Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 7.1 (markdown)

Alejandro López Ariza 2022-10-17 17:17:08 +02:00
parent 6f8e284a4e
commit 385f95ea17
1 changed files with 232 additions and 1 deletions

@ -1 +1,232 @@
WooCommerce 7.1 includes:
- [WooCommerce Blocks Updates](#woocommerce-blocks-updates)
- [WooCommerce Core Updates](#woocommerce-core-updates)
## WooCommerce Blocks Updates [#35040](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35040)
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Product Blocks_**
Blocks 8.6.0
[Testing instructions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/blob/trunk/docs/internal-developers/testing/releases/860.md)
Blocks 8.7.0
[Testing instructions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/blob/trunk/docs/internal-developers/testing/releases/870.md)
Blocks 8.7.1
[Testing instructions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/blob/trunk/docs/internal-developers/testing/releases/871.md)
## WooCommerce Core Updates
### [Add Tiktok to OBW grow list](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34953) #34953
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. In a new site, disable "Display suggestions within WooCommerce " in Settings > Advanced > WooCommerce.com.
2. Go through the Onboarding Wizard, select 'United States' as your location
3. Navigate to the Free Features section in the Onboarding Wizard.
4. See that TikTok is listed.
5. Select TikTok and complete the Onboarding Wizard.
6. On the WordPress Plugins page, confirm that TikTok for WooCommerce plugin is installed.
### [Add new shipping class modal to a shipping class section in product page](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34937) #34937
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Go to Add new product page.
2. Under Shipping Class section click on the Shipping class dropdown, an `Add new shipping class` option should be shown as the second option of the list.
3. When click `Add new shipping class` option a modal to add a new shipping class should be shown.
4. If the product does not have a category then the fields `Name` and `Slug` on the modal should be filled with `New shipping class` and `new-shipping-class` values respectively.
Video: [https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/193664226-e1a83c33-8129-4d20-b2c7-2f7e06fd2bf0.mov](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/193664226-e1a83c33-8129-4d20-b2c7-2f7e06fd2bf0.mov)
5. If the product contains a valid category different than `Uncategorized` then that value should be used to fill the fields `Name` and `Slug` on the modal.
Video: [https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/193664590-cfc4f1ed-453a-499a-9f98-fdc3e2783d2e.mov](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/193664590-cfc4f1ed-453a-499a-9f98-fdc3e2783d2e.mov)
6. After adding the new shipping class the dropdown behind the modal should be updated with the new option added.
### [Fix onboarding wizard popover padding](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34896) #34896
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Use a site with WP 6.1
2. Go to OBW.
3. Go to Product types step.
4. Click on an info icon (i).
5. Observe that, Info icon (i) popover content show with padding.
### [Add "aria-disabled" prop to truly disable OBW continue buttons](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34895) #34895
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Go to the Onboarding Wizard (OBW)
2. Click "Continue" and confirm that it's disabled completely.
3. Select a Country and go to the next step
4. Click "Continue" and confirm that it's disabled completely.
5. Select an industry and go to the next step
6. Uncheck `Physical products` option
7. Click "Continue" and confirm that it's disabled completely.
8. Select a products type and go to the next step
9. Click "Continue" and confirm that it's disabled completely.
- Before:
- After:
### [Adding toolbar to the Image Gallery component](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34871) #34871
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Run storybook and browse to Image Gallery -> Basic story
2. Enable console and view callback logs while testing basic functions:
- Drag and drop item
- Click item to reveal toolbar
- Toolbar -> move left
- Toolbar -> move right
- Toolbar -> drag item by handle
- Toolbar -> set item as cover image
- Toolbar -> replace item
- Toolbar -> remove item
3. Ensure that you cannot drag/drop cover item or move with toolbar
4. Ensure that you cannot move final item forward
### [Deploy spotlight product tour](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34859) #34859
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Use a fresh site
2. Navigate to `Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments`
3. Set `woocommerce_products_task_layout_card_v3` and `woocommerce_products_task_layout_stacked_v3` to control
4. Go to Products > All products
5. Click on "Create Product" button
6. Observer that spotlight product tour is shown.
7. Go to WooCommerce > Home > Add products
8. Click on "Start with a template" and choose a template
9. Confirm that spotlight product tour is shown.
10. Repeat 5~7 steps with different templates
11. Repeat 5 step and choose "Add manually" option.
12. Confirm that spotlight product tour is shown.
### [Add shipping dimensions image](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34857) #34857
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Go to new Product page.
2. In Shipping Dimensions section a package image should be shown on the right side of the dimensions fields.
3. If you focus the fields (A, B, C) a particular side of the package image should be highlighted.
Video: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/192798656-9a5bacc3-bc3a-42ef-a450-2ffda8553258.mov
### [Load size units to show them as a suffix of shipping dimensions fields](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34856) #34856
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Go to the new Product page
2. A Shipping Dimensions section should be shown with the dimensions and weight units loaded as suffixes of each input field according the WooCommerce > Settings > Products configuration.
