Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 7.2 (markdown)

Jonathan Lane 2022-11-24 15:13:39 -08:00
parent a7bde76015
commit 8dc16203f5
1 changed files with 285 additions and 4 deletions

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Blocks 8.9.1 [Testing instructions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-b
4. From New shipping class modal form, add a new shipping class name then click Add button.
5. When the modal closed the new shipping class added should be shown as the selected value of the Shipping class dropdown.
### Replace the trash can icon in the attribute list [#35133](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35133)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Blocks 8.9.1 [Testing instructions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-b
6. You should be able to click + Add another which will add another row, you should be able to delete any of them except for the last one. So if you click + Add another you can remove the first row if you want.
7. Once you have added items you can click Add this should add it to the product list, any empty rows should be ignored, this includes rows with a selected attribute, but no terms selected.
### Move product action buttons to header menu [#35214](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35214)
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ This the behavior with the fix applied:
4. When editing that product and try to add a new shipping class the first time in the shipping class name and slug fields of the Shipping Class dialog should be filled with the name and slug of the first product category.
5. If you added that new shipping class with the prefilled category data and try to add a new shipping class again then no prefilled name and slug should happend anymore per product edition.
6. If you try to add a new shipping class with any of the previous added slugs you should see a snackbar error with this message: `We couldnt add this shipping class. Try again in a few seconds.`
### Disable product inventory toggle when inventory management is disabled [#35059](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35059)
@ -152,3 +152,284 @@ This the behavior with the fix applied:
1. Go to Add new product page
2. Product section title should says `Product details`
### Update font size and spacing in the tooltip component [#35265](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35265)
1. Go to Add new product page
2. Click the `?` icon on the right side of the checkbox `Feature this product`
3. The tooltip message should has `font-size: 13px` and `padding: 16px`
### Increase the spacing between the shipping box illustration and the dimensions fields [#35259](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35259)
1. Go to Add new product page
2. In Shipping class section, the space between dimensions and the image should be 40px
### Fix the display of letter descenders in the shipping class dropdown menu [#35258](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35258)
1. Go to Add new product page
2. The Shipping class dropdown should show the selected option correctly displayed with no visible glitches in all browsers.
### Add name to select control popover slots [#35353](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35353)
1. Make sure you have the `new-product-management-experience` feature flag enabled (you can do so using the latest version of the Beta tester within the mono repo).
2. Go to Products > Add new (MVP) and scroll down to the attributes section
3. Click Add first attribute and make sure the select control dropdown still shows correctly.
### Add product description title in old product editor [#35154](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35154)
1. Go to Products > Add New and notice how the long description is wrapped in a panel named Product Description
2. Do the same check for editing an existing product
3. Now download the Classic Editor plugin and edit an existing post or page and make sure they still look the same.
### Update shipping label banner add meta boxes function [#35212](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35212)
We should check if the banner still shows, it would look like this:
1. Make sure your store is in the USA and the currency is USD, if you click the Personalize your store task you can add sample products (which will include shippable products)
2. Create an order with a shippable product (ex: Hoodie)
3. The banner should show up if you are on the edit order page and these criteria are met:
- Jetpack is up to date and you are connected (this includes the user being connected)
- None of the UPS, Fedex, ShippingEasy, or ShipStation shipping plugins are installed
- Your store is in the USA and the currency is USD
- WooCommerce Shipping is not installed or it is installed but the Terms of Service hasn't been accepted (probably easier to just not have it installed)
### Add product management description [#34961](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34961)
1. Go to the new product management experience `Products -> Add new (MVP)`
2. And add some content to the description field (note there are still some odd quirks around block selection in the editor that are unrelated to this PR)
3. Save the content
4. Refresh and make sure it works as expected
5. Visit the old product edit page for the same product
6. Note that content works as expected
### Add inventory advanced section [#35164](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35164)
1. Enable/disable the stock management for products at `wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=products&section=inventory`
2. Under the product page (Products -> Add new (MVP)), click "Advanced" in the inventory section
3. Note that when stock management is enabled, the "out of stock" options exist
4. Note that in both cases, the limit 1 per purchase checkbox exists
### Fix up rich text editor initial selection and add blocks [#35286](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35286)
1. Navigate to the new product experience at Products-> Add new (MVP)
2. Note that the description editor has the toolbar buttons initially shown
3. Check that the toolbar is 40px in height
4. Note that the placeholder text is initially shown (`Describe this product...`)
5. Type `/` and insert an image or video block
6. Note that you an insert images via the media library
7. Insert a couple of blocks and hover between blocks to see that the block inserter (+ sign and blue line) is shown between blocks
### Add create attribute term modal [#35131](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35131)
1. Make sure you have the `new-product-management-experience` feature flag enabled (you can do so using the latest version of the Beta tester within the mono repo).
2. Go to Products > Add new (MVP) and fill out some of the initial details like name and price
3. Scroll down and click Add first attribute in the attributes section
4. Select one of the attributes
5. Search for a attribute term that doesn't exist yet
6. The 'Create "your new attribute term name"' should show as an option
7. Click that and another modal should show with the create fields.
8. Fill out all the fields and click Add this should create the attribute term and add it as a selected item within the terms field
9. With `localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' );` run prior, it should show that a `product_attribute_term_add` and `product_attribute_term_add_success` event has been fired.
