<?php /** * Replace this copyright statement with your own. All the generated code * will include this copyright statement */ define('COPYRIGHT',"/** * @copyright 2007-2009 City of Bloomington, Indiana * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt * @author Cliff Ingham <inghamn@bloomington.in.gov> */"); /** * Used to keep sessions on the same webserver seperate; */ define('APPLICATION_NAME','application_name'); /** * Where on the filesystem this application is installed */ define('APPLICATION_HOME','/var/www/sites/application_name'); /** * Where on the filesystem the framework is installed. */ define('FRAMEWORK',APPLICATION_HOME.'/libraries/framework'); /** * This needs to point to the library directory inside your * installation of the ZendFramework * http://framework.zend.com */ define('ZEND',APPLICATION_HOME.'/libraries/ZendFramework/library'); ini_set('include_path','.'.PATH_SEPARATOR.ZEND); require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php'; Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); /** * The URL to get to this site * Do NOT use a trailing slash */ define('BASE_URL','http://localhost'); /** * Used when there's an error on the site. The Framework will * print out a nice error message, encouraging users to report any problems * See: FRAMEWORK/ITSFunctions.inc * * This is also the default Admin user information that gets added to the database */ define('ADMINISTRATOR_NAME','Site Admin'); define('ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL','admin@servername.com'); /** * Set how we want to handle errors * PHP_DEFAULT - do whatever's configured in php.ini * * If you do not define error handling to PHP_DEFAULT * the custom error handlers kick in. All of the custom error display * frunctions are in FRAMEWORK/globalFunctions.inc. The custom error * function decide what to do based on $ERROR_REPORING array values * * PRETTY_PRINT - Display a message in the browser * EMAIL_ADMIN - email the Administrator * EMAIL_USER - email the logged in user * SKIDDER - post errors to a Skidder server (see config below) */ define('ERROR_REPORTING','PHP_DEFAULT'); //define('ERROR_REPORTING','CUSTOM'); //$ERROR_REPORTING = array('PRETTY_PRINT','SKIDDER'); /** * Skidder is a web service for error notifications. Error reporting supports * posting errors to a Skidder server. You must register for an application_id * on the skidder server you want to post errors to. */ //define('SKIDDER_URL','http://localhost/skidder/home.php'); //define('SKIDDER_APPLICATION_ID',); /** * Database Setup * Refer to the PDO documentation for DSN sytnax for your database type * http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.drivers.php */ define('DB_ADAPTER','Pdo_Mysql'); define('DB_HOST','localhost'); define('DB_NAME',APPLICATION_NAME); define('DB_USER',APPLICATION_NAME); define('DB_PASS','password'); /** * LDAP Configuration * This is required in order to use the LDAP authentication * If you do not want to use LDAP authentication, you can comment this out */ define('LDAP_DOMAIN','ldap.domain.somewhere'); define('LDAP_DN','ou=people,o='.LDAP_DOMAIN); define('LDAP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE','uid'); define('LDAP_ADMIN_USER','username'); define('LDAP_ADMIN_PASS','password'); define('LDAP_SERVER','ldap.somewhere.com'); define('LDAP_PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE','userpassword'); /** * Import global functions that we use for many applications we write */ include FRAMEWORK.'/globalFunctions.php'; spl_autoload_register('autoload'); /** * Session Startup * Don't start a session for CLI usage. * We only want sessions when PHP code is executed from the webserver */ if (!defined('STDIN')) { ini_set('session.save_path',APPLICATION_HOME.'/data/sessions'); session_start(); } /** * Load the Zend_Acl * Access control is going to handled using the Zend_Acl * We only need to load it, if someone is logged in */ if (isset($_SESSION['USER'])) { include APPLICATION_HOME.'/access_control.inc'; }