Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.6 (markdown)

Tam Mullen 2022-05-24 18:30:07 +01:00
parent a4cdc40950
commit 6be728cbc8
1 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ WooCommerce 6.6 includes:
## WooCommerce Core Updates
### Payments Banner in Settings experiment ([#32662](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32662), [#32697](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32697), [#33066](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/33066)))
@ -186,3 +187,101 @@ WooCommerce 6.6 includes:
2. Go to Products task
3. Click on "Load sample products"
4. Observe 9 fashion products are imported
### Add WooCommerce > Subscriptions admin menu item and empty state offer screen [#32957](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32957)
1. Start with a fresh install of WooCommerce
1. Install and activate the latest [WooCommerce Test Helper plugin](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin-test-helper/releases/tag/v0.7.1)
2. **Plugin eligibility**: Ensure the following plugins are not installed at all:
- WooCommerce Subscriptions
- WooCommerce Payments
- Sumo Subscriptions
- Yith Subscriptions
- Subscripto
- Subscriptions For WooCommerce
3. **Store tracking eligibility:** Your store allows tracking.
- This checkbox should be checked: **WooCommerce → Settings → Advanced → WooCommerce.com → Enable tracking**.
3. **Store location eligibility:** For the menu item to be displayed your store needs to based in the US.
- Go to **WooCommerce > Settings** and make sure your store is set to a US based address.
3. **Store age criteria:** To view the subscription menu item your store will need to have been active for more than 6 months - we're testing this experiment on established stores. If your store doesn't meet this criteria, you can use the following code snippet with the [code snippet plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/):
- `update_option( 'woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp', strtotime( '-6 month' ) );`
- **_or_** change the `woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp` option to `1620866357` (timestamp from ~1 year ago) via the `/wp-admin/options.php` page.
5. **Paid order criteria:** Only stores with at least 1 order in the last 30 days are eligible. If your store doesn't have an order in the last 30 days. Either:
1. Set any existing pending or failed order to processing or completed
2. If you don't have any order at all, you can just manually create one in **WooCommerce > Orders > Add new** and set it to processing or completed status
6. If you meet all the criteria above you should see a **WooCommerce > Subscriptions (new)** menu item.
7. View the **WooCommerce > Subscriptions (new)** page.
- The 'new' badge should disappear on subsequent page loads.
<p align="center">
<img width="322" alt="Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 2 34 56 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8490476/167772790-ef299bac-7d6b-4245-a640-5022c8c23e35.png">
#### The error scenario
If an error occurs during plugin installation and activation an error message will be displayed directing the user to install the WooCommerce Payments plugin manually.
To test this flow:
1. Add the following code snippet to your site.
2. Go to **WooCommerce -> Subscriptions**
4. Click **"Get started"**
5. An error should occur installing the plugin. See example below.
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );
<p align="center">
<img width="1200" alt="Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 3 00 59 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8490476/167772680-233c53f2-5871-4f29-b7e3-3a66d5a5ca75.png">
❗**Note:** The link takes the user to the [WooCommerce Payments wp.org page](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-payments/).
#### The success scenario
1. Go to **WooCommerce > Subscriptions**
2. Click **"Get started"**
3. WooCommerce Payments will be installed and activated in the background
4. Once complete, you will be directed to the “Add new product” page or to the WCPay onboarding flow depending on which experiment treatment you were assigned to. Please see the "Testing the treatments" section below for more instructions.
#### The dismiss scenario
1. Go to **WooCommerce > Subscriptions**
2. Click **"No thanks"**
3. You should be redirected to the **WooCommerce > Home** screen and the subscriptions menu item should no longer be displayed.
**Note:** If you need to bring the menu item back, delete or change the `woocommerce-wcpay-subscriptions_dismissed` wp option.
#### Testing the treatments
Download, install and activate the [WooCommerce Admin Test Helper](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin-test-helper) plugin.
Navigate to **Tools → WCA Test Helper → Experiments**. This page should contain a row for the "woocommerce_wcpay_subscriptions_page_202207_v1" experiment.
Here you can toggle between the control (treatment A) and the treatment (treatment B).
#### Treatment A
1. Toggle to the control experience from **Tools → WCA Test Helper → Experiments**.
2. Navigate to **WooCommerce → Subscriptions**.
3. Observe the following step headers in the "Youre only steps away from selling subscriptions" section.
1. Create a subscription
2. Create and connect your account
3. Provide a few business details
4. Click the "Get started" button.
5. The WooCommerce Payments plugin will be installed & activated and you will be redirected to the “Add new product” page.
#### Treatment B
1. Toggle to the treatment experience from **Tools → WCA Test Helper → Experiments**.
2. Navigate to **WooCommerce → Subscriptions**.
3. Observe the following step headers in the "Youre only steps away from selling subscriptions" section.
1. Create and connect your account
2. Provide a few business details
3. Create subscriptions
4. Click the "Get started" button.
5. The WooCommerce Payments plugin will be installed & activated and you will be redirected to the WCPay onboarding flow.