10. Open the modal again and select cancel this shouldn't do anything.
11. A user should not be able to click add when the name is removed.
### Add filter hook handle_bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders [#35442](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35442)
> First, in case handy, here is a quick reminder on how to enable HPOS, etc 💡
- If necessary, start by running the WooCommerce ▸ Status ▸ Tools ▸ Create Custom Order Tables tool.
- Then, visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Features and enable High-Performance Order Storage.
- Next, head on over to WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Custom Data Stores and:
- Select Use the WordPress posts table.
- Select Keep the posts table and the orders tables synchronized.
1. Start by adding the following snippet to a suitable location, such as a wp-content/mu-plugin file (the goal of this snippet is to simulate how a 3PD might add a custom bulk action for orders):
$add_custom_bulk_action = function ( array $bulk_actions ) {
return array_merge( $bulk_actions, [ 'custom-bulk-action' => 'Perform Custom Action!' ] );
$custom_bulk_action_handler = function ( string $redirect_to, string $action, array $ids ) {
return $action === 'custom-bulk-action'
? add_query_arg( 'bulk_action', 'custom-bulk-action-notice', $redirect_to )
: $redirect_to;
$custom_bulk_action_notice = function () {
if ( isset( $_GET['bulk_action'] ) && 'custom-bulk-action-notice' === $_GET['bulk_action'] ) {
print '<div class="updated" style="border-left-color: #d7f"><p>Custom Bulk Action Handler Fired</p></div>';
add_filter( 'bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders', $add_custom_bulk_action );
add_filter( 'handle_bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders', $custom_bulk_action_handler, 10, 3 );
add_action( 'admin_notices', $custom_bulk_action_notice );
2. With HPOS enabled (and WooCommerce Orders Tables set as the authoritative data store for orders), visit the order list screen. You should see a new bulk action ("Perform Custom Action!"):
3. Check the boxes for one or more order rows, select the above bulk action, and click on the "Apply" button. Once the page finishes reloading, you should see an admin notice like the following one:
### Fix invalid wcadmin_install_plugin_error event props [#35411](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35411)
1. Install Code Snippets and woocommerce-beta-tester
2. Create a new snipeet with the following code
function pre_install_plugins( $value ) {
return array( 'invalid-plugin-slug' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_plugins_pre_install', 'pre_install_plugins', 999 );
3. Go to WooCommerce > Home
4. Go to marketing task
5. Click "Activate" button on Google Listings & Ads
6. Visit the WooCommerce->Status->Logs page wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status&tab=logs in a new tab
7. Select a tracks-* log from the dropdown
8. Search the wcadmin_install_plugin_error string
9. Observe that all event props are in snake_case like below:
2022-10-31T08:38:13+00:00 DEBUG wcadmin_install_plugin_error
2022-10-31T08:38:13+00:00 DEBUG - error_message: The requested plugin `invalid-plugin-slug` could not be installed. Plugin API call failed.
2022-10-31T08:38:13+00:00 DEBUG - api: Plugin not found.
2022-10-31T08:38:13+00:00 DEBUG - slug: invalid-plugin-slug
10. Update the snippets with the following code
function plugins_api_result( $res, $action, $args ) {
$res->download_link = 'invalid link';
return $res;
add_filter( 'plugins_api_result', 'plugins_api_result', 999, 3 );
11. Repeat 4~9 steps
12. Observe that all event props are in snake_case like below:
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG wcadmin_install_plugin_error
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - error_message: The requested plugin `google-listings-and-ads` could not be installed.
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - slug: google-listings-and-ads
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - api_version: 2.2.0
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - api_download_link: invalid link
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - upgrader_skin_message: Downloading installation package from invalid link…,Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.
2022-10-31T08:44:41+00:00 DEBUG - result:
### Product creation experience: shortcut to add variation price [#34948](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/34948)
1. Go to `Products` > `Add New`.
2. Add a product name and a description.
3. In the `Product data` section select `Variable product`.
4. Go to `Attributes` and create (or select) a product attribute to use for variations.
5. Go to `Variations` and add a few variations (don't modify them).
6. Press `Save changes`.
7. Verify that a warning is shown with the number of variations without price.
8. Press `Add price`. A modal like the one below will be visible.
9. Verify the currency matches the currency used on the site.
10. Add a text (not numbers) and verify that the validation fails. Add a number with multiple decimal points and verify that the error text says: `Please enter a value with one decimal point (%s) without thousand separators`.
11. After adding a valid number the button `OK` should be enabled.
12. Add a valid number and press `Add prices`.
13. Verify that the `Regular price` for every variation is set with the number added in the modal.
14. Verify that the accordion expands after pressing `Edit`.
15. Press `Save changes`. The warning should disappear.
16. Publish the product.
17. Add another variation. Press `Save changes`. The warning should be shown again.
18. Now add another value and verify that the new value has been added to the new variation without modifying the other variations' values.
Now create a new product but select `Variable subscription` instead of `Variable product` in step 3, and continue with the other steps.
### Admin redirects for HPOS URLs [#35463](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35463)
1. To test, you will first need to setup HPOS—making the custom order tables authoritative and enabling sync. You will also need a number of test orders to play with: if you don't have any existing order data, consider using a tool like [WC Smooth Generator](https://github.com/woocommerce/wc-smooth-generator) for that.
2. Next, visit WooCommerce ‣ Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Custom Data Stores and change the data store to the WordPress Posts Table.
3. Try accessing the HPOS order admin list table at `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders`: you should be redirected to the equivalent order post screen at `wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order`.
4. Repeat, but use a paged URL such as `wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order&paged=3`: you should be redirected to `/wp-admin/edit.php?paged=3&post_type=shop_order` (assuming you have at least 3 pages of order data).
5. Now try accessing the order editor via the HPOS new order screen at `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders&action=new`: you should be redirected to `/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=shop_order` (simulates manually creating a new order).
6. Try acessing the order editor for an existing order, using a URL like `https://wordpress.lab/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders&action=edit&id=123`: you should be redirected to `/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=123` (of course, change 123 to the ID of an actual existing order within your test site).
Now a more advanced test.
1. Return to WooCommerce ‣ Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Custom Data Stores and change the data store to the WooCommerce Orders Tables.
2. Visit the order admin list table at `/wc-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders` and select one or more orders, then perform a bulk action such as changing the order status to Completed.
- You will also need to use your browser's developer tools for this test (if you are using Firefox, I recommend the Network tab with Persist Logs enabled), or some equivalent tool, to capture the initial URL that is created when you do this.
- Typically, it will take the form `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders&_wpnonce=ABCDEF&_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fadmin.php%3Fpage%3Dwc-orders&action=mark_completed&order%5B%5D=1&order%5B%5D=2&action2=mark_completed` (but you may also see some extra query parameters in there).
3. Go back to WooCommerce ‣ Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Custom Data Stores and change the data store to the WordPress Posts Table.
4. Now try "re-playing" the URL you captured earlier, but change both instances of `mark_completed` to `mark_processing`. An appropriate redirect should take place and the bulk action should be processed, in this case resulting in the two orders being set back to "Processing".
### Libyan Dinar not formatted correctly [#35395](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35395)
1. Visit WooCommerce ‣ Settings ‣ General.
2. The symbol for Libyan Dinars (in the currency selector) should render as `د.ل` (previously, it was reversed).
3. If you select this currency and look at the storefront, you should see the same thing there.
### Adding attribute edit modal for products MVP [#35269](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35269)
1. Ensure you have at least 2 attributes with options configured.
2. Enable new products MVP feature flag
3. Go to new products MVP screen
4. Click the "add attribute button" at the bottom to open the add modal.
5. Add one of the attributes, as well as 1 or two of the associated options.
6. Click "Add" button, and ensure the attribute shows up in the attribute table.
7. Click "Edit" button on added attribute to open the edit modal.
8. Add another option to the attribute and click "update."
9. Ensure the UI on the attribute section has updated with that attribute.
10. Publish the product, but don't navigate away
11. Refresh the page, which should just load the same product.
12. Scroll to the bottom and ensure the updated options were persisted.
13. Add another attribute with the add modal, but don't publish the product.
14. Click "edit" on one of the attributes to open the edit modal.
15. Delete the name of the attribute in the top "attribute" field, and select the other from the drop-down.
16. It should switch the attribute field and auto populate the terms in the lower drop-down associated with this attribute.
17. Similarly, test delete attributes and checking both checkboxes, publish the product, and ensure the changes were persisted.
### Remove update store details note [#35322](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35322)
1. On a new site, do not complete the onboarding profiler and do not check the checkbox for "Setup for client" during onboarding
2. Install a plugin like [WP Crontrol](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crontrol/)
3. Under Tools -> Cron Events, run wc_admin_daily
4. Make sure the note with a title of "Edit your store details if you need to" has not been added
### Add summary field to new product experience [#35201](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35201)
1. Visit the new experience (Products-> Add new (MVP))
2. Add some content to the summary field
3. Publish the product
4. Make sure the data persists on refresh
### Revert change that auto collapses the short description field [#35213](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35213)
1. Go to Products > Add New or edit an existing product
2. Scroll down and check if the Product short description is expanded by default.
### Remove manage store activity from home screen note [#35320](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35320)
1. Install a plugin like [WP Crontrol](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crontrol/)
2. Under Tools -> Cron Events, run wc_admin_daily
3. Make sure the note with a title of "New! Manage your store activity from the Home screen" has not been added
### Remove the first downloadable product note [#35318](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/35318)
1. Create at least 1 downloadable product
2. Install a plugin like [WP Crontrol](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-crontrol/)
3. Under Tools -> Cron Events, run `wc_admin_daily`
4. Make sure the note with a title of "Learn more about digital/downloadable products" has not been added