# Import the required modules import os from PIL import Image # Define the input value unit_type = input("Enter the unit type:Troop, Pack, or Crew") unit_number = input("Enter your unit number") # Create an empty list to store the images images = [] # Loop through each digit in the input value # TO-DO: Move the pack images into folder Pack, and get similar images for Troop/Crew and put them in their respective folders. # Then, have the program open folder (unit_type) and find (unit_number.jpg) for digit in str(unit_number): # Load the image from the file image = Image.open(f"{digit}.jpg") # Add the image to the list images.append(image) # Create a new image that is the width of all the images combined result_image = Image.new("RGB", (sum([img.width for img in images]), images[0].height)) # Paste the images into the new image, one after the other x_offset = 0 for img in images: result_image.paste(img, (x_offset, 0)) x_offset += img.width # Save the final result result_image.save(f"{unit_type} {unit_number}.jpg")