### [Fix industry options not populate after reloading page](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34847) #34847
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Go to the Onboarding Wizard (OBW)
2. Fill store details and click on "continue" button.
3. On "Industry" tab select one or more option and click on "continue" button.
4. Click on previous "Industry" tab.
5. Reload the page
6. Observe that selected "Industry" options are shown in the Industry step after reloading the page for OBW.
### [Fix enable guided mode button not trigger when its text is translated](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34843) #34843
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Navigate to `Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments`
2. Set`woocommerce_products_task_layout_card_v3` and `woocommerce_products_task_layout_stacked_v3` to **control**
3. Set `woocommerce_products_tour` to **treatment**
4. Change your site language to `Español` on Setting page
5. Go to `Escritorio > Actualizaciones` (/wp-admin/update-core.php)
6. Click on `Actualizar las traducciones` button to download woocommerce transalation
7. Go to WooCommerce > Home > "Añadir products" (Add products) task
8. Select `Empieza con una plantilla` > `Producto físico` (Physical product) and click "go"
9. Dismiss product spotlight tour
10. Click on `Activar el modo guiado` button
11. Observe that the product spotlight tour is shown again.
### [Add initial attributes section for empty state](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34751) #34751
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Enable the `new-product-management-experience` feature flag by using the WCA Test Helper (Tools > WCA Test Helper > Features) and refresh the page.
2. Click the **Products > Add New (MVP)** button and notice the new attributes section
3. It should look the same as the design here: 5sAIeTRd9Yp7nSCT33BAWz-fi-6823%3A312388 the only difference is that the add new button is disabled.
4. Check that the link in the Section description links to [this documentation page](https://woocommerce.com/document/managing-product-taxonomies/#product-attributes) in a new tab.
5. Save this Product and add some attributes using the old UI
6. Refresh the page, the attributes empty state section should now be gone ( as this will be done as part of https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/34333 )
### [Add/34000 attribute select control](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34744) #34744
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Add several products and attributes.
2. Either edit an existing product or create a new one and select the **Attributes** tab
3. Assume you still have attributes less then 20, the normal dropdown should show.
4. Add the color attribute and add some terms. Notice how the terms are loaded on the fly and filtered as you type.
5. Now either add more than 20 different attributes (would probably have to be done manually)
6. It should now show a **Add custom attribute** button and a typeahead dropdown in the Attributes tab.
7. Test out the **Add custom attribute** button, it should add the custom item.
8. Now search for existing attributes and upon selection it should add the attribute to the product
9. Try searching for your previously selected item, it should be disabled now.
10. Now remove the attribute, the dropdown should not show it as disabled anymore.
11. Saving the attributes and persisting by refreshing the page should work the same as usual.
### [Only show the product image upload tip once, and on all product edit pages](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34739) #34739
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
0. Add the following code to a plugin/mu-plugin. It will trigger the issue:
function test_create_product_objects() {
$product1 = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product2 = new WC_Product_Simple();
add_action( 'admin_init', 'test_create_product_objects' );
1. Go to Products > Add New
2. Observe the tip in the bottom of the product image metabox.
3. Click the new link and ensure it works as expected.
4. Go to Posts > Add New
5. Verify that the tip does not appear in the bottom of the featured image metabox.
### [Remove typecasting to prevent fatal when $screen_id is null.](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34734) #34734
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Start with a WooCommerce site with PHP 8.1.
2. Install a plugin that adds a new screen in admin, such as [SEOPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-seopress/)
3. Start the configuration wizard for the plugin. Without this PR you will see a fatal like so: `Uncaught TypeError: WC_Admin_Assets::is_order_meta_box_screen(): Argum`. With this PR, it should be resolved and setup screen with load as usual.
### [Enhance "Add store details" task onboarding experience](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34697) #34697
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Setup a new WooCommerce store.
2. Skip the Setup Wizard.
3. Click the "Add store details" task item in the setup list.
4. Click the **Got it** button in the aid modal.
5. Refresh the page without entering your store's location, or go back to the Task List and click the **Add store details** task.
6. The focusing aid should show up.
### [Add shipping class section and dropdown](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34684) #34684
**_Slack Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Make sure you have at least one shipping class added. If not, go to `WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping classes` add it.
2. Go to Add New (MVP) product page
3. A Shipping section should be shown:
4. A Shipping class dropdown should list `No shipping class`, `Standard shipping` options and the other shipping classes you added in point 1.
5. When click on helper text `global settings` below the dropdown you should be redirected to `WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping classes` page in a new tab
6. Add a Spinner during shipping classes resolution
Video: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13334210/191804320-d3049593-b6e9-43ce-8ca0-a998b0792465.mov