Updated Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.1 (markdown)

Greg 2021-12-17 13:37:58 -07:00
parent 1474e72ffa
commit d0230b5853
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

@ -6,6 +6,67 @@ WooCommerce 6.1 includes:
## WooCommerce Admin Updates:
**Smoke testing**
1. Make sure the task lists and all tasks are returned as expected
2. Go to Products->Help (tab)->Setup Wizard
3. Attempt to Disable/Enable the task lists and make sure these actions work as expected
4. Smoke test the task list, viewing, snoozing, dismissing, and undoing those actions
### Inbox - Read notes
1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
2. Interact with a note by clicking on its title or action buttons.
3. Return to the WooCommerce home screen
4. See that the note is in a read state, with duller appearance.
### Inbox - Dismiss single note
1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
2. Dismiss a single note using the "Dismiss" button when hovering over a note.
3. See the "Message dismissed" notification.
4. Click "Undo" on the notification.
5. See the note returns to inbox.
6. Dismiss the note again.
7. Re-load the WooCommerce home screen.
8. See that the note no longer appears.
### Inbox - Activity menu
1. Go to WooCommerce products screen
2. On Menu bar, see that "Activity" menu item exists in top right corner.
3. Click "Activity" menu item.
4. See notes appear in panel.
### Inbox - Dismiss all notes
1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
2. On "Inbox" heading panel, click kebab menu (3 dots).
3. Click "Dismiss all".
4. On confirmation dialog, press "Cancel" button.
5. See that notes still remain.
6. Dismall all notes again and press "Yes, dismiss all" on confirmation dialog.
7. See that all notes are removed.
### Onboarding Workflow - Add number of employees field
1. Go to step 4 of the OBW (Business details).
2. Under `Currently selling elsewhere?` select any option other than "No".
3. A drop-down list with the following options should be visible:
It's just me
I'd rather not say
4. Select one of those options and fill out the rest of the options.
5. Open the browser devtools, go to the `Console` and enable the debug messages. You can do this by running `localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' );` in the `Console` and looking for the verbose console messages.
6. Verify that the event `wcadmin_storeprofiler_store_business_details_continue_variant` is recorded with the prop `number_employees` after pressing `Continue`.
## WooCommerce Blocks Updates:
### Blocks 6.4.0