diff --git a/Release-Testing-Instructions-WooCommerce-6.5.md b/Release-Testing-Instructions-WooCommerce-6.5.md
index 7b79dc5..b3012fd 100644
--- a/Release-Testing-Instructions-WooCommerce-6.5.md
+++ b/Release-Testing-Instructions-WooCommerce-6.5.md
@@ -273,3 +273,45 @@ We've been including WooCommerce Admin in WooCommerce since WooCommerce 4.0. We
3. On the `Home` screen press `Set up marketing tools`.
4. Install `Pinterest for WooCommerce`.
5. The setup task list should be shown normally (the already done tasks should be marked as completed).
+### Fix database errors after deleting WC Admin standalone plugin while WC 6.5 is active [#32869](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32869)
+1. Install and activate query monitor.
+1. Install and activate WooCommerce 6.4.1 and WooCommerce Admin 3.3.2.
+1. Upgrade WooCommerce to 6.5.
+1. Delete WooCommerce Admin 3.3.2 feature plugin.
+1. Verify that Query Monitor does not show any database errors.
+### Update path to email template for analytics report [#32838](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32838)
+1. Install the WP Mail Logging plugin.
+1. Install WooCommerce Smooth Generator.
+1. Using WooCommerce Smooth Generator, generate orders and products. For example:
+ ```
+ wp wc generate orders 100 --date-start=2022-01-01
+ wp wc generate products 100
+ ```
+1. Wait for the Scheduled actions to run.
+1. Go to Analytics > Revenue.
+1. Set the date range to "Year to date".
+1. Click on the "Download" icon in the "Revenue" table.
+1. Go to Tools > WP Mail Log
+1. View the Revenue report email.
+1. See that the email template is rendered with a link to download the report.
+1. Repeat test for `Analytics > Categories` and `Analytics > Stock`.
+### Fix WCA fatal with bail conditions for WCA execution paths [#32814](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/32814)
+#### Testing on existing activated plugin
+1. In a JN, install the latest stable WooCommerce
+4. Install and activate WooCommerce Admin
+5. Build the plugin in your local and upload it to the JN instance
+6. Observe no fatal error
+#### Testing new activation
+1. Install and activate WooCommerce Admin
+2. Observe no fatal error and a notice appears after the plugin is deactivated