<?php /** * Helper class for URL handling. Parses URLs and allows adding parameters from variables. * * $url = new URL('/path/to/webpage.php?initialParameter=whatever'); * $url->parameters['somevar'] = $somevar; * $url->somevar = $somevar; * echo $url->getURL(); * * @copyright 2006-2009 City of Bloomington, Indiana. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt GNU/AGPL, see LICENSE.txt * @author Cliff Ingham <inghamn@bloomington.in.gov> */ class URL { private $scheme; private $host; private $path; private $anchor; public $parameters = array(); public function __construct($script) { $script = urldecode($script); // If scheme wasn't provided add one to the start of the string if (!preg_match('|://|',$script)) { $scheme = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443 ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $script = $scheme.$script; } $url = parse_url($script); $this->scheme = $url['scheme']; $this->host = $url['host']; $this->path = $url['path']; if (isset($url['fragment'])) { $this->anchor = $url['fragment']; } if (isset($url['query'])) { parse_str($url['query'],$this->parameters); } } /** * Returns just the base portion of the url * @return string */ public function getScript() { return $this->scheme.'://'.$this->host.$this->path; } /** * Returns the full, properly formatted and escaped URL * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->getURL(); } /** * Returns the full, properly formatted and escaped URL * * @return string */ public function getURL() { $url = $this->getScript(); if (count($this->parameters)) { $url.= '?'.http_build_query($this->parameters,''); } if ($this->anchor) { $url.= '#'.$this->anchor; } return $url; } /** * Returns just the protocol (http://, https://) portion * @return string */ public function getScheme() { if (!$this->scheme) { $this->scheme = 'http://'; } return $this->scheme; } /** * Sets the protocol for the URL (http, https) * @param string $protocol */ public function setScheme($string) { if (!preg_match('|://|',$string)) { $string .= '://'; } $this->scheme = $string; } /** * Cleans out any query parameters that had empty values */ public function purgeEmptyParameters() { $this->parameters = $this->array_filter_recursive($this->parameters); } private function array_filter_recursive(array $input) { foreach ($input as &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = $this->array_filter_recursive($value); } } return array_filter($input); } /** * @param string $key * @return string */ public function __get($key) { if (isset($this->parameters[$key])) { return $this->parameters[$key]; } } /** * @param string $key * @param string $value */ public function __set($key,$value) { $this->parameters[$key] = $value; } /** * @param string $key * @return boolean */ public function __isset($key) { return isset($this->parameters[$key]); } /** * @param string $key */ public function __unset($key) { unset($this->parameters[$key]); } }