canvas-character-sheet/Characters/Diero Falone/Character Assessment - Dier...

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2022-12-27 04:36:44 +00:00
cssclass: tilingpaper assessment
**Visibly pained soul**
Those who look into your eyes can see that you have faced unimaginable horror and that you are no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear you, commoners will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost to help you.
### **Proficiencies**
\- Light Armour
\- Simple Weapons
\- Alchemists Supplies
### **Languages**
\- Common
\- Undercommon
\- Abyssal
### **Personality**
\- Tends to act rashly without clearly thinking through a situation when feeling unsafe.
\- Has learned to make use of natural charisma and tiefling powers to establish a dominant presence when interacting with others
### **Ideals**
\- Values loyalty to family and friends above all else - can take a while to trust new people, but will never betray that trust.
### **Bonds**
\- Craves power for the purpose of seeking revenge on the orcs who destroyed his home.
### **Flaws**
\- Is suspicious of strangers, and in particular approaches orcs with a mixture of hatred and fear. This can cause me to react unpredictably in the presence of any orc.
### **Backstory**
Diero spent his youth in the Turmish city of Shaus. Despite his appearance, he was accepted in Turmish society and never questioned his place in life until his home city was destroyed, and his family and friends massacred by orcs when he was 15 years old. Diero fled Turmish with nothing but the clothes on his back, and a deeply rooted hatred of orcs. He quickly discovered that most of the world treats tieflings with suspicion and fear, and he learned to hide his skin and face. Since then he has been travelling Toril learning what he can to develop his skills in combat. One day he vows to return to the Orsraun Mountains to seek vengeance on the orcs who devastated his home. In his travels, Diero heard tales of an ancient deity known as Tharizdun. By studying ancient manuscripts, Diero found he was able to draw magical power from some connection with this deity, and he wants to learn as much as he can about this mysterious affinity.