Adopt this Hydrant

<%= form_tag "#", :method => "GET", :class => "combo_form" do %>
<%= label_tag "email", "Email address", :class => "email_label" %> <%= text_field_tag "email", nil, :tabindex => 1, :class => "email" %> <%= label_tag "account_new" , radio_button_tag("account", "new", true, :tabindex => 2).html_safe + "I haven\\'t signed up yet" %>
<%= label_tag "account_existing", radio_button_tag("account", "existing").html_safe + "I already signed up" %>
<%= label_tag "name", "Name", :class => "name_label" %> <%= text_field_tag "name", nil, :tabindex => 3, :class => "name" %> <%= label_tag "organization", "Organization", :class => "organization_label" %> <%= text_field_tag "organization", nil, :tabindex => 4, :class => "organization" %> <%= label_tag "voice_number", "Phone number", :class => "voice_number_label" %> <%= text_field_tag "voice_number", nil, :tabindex => 5, :class => "voice_number" %> <%= label_tag "sms_number", "SMS number", :class => "sms_number_label" %> <%= text_field_tag "sms_number", nil, :tabindex => 6, :class => "sms_number" %> <%= label_tag "choose_password", "Choose a password", :class => "choose_password_label" %> <%= password_field_tag "choose_password", nil, :tabindex => 7, :class => "choose_password" %> <%= submit_tag "Sign up", :tabindex => 8 %>

By signing up you accept the <%= link_to "Terms of Service", "#", :tabindex => 9 %>.

<% end %>