export const en = { title0: "Selected Language", subtitle0: "English", description0: "Select any language of your choice to change the content of the app to your required language.", title1: "Tasty", subtitle1: "BreakFast", description1: "Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life.", title2: "Refreshing", subtitle2: "Drinks", description2: "True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.", title3: "Delicous", subtitle3: "Icecream", description3: "Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone", getStarted: "Get Started!", welcome: "Welcome", loginBtn: "Login", registerBtn: "Register", name: "Name", phone: "Phone", email: "Email", emailphone: "Email or Phone", username: "Username", password: "Password", deliveryAddress: "Delivery Address", registerText: "Or Register With", forgotPassword: "Forgot Password?", loginText: "Or Login With", deliveryLocation: "Turn on location so we could send you endless taste of delicious food.", locationBtn: "Turn on Location", locationPermissionDenied: "Permission to access location was denied", cameraRollPermissionDenied: "Permission to access Camera Roll was denied", locationOff: "Turn on location and try again", titleLanguage: "Change Language", titleMenu: "Menu", titleOrders: "My Orders", NewOrders: "New Orders", titleNotifications: "Notifications", titleReviews: "Reviews", titleSettings: "Settings", titleHelp: "Help", titleLogout: "Logout", titleCart: "My Cart", titlePayment: "Payment", orderId: "Order ID", totalOrderAmount: "Total Order Amount", reOrder: "Reorder", unReadNotifications: "No unread notifications", upload: "Upload", saveBtn: "Save", emailUs: "Email us at", question1: "Where do we find the food?", question2: "How do we contact?", question3: "How can I pay the delivery person?", question4: "Is the service available in my city?", answer1: "You can find the food at your nearest store without paying anything to customer service.Our charges are extremely low as compared to others.", answer2: "You can contact us through our email, phone number or our website.", answer3: "You can pay the delivery person in person or pay online as well through credit or debit card.", answer4: "Currently this service is available in cities Islamabad and Karachi you can contact us to avail this service in your city.", add: "ADD", quantity: "Quantity", size: "Size", addToCart: "Add to Cart", orderNow: "Order Now", addToCartMessage: "Added to cart", emptyCart: "No items in cart", itemTotal: "Item Total", delvieryCharges: "Delivery Charges", total: "Total", contactInfo: "Contact Info", deliveryAddressmessage: "Set delivery address", proceedCheckout: "Proceed to Checkout", paymentText: "How do you wish to pay?", checkout: "Checkout", header_title1: "Credit Card/Debit Card", header_subscript1: "Pay with Credit or Debit Card", header_title2: "PayPal", header_subscript2: "Pay online with PayPal", header_title3: "Cash on delivery", header_subscript3: "Pay when you recieve the item", thankYou: "Thank You!", orderConfirmed: "Your Order is confirmed", orderAmount: "Your Order Amount", orderDetail: "Order Detail", paymentMethod: "Payment Method", trackOrder: "Track Order", backToMenu: "Back To Menu", foodItem: "Food item", deliveredTo: "Delivered to", writeAReview: "Write a Review", orderReceived: "Order Received", cancelled: "Cancelled", foodPreparing: "Food is being prepared", Delivered: "Delivered", rateAndReview: "Rate and Review", reviewPlaceholder: "More detailed reviews get more visibility...", submit: "Submit", noWorriesText: "No worries, let us help you out!", yourEmail: "Your Email", send: "Send", apply: "Apply", checkEmail: "Check your email for reset password link", languageText: "Please select your required language", countryCodePickerTranslation: "eng", countryCodeSelect: "Select Country Code", paymentNotSupported: "This payment method does not support this Currency", Orders: "Orders", deliveryTime: "Delivery Time", myOrders: "My Orders", newOrders: "New Orders", titleChat: "Chat", NoNewOrder: "No New Order", Somethingisworng: "Something is worng", PENDING: "PENDING", ACCEPTED: "ACCEPTED", PICKED: "PICKED", DELIVERED: "DELIVERED", COMPLETED: "COMPLETED", YourOrderID: "Your Order ID", ProductPage: "Product Page", Docs: "Docs", Blog: "Blog", AboutUs: "About Us", Done: "Done", Cancel: "Cancel", Usernameisrequired: "Username is required", Passwordisrequired: "Password is required", Loggedin: "Logged in", EnteryourEmailandPassword: "Enter your Email and Password", EmailorPhone: "Email or Phone", Password: "Password", NoOrdersAssignedyet: "No Orders Assigned yet", Loadingorders: "Loading orders", Orderassginedtootherrider: "Order assgined to other rider", CustomerDetails: "Customer Details", Contact: "Contact", DelvieryLocation: "Delivery Location", OrderDetails: "Order Details", Subtotal: "Subtotal", Assigntome: "Assign to me", "About Us": "About Us", "Product Page": "Product Page", Order: "Order", OrderMarkedAs: "Order marked as", titleLogin: "Login", Picked: "Picked", };