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2023-03-20 10:17:25 +00:00
export const en = {
title0: 'Selected Language',
subtitle0: 'English',
'Select any language of your choice to change the content of the app to your required language.',
title1: 'Tasty',
subtitle1: 'BreakFast',
'Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life.',
title2: 'Refreshing',
subtitle2: 'Drinks',
'True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.',
title3: 'Delicous',
subtitle3: 'Icecream',
'Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone',
getStarted: 'Get Started!',
welcome: 'Welcome',
loginBtn: 'Login',
registerBtn: 'Register',
name: 'Name',
phone: 'Phone',
email: 'Email',
emailphone: 'Email or Phone',
username: 'Username',
password: 'Password',
deliveryAddress: 'Delivery Address',
registerText: 'Or Register With',
forgotPassword: 'Forgot Password?',
loginText: 'Or Login With',
'Turn on location so we could send you endless taste of delicious food.',
locationBtn: 'Turn on Location',
locationPermissionDenied: 'Permission to access location was denied',
cameraRollPermissionDenied: 'Permission to access Camera Roll was denied',
locationOff: 'Turn on location and try again',
titleLanguage: 'Change Language',
titleMenu: 'Menu',
titleOrders: 'My Orders',
NewOrders: 'New Orders',
titleNotifications: 'Notifications',
titleReviews: 'Reviews',
titleSettings: 'Settings',
titleHelp: 'Help',
titleLogout: 'Logout',
titleCart: 'My Cart',
titlePayment: 'Payment',
orderId: 'Order ID',
totalOrderAmount: 'Total Order Amount',
reOrder: 'Reorder',
unReadNotifications: 'No unread notifications',
upload: 'Upload',
saveBtn: 'Save',
emailUs: 'Email us at',
question1: 'Where do we find the food?',
question2: 'How do we contact?',
question3: 'How can I pay the delivery person?',
question4: 'Is the service available in my city?',
'You can find the food at your nearest store without paying anything to customer service.Our charges are extremely low as compared to others.',
answer2: 'You can contact us through our email, phone number or our website.',
'You can pay the delivery person in person or pay online as well through credit or debit card.',
'Currently this service is available in cities Islamabad and Karachi you can contact us to avail this service in your city.',
add: 'ADD',
quantity: 'Quantity',
size: 'Size',
addToCart: 'Add to Cart',
orderNow: 'Order Now',
addToCartMessage: 'Added to cart',
emptyCart: 'No',
itemTotal: 'Item Total',
delvieryCharges: 'Delivery Charges',
total: 'Total',
contactInfo: 'Contact Info',
deliveryAddressmessage: 'Set delivery address',
proceedCheckout: 'Proceed to Checkout',
paymentText: 'How do you wish to pay?',
checkout: 'Checkout',
header_title1: 'Credit Card/Debit Card',
header_subscript1: 'Pay with Credit or Debit Card',
header_title2: 'PayPal',
header_subscript2: 'Pay online with PayPal',
header_title3: 'Cash on delivery',
header_subscript3: 'Pay when you recieve the item',
thankYou: 'Thank You!',
orderConfirmed: 'Your Order is confirmed',
orderAmount: 'Your Order Amount',
orderDetail: 'Order Detail',
paymentMethod: 'Payment Method',
trackOrder: 'Track Order',
backToMenu: 'Back To Menu',
foodItem: 'Food item',
deliveredTo: 'Delivered to',
writeAReview: 'Write a Review',
orderReceived: 'Order Received',
cancelled: 'Cancelled',
foodPreparing: 'Food is being prepared',
delivered: 'Delivered',
rateAndReview: 'Rate and Review',
reviewPlaceholder: 'More detailed reviews get more visibility...',
submit: 'Submit',
noWorriesText: 'No worries, let us help you out!',
yourEmail: 'Your Email',
send: 'Send',
apply: 'Apply',
checkEmail: 'Check your email for reset password link',
languageText: 'Please select your required language',
countryCodePickerTranslation: 'eng',
countryCodeSelect: 'Select Country Code',
paymentNotSupported: 'This payment method does not support this Currency',
Orders: 'Orders',
deliveryTime: 'Delivery Time',
myOrders: 'My Orders',
newOrders: 'New Orders',
titleChat: 'Chat'