the left side of the panel that appeared
- Another way to test this is to just use the browser back and forward buttons to navigate, and also to refresh the pages. Any previously submitted data should be restored, but not data that was entered and subsequently not submitted
Flow 11: Direct navigation to pages via URL
##### Flow 11: Direct navigation to pages via URL
- Each of the major pages should have their own URL with the `&step` query parameter
- The links should bring you directly to the respective pages without having to step through the Core Profiler pages
@ -245,21 +245,21 @@ Flow 11: Direct navigation to pages via URL
- The browser back and forward buttons should work correctly
- Test this with various browsers
Flow 12: Extensions installation past 30s
##### Flow 12: Extensions installation past 30s
- When installing extensions, if a few extensions are selected (especially Jetpack), the extensions may not all complete within the 30s allocated for the loader
- This is normal and expected, especially if the server that your WooCommerce store is running on has a slow internet connection
- The remaining plugins that did not complete installing should be scheduled for installation and activation in the background immediately
- If only one plugin is selected, the installation should be able to finish in under 30s and you should be able to continue after that
Flow 13: Extensions installation error
##### Flow 13: Extensions installation error
- If an error occurs while the plugins are being installed, you should be redirected to the Extensions page with an error notice that tells you which extension errored
- You can force an installation error by going to the command shell on your WooCommerce host, and making a directory by the same name as the plugin and putting a file in it. For example, to cause Jetpack to error:
- mkdir -p wp-content/plugins/jetpack
- touch wp-content/plugins/jetpack/foo.txt
Flow 14: Extensions already all installed
##### Flow 14: Extensions already all installed
- If all the available extensions have already been installed and activated, the Extensions page should not show up at all
- An easy way to test this is to run through the profiler once and install all the Extensions, then revisit the profiler