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This scaffolding is really just a template for our web
applications. It provides us the basics to get a web application up
and running very quickly. It also means our applications will be
relatively uniform and easier to extend and maintain down the road.
While not fully MVC, it has borrowed ideas from Rails
and Struts. It has developed over time, and will continue to develop
as we come across better solutions to problems run into while creating
new applications.
This scaffolding is written and copyrighted by the
City of Bloomington, IN. It is being released as free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This scaffolding includes code generators to create classes to
work with your database. While the generators fall under the GPL,
any code you generate with them belongs to you. However, we highly
encourage you to uphold the values of Free Software and release your
application as Free Software as well.
In any case, you own the copyright to any generated code and should
edit the copyright statement in the configuration. This will be the
copyright statement that will be included in all generated code.
This scaffolding requires our framework to be on the server somewhere.
It ships with a working version of framework installed in /libraries.
In the configuration, you can point the application to another copy
of the framework, if you like. If you make changes to the code in
the /libraries/framework, you might consider sending those changes
back to us, so we can improve this scaffolding.
Database interaction for this application is done using Zend_Db. You must
have downloaded a copy of the ZendFramework for this to work. In the
configuration, you will point the application to wherever you've installed
your copy of the ZendFramework. The ZendFramework is available under a
BSD license at:
This application was written assuming you have control over your own web
server. If you are on a hosted system, you may need to make changes to
the code to accomodate your server.
All webserver instructions assume the Apache webserver. It is certainly
possible to set this using a different web server. However, we don't have
any experience with other webservers and cannot provide information on
their configuration.
All include files have been kept out of the web directory, and a configuration
file has been included. You will need to make sure that every .php script
in the HTML directory includes If you control your own
webserver, you can add a <Directory> command to your httpd.conf.
PHP must be compiled with support for:
Actually, you can substitute any database support for MySQL, as our
framework uses PDO for database interaction. However, the initial SQL
schema provided is specific to MySQL. The schema would need to be modified
for other databases.
MySQL should have support for InnoDB. Foreign keys are written into
the database load scripts. While MyISAM tables will just ignore them,
you database and your application will be that much more robust with InnoDB
LDAP is only used for doing LDAP authentication for users.
If you're not going to do any LDAP authentication, you can delete or
comment out the LDAP stuff.
This scaffolding is essentially a working web application that is
ready to be extended. It has authentication and user management
already built.
The best way is to have PHP auto_prepend the
If this is the only web application on your apache server, you can just point
your apache's web directory to the html directory inside the application and
edit the auto_prepend in your php.ini file.
For us, we're running multiple applications, and have a seperate entry in
our Apache config for each one. This does essentially the same thing.
Add to httpd.conf:
Alias /application_name "/path/to/application_name/html"
<Directory "/path/to/application_name/html">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
php_value auto_prepend_file /path/to/application_name/
If you're running in a shared hosting environment, you cannot do Alias or
Directory commands. However the html can be moved into your web directory.
To make sure the configuration file gets loaded, create an htaccess file in
this application's html directory with the php_value line from above.
If you cannot edit your httpd.conf or use htaccess files, you will need to
add an include() command to the top of every last PHP script in the html directory.
Edit with appropriate values for your installation.