insert cemeteries set id=1,name='White Oak'; insert cemeteries set id=2,name='Rose Hill'; insert deeds (id,section,lot,lastname1,firstname1,middleInitial1, lastname2,firstname2,middleInitial2,issueDate,notes,lot2,cemetery_id) select r.ID,r.SEC,r.LOT,r.LNAME1,r.FNAME1,r.MI1, r.LNAME2,r.FNAME2,r.MI2,r.DATE_ISSUE,r.NOTES,r.lot2, from rosehill.DEED r left join cemeteries c on r.whiteoak=substr(,1,1); update rosehill.ROSEHILL set WHITEOAK='R' where WHITEOAK is null; insert interments(id,section,lot,book,pageNumber,deceasedDate, lastname,firstname,middleInitial, birthPlace,lastResidence,age,sex,cemetery_id,notes,lot2) select r.ID,r.SEC,r.LOT,r.BOOK,r.PAGENUM,r.DEATH, r.LNAME,r.FNAME,r.MI, r.POB,r.LATE_RES,r.AGE,r.SEX,,r.NOTES,r.lot2 from rosehill.ROSEHILL r left join cemeteries c on r.whiteoak=substr(,1,1); -- Migrate the interment sections into a section_id foreign key'd to a sections table -- A little bit of cleanup on the data update interments set section='P.G.' where section='P.G'; update interments set section=null where section='0'; insert sections (code,cemetery_id) select distinct section,1 from interments where cemetery_id=1 and section is not null; insert sections (code,cemetery_id) select distinct section,2 from interments where cemetery_id=2 and section is not null; alter table interments add section_id int unsigned after section; alter table interments add foreign key (section_id) references sections(id); update interments,sections set where interments.section=sections.code and interments.cemetery_id=sections.cemetery_id; alter table interments drop section; -- Migrate the deeds sections into a section_id foreign key'd to a sections table update deeds set section='A' where section='A MA'; update deeds set section='R.H.' where section='R.H'; update deeds set cemetery_id=2 where section='R.H.'; -- R.H. is not a section. It was the way people were marking the Cemetery to be RoseHill -- In these cases, the lot field has the actual section code update interments set section_id=33,lot=null where section_id=39; delete from sections where id=39; -- A case where people put the lot number in the section field update interments set section_id=34,lot=49,cemetery_id=2 where section_id=45; delete from sections where id=45;