# Please maintain alphabetical order en: buttons: abandon: "Abandon this hydrant" adopt: "Adopt!" back: "Back" change_password: "Change my password" edit_profile: "Edit profile" email_password: "Email me my password" find: "Find fire hydrants" send_reminder: "Send reminder to shovel" sign_in: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out" sign_up: "Sign up" steal: "Steal this hydrant" update: "Update" captions: password: "(leave blank if you don't want to change it)" password_current: "(we need your current password to confirm your changes)" private: "(private)" public: "(may be visible to other users)" defaults: city: "Boston, MA" hydrant_name: "This hydrant" tagline: "Claim responsibility for shoveling out a fire hydrant after it snows." tos: "By signing up, you agree to the %{tos}." labels: address: "Address, Neighborhood" city_state: "City" email: "Email address" name: "Name" name_hydrant: "Give this hydrant a name" organization: "Organization" password: "Password" password_choose: "Choose a password" password_current: "Current password" password_new: "New password" remember_me: "Stay signed in" sms_number: "Mobile phone number" user_existing: "I've already signed up" user_new: "I haven't signed up yet" voice_number: "Home phone number" links: feedback: "Feedback" forgot_password: "Forgot your password?" remembered_password: "Never mind. I remembered my password." titles: adopt: "Adopt this Hydrant" adopted: "%{hydrant_name} has been adopted by %{name}" edit_profile: "Edit your Profile" main: "Adopt a Hydrant" thank_you: "Thank you for adopting this hydrant!" tos: "Terms of Service" sponsors: cfa: "Code for America" city: "City of Boston"