Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.7 (markdown)

Alejandro López Ariza 2022-06-21 19:35:06 +02:00
parent df8f22675c
commit 6f2ad9b15f
1 changed files with 0 additions and 83 deletions

@ -262,86 +262,3 @@ array(
**Scenario 4: Navigation Exploratory Test**
1. Enable the Navigation at `WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> Features`
2. Perform brief exploratory testing in WooCommerce Admin to check that no errors appear as part of this new Navigation
### Events tracking ([#33305](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/33305), [#33400](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/33400), [#33177](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/33177))
**_Workflow: WooCommerce Core_**
1. Start with a fresh install of WooCommerce
2. Enable usage tracking when completing the Setup Wizard
3. Install and activate the latest [WooCommerce Test Helper plugin](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin-test-helper/releases/tag/v0.7.6)
**Scenario 1: Navigation event is tracked in statistics when it is enabled**
1. Go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=features
2. Enable the `Navigation` setting
3. Verify in Tracks that the `wcadmin_settings_change` event is fired with `settings: woocommerce-navigation_enabled`
**Scenario 2: Navigation event is tracked in statistics when it is disabled**
1. Go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=features
2. Disable the `Navigation` setting
3. Verify in Tracks that the `wcadmin_settings_change` event is fired with `settings: woocommerce-navigation_disabled`
**Scenario 3: Events are tracked successfully when creating a product from template using the previous walkthrough**
1. **Without** enabling the `woocommerce_products_tour` experiment
2. Open your browser console and make sure tracking is enabled
3. Enable tracking debugging with `localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' )`
4. Go to WooCommerce > Home > Add my products > Start with a template > Physical product
5. Observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_view` track with props `{ spotlight: no, product_template: physical }`
6. Click on `dismiss` button, observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_dismissed` with props `{ step_name: 'old-product-name' }`
7. Refresh the browser to get the walkthrough again
8. Click on `Next` until finish
9. Observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_completed` track
**Scenario 4: Events are tracked successfully when creating a product from template using the new walkthrough (spotlight tour)**
1. Enable `experimental-product-tour`
2. Go to Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments
3. Add `woocommerce_products_tour` to treatment
4. Go to WooCommerce > Home > Add my products > Start with a template > Physical product
5. Observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_view` track with props `{ spotlight: yes, product_template: physical }`
6. Click on `x` button, observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_dismissed` with props `{ step_name: 'product-name' }`
7. Click on "Enable guided mode", observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_enable_button_click` track
8. Click on `Next`, observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_step_completed` with props `{ step_name: 'product-name', added_info: 'no' }`
9. Type in something to the product description and click on `Next`
10. Observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_step_completed` with props `{ step_name: 'product-description', added_info: 'yes' }`
11. Click on `Next` until finish
12. Observe `wcadmin_walkthrough_product_completed` track
**Scenario 5: Event should be fired when a user clicks the load sample products cancel button**
1. Go to Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments
2. Toggle woocommerce_products_task_layout_stacked to set you to the treatment group.
3. Go to Woocommerce > Home
4. Click "Add my products"
5. Enable track logging `localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' );` in your browser console
6. Click View more product types
7. Click Load Sample Products
8. Click Cancel button
9. It should record a `wcadmin_tasklist_cancel_load_sample_products_click` event
**Scenario 6: Event `wcadmin_product_add_publish` should send the props sent for the event `wcadmin_product_updates`**
1. Enter `localStorage.setItem( 'debug', '*' );` in your browser console to enable debug messages
2. Verify in your browser console that the following prop list is being sent correctly for the event wcadmin_product_update.
- description: Yes|No
- short_description: Yes|No
- product_image: Yes|No
- product_gallery: Int (count of images in the gallery)
- categories: Int (count of categories)
- tags: Int (count of tags)
- sale_price: Yes|No
- weight: Yes|No
- dimensions: Yes|No
- upsells: Yes|No
- cross-sells: Yes|No
- attributes: Int (count of attributes)
- purchase_note: Yes|No
- menu_order: Yes|No
- enable_reviews: Yes|No
4. Create a new product.
5. Go to WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs (URL wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status&tab=logs).
6. Select a tracks-* log from the dropdown.
7. Verify that the event wcadmin_product_add_publish is sending the props described in step 2 correctly.