= form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => registration_path(resource_name), :html => {:id => "edit_form", :method => :put} do |f| %h2 Edit your Profile = f.hidden_field "id" = f.label "email", "Email address", :id => "user_email_label" = f.text_field "email", :tabindex => 1 = f.label "name", "Name", :id => "user_name_label" = f.text_field "name", :tabindex => 2 = f.label "organization", "Organization", :id => "user_organization_label" = f.text_field "organization", :tabindex => 3 = f.label "voice_number", "Phone number", :id => "user_voice_number_label" = f.text_field "voice_number", :tabindex => 4 = f.label "sms_number", "SMS number", :id => "user_sms_number_label" = f.text_field "sms_number", :tabindex => 5 = f.label "password", "New password", :id => "user_password_label" %em (leave blank if you don't want to change it) = f.password_field "password", :tabindex => 6 = f.label "current_password", "Current password", :id => "user_current_password_label" %em (we need your current password to confirm your changes) = f.password_field "current_password", :tabindex => 7 = f.submit "Update", :tabindex => 8 = render :partial => 'hydrants/